This isn't me...

Hillary says she's the Only one with experience ...even though she was just a spectator.

I was sort of hoping she'd have a tank burn the place down ... since she was in on the last massacre.
This calls for all roadflares to be registered and microstamped also require 50lbs of force to break them and the should be made with a 46 digit serial #. Wait maybe we should ban them altogther. After all if we ban them the crime rate will go down right. The man with roadflares wasnt the only nutjob in that building.[laugh2][laugh2]
But placing them on the outside or on the windshield would just alert everyone to the fact the car was unlocked.
You trying to say someone intent on breaking into your vehicle won't look inside first ? None of my friends who still live in Rochester lock their front doors to their house let alone their car doors. If going into a vehicle without permission was legal or ethical the Rochester P.D. would never have stopped the practice just because this wackjob wanted them to.
[rofl] All I can picture is Chris Farley in "Tommy Boy"

"I.. I've got a plan"

That's the first thing that popped into my mind too. I liked when one of his stoner friends saw him on TV and asked, "Is it me, or does Tommy look bloated?"

WBZ radio reported this morning that the bombman was a well known local nut who's wife filed for divorce yesterday.
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