What to do with is gun? (Broomhandle Carbine)

Aug 28, 2005
My house and gun shop in NH
Feedback: 42 / 0 / 0
This gun is sitting at my shop and I'm trying to figure out what I want to do with it. It is a Navy Arm recreation of the Broomhandle Carbine in 7.63. I bought to because I liked it and was going to keep it for myself, but it is irrtating me. I took it out and shot it and had no problems with it, but the hammer did come back and bite me in the thumb. When I got home to clean it, I can't get it apart ( I know how to take apart Broomhandles), it's like the guts are stuck in there. I don't want to start using hammers and things of that type, because it might damage the gun. Has anyone had this problem with Broomhandles? I like the gun ( I like stuff that is diffrent) but I would like to be able to take it apart to clean it. Maybe I should put it away for awile and come back to it later. Just trying to see what you all do in this situation (you like a gun but it irrates you). I know if I sell it I probably won't see one for a long time, but there are plenty of other guns out there that I want (my tastes seem to getting higher and higher).



I have the same "bite" problem with my Broomhandle pistol when I shoot it with the stock attached. You have to grip the stock with your thumb along side it rather than over the top of it.

As far as taking it apart...

Remove the floor plate, mag spring, and follower, then spray some CLP inside it and jack the barrel/slide back and forth a few times. My pistol is tight and it won't come apart unless the barrel/slide is all the way forward.
Send me your email or phone number Threw PM I can help you with your problem.
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