Trapping -- is this legal in MA?

Yes, these are legal. Good luck catching anything other than possums and raccoons though...

or Otters, fisher cats, and foxs. If you can't catch otters, fisher cats, or foxs in cage traps, you should do some more research.
I'm not sure that most people read the description.....
I don't think they did either.

What Damage does Godzilla do?
Godzilla will wipe out small to medium sized cities. This includes any cities with large Asian populations.

What bait should I use for Godzilla?
Any buildings, but Godzilla preferes any moving objects, above ground trains are a favorite.

Where should I place Godzilla traps?
Godzilla traps are best placed in coastal cities, near large buildings. 78 people required to set trap spring. Shipping not included on this item.

Godzilla Traps

All traps are made of Galfan™ steel as opposed to common galvanized steel for a higher salt water corrosion resistance when relocating Godzilla to a empty island. Our Godzilla Traps are made with a heavy-duty reinforced spring-loaded door, to provide maximum performance and superior fictional monster retention. We include a Godzilla safe humane rear release door to make sure Godzilla is not harmed when relocated. This trap is delivered by barge only.
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