What should I get in Maine?

In non ban states there were old bins of old shit glock and beretta mags, from trade ins or whatever, that sat for years because no one local in their right mind would buy them for 10 dollars.
I wouldn't even buy them.....I'd rather carry a 10 round crip than use some beat to shit old hicap, thats gonna split down the middle.

That is....they were cheap.........Until Reptile started buying them up and posting them for one billion dollars each.
He had to match the prices to his lowers. 😂
Obligatory Maine Joke

Me: “I had a hot girlfriend in Maine.”
My Friend: “Bangor?”
Me: “Naw, I never banged her. She was saving herself for marriage.”
My uncle got crabs in Maine. [rofl]

I heard of this great bar out in paper country. You go in and they give you free drinks. If you're hungry, they get the kitchen to cook whatever you want. And whenever you feel like it, you can go in back and get screwed. It's all free. FREE! Them backwoods Mainers are right friendly. Don't believe me? Well it's true. My sister's been there 3-4 times now.
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