The Nuge on Hannity Friday night

While I think he should be ashamed of himself for bailing on the 2A march, this is why I think he still needs our support, even if all he does is talk the talk...he does talk the talk well, and often.

I never knew that before, but I did a little bit of digging into what's required for that.

He's a McLellan County reserve constable in Texas, the standards for which are:

He's also been a special deputy sheriff in Lake County Michigan since the 1980's.

On the surface it looks like a political appointment with a badge and nationwide carry under LEOSA, but no actual police work, but this is as far as I've dug.

Now I think I know where Seagal got his start.

I wouldn't be surprised to learn this was a fairly common Hollywood dodge for gaining the national carry rights the rest of us don't get.
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