This online Form 1 GTG?

Has anyone printed and submitted this online version?

Yes its fine, just remember its a double sided form (so print it that way, ie submit 2 double sided pages, not 4 single sided pages, and don't forget all the other needed stuff[cert of compliance, print cards, etc])

Not to sound like a grumpy old man, but why would you think an ATF form on the ATF web site would not be OK to submit to the ATF???

I have just seen a bunch of "I just requested a Form 1 from ATF and waiting for it in mail" posts. Thus I figured that maybe the online version wasn't GTG.

Good info on the printing directions.
Don't know if it's mentioned on the form or in the instructions but make sure you send two identical copies, both signed in ink. Had a slight delay on one of mine because I forgot and only sent a single copy.
I received my Form 1 package in 4 days. It comes with the 2x fingerprint cards you need, too, so if you're going to print it out online make sure the police can supply you with the fingerprint cards before you send it off to the ATF.
I received my Form 1 package in 4 days. It comes with the 2x fingerprint cards you need, too, so if you're going to print it out online make sure the police can supply you with the fingerprint cards before you send it off to the ATF.
You need to use the ATF supplied fingerprint cards ONLY (or know how to put the correct ORI on locally supplied cards) Generic cards without the correct ORI will not work.
Good to know. So... printing it out online is pointless since you have to order the fingerprint cards anyway? Or can you print out the fingerprint cards as well?
Fingerprint cards are heavy stock and unless the have the correct ORI on them, they will be rejected. Some PDs with automated machines can (if they know how) change the ORI on the card to the proper one rather than their own ORI as typical (I believe).
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