Ukrainian Councilman Pulls Pins on 3 Grenades, Drops Them on Colleagues When He’s Ignored at Meeting

based on comments - i am kinda more on his side, as he came to that council in the pursuit of social assistance to wounded veterans and himself, with council in their best soviet way to ignore him and sent him away. so he did what he did.
but, to be honest, more of on neither side, as it is just as barbaric as everything else down there. X post says just to wait for thousands of drone operator bombers to come home, to deal with those who sent them up there, also true.
Hopefully it will start a trend here.

Grenade range in the Army was the moment that all my childhood dreams died. Watching them explode without fireballs, mushroom clouds or concussions that knocked you down from hundreds of yards away just made me sad and bitter. I was 17 and never recovered. I've been bitter ever since.
Pretty weak grenades.
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