The Coming War With China Part 3

Chinese team proposes invisible expansion in disputed South China Sea using tunnels

A team of Chinese scientists say they have come up with a way to build tunnels under artificial islands in the South China Sea,which Beijing uses to reinforce its claim to large swathes of contested territory.
These islands are small and overcrowded, especially in the Spratly reef chain where there are competing territorial claims from China, Taiwan, Vietnam, Malaysia and the Philippines....

The paper states that the tunnels could house living quarters, store weapons, and offer shelter from extreme weather, enhancing the military and economic utility of the largest islands—Meiji (Mischief), Yongshu (Fiery Cross), and Zhubi (Subi)....
Rifles are a poor choice. That setup is appropriate for large group 2 or low group 3 UAVs.

Better ballistic options include shotguns with bird shot, net launchers, chain/cable shot, etc. And with automated turrets using EO/IR sensors for target detection and tracking. I wouldn’t be surprised if we also see more air burst munitions coming on scene.

The U.S. currently has numerous R&D programs to develop new man-portable/handheld small UAV countermeasures. And before you jump on the expensive MIC complaint, some of these R&D programs are funded with SBIRs.
Did you say "everything old is new again"?
The only issue with having a war with china is we are going to have to nuke them,
and an hour later we will want to nuke them again.
How can we nuke them again if we already nuked the shops who should be shipping us the nukes?
I think we may see automated, smaller/man-portable, and more precise versions of flak guns. If the quantities of UAVs in swarms get large enough.

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The chinese propoganda trolls on Twitter are also on a full tilt pressing for the upcoming invasion of Taiwan. Way too many Russian and Chinese trolls advocating for nuclear strikes on the US and Nato for my liking.
The chinese propoganda trolls on Twitter are also on a full tilt pressing for the upcoming invasion of Taiwan. Way too many Russian and Chinese trolls advocating for nuclear strikes on the US and Nato for my liking.
I bet many if not most of the 'Russian' trolls are Chinese or US leftists heavily influenced by Chinese propaganda.
China probably doesn't need to invade Taiwan.

Based on what I'm hearing and reading about the present state of the Taiwan populace, I suspect many of them would go along with a Chinese takeover along the lines of what happened in HK: China assumes control, but the place retains a lot of what made it distinctive. Leaders get quietly spirited away or liquidated, a new set of Beijing-installed leaders slips into place, and presto. Fait accompli.

Everyone wins. Taiwan stays "peaceful" and "prosperous," China gets the revenue, and production is unaffected. Until a revolt starts about ten or fifteen years down the road, but by then the Chinese will have mechanisms in place to deal with that calmly, I imagine.
Before what happened to Hong Kong, I'd tend to agree with you. But then again, sheep gonna sheep, I wouldn't be surprised if you turn out to be right. The social norm isn't freedom. Look at you guys and the BS you live with. There's a post a few above yours saying we should give away Texas, a much overall freer place to live than most of you can imagine.
😆 What are you smoking? So it’s bad to want to retrofit our numerous F-16s so that they can operate with less human risk when possible?

In order to make autonomous systems that can effectively perform qualitative tasks, you need humans involved in the early development to validate its behavior.

Oh for f***’s sake. Tell me one war that has been won with cheap drones.

As for the cheap UAVs that can fly 1,000 km, tell me how effective they are? All of Iran’s cheap ones they launched at Israel were destroyed. The vast majority of Russia’s operationally significant strikes against Ukraine have been cruise missiles. Not UAVs. And Ukraine’s UAV utilization in the deep fight against Russia has not had any significant impact on the war. It’s all been symbolic.
Now you know how I feel when random people start talking use of force or other LEO tactics on this forum.
Before what happened to Hong Kong, I'd tend to agree with you. But then again, sheep gonna sheep, I wouldn't be surprised if you turn out to be right. The social norm isn't freedom. Look at you guys and the BS you live with. There's a post a few above yours saying we should give away Texas, a much overall freer place to live than most of you can imagine.
Would that be the free TX that didn't even have legal concealed carry 30 years ago around the time your state got shall issue (it finally got legal ccw in 89). Yeah some states became freer and others got less free but that is only the last few decades, it wasn't set in stone.

LOL nice cartoony way to say we're going to annihilate Taipei, Kaohsiung and Hualien.
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Interesting how brits seem to realize where it is going and try to restart conscription to train everyone for basic skills.

Here in states it is still a blessed ignorance.
This is horrible and will be a colossal mistake to start a mess with American lives over damn island. People here really lost control over damn politicians and forgot that it is your country that matters most, not a damn world peace and other popularized BS.
Interesting how brits seem to realize where it is going and try to restart conscription to train everyone for basic skills.

Here in states it is still a blessed ignorance.

I'm not a huge fan of mandatory national service of any kind.

I understand all the arguments on both sides, but I've concluded that a free republic has no place forcing its citizens to serve the state. I do support service (of course I do; I served myself, and would again), but it MUST be voluntary.

A government that can't get its citizens to voluntarily serve should probably look at the things it's doing that keep its citizens from wanting to voluntarily serve.
I wouldnt doubt it. They would rejoice and sing the praises of the CCP right up until the moment they were lined up against a wall because they are so outspoken.

The CCP doesn’t have this kind of power. Less than two years ago during the crackdown on Shanghai, the people eventually got fed up took to the streets busting barricades and screaming for Xi to be removed.

Did he line people up and shoot them? No, he lifted the lockdown, gone like it never happened.
I'm not a huge fan of mandatory national service of any kind.

I understand all the arguments on both sides, but I've concluded that a free republic has no place forcing its citizens to serve the state. I do support service (of course I do; I served myself, and would again), but it MUST be voluntary.

A government that can't get its citizens to voluntarily serve should probably look at the things it's doing that keep its citizens from wanting to voluntarily serve.
I see it as a very dark times to come and when dark times come, an every male needs to be trained as a warrior.
Especially in a case of a fatal stupidity to begin a war with a multibillion souls nation.

And, unfortunately, volunteering always disappears when most understand the fact - they have to die in order for nation to survive.

Best way to survive a war is not to start a war. Stupid shit all around, anyway.
The CCP doesn’t have this kind of power. Less than two years ago during the crackdown on Shanghai, the people eventually got fed up took to the streets busting barricades and screaming for Xi to be removed.

Did he line people up and shoot them? No, he lifted the lockdown, gone like it never happened.

For all that the CCP is a repressive dictatorship, they often choose not to start civil wars they know they can't win.
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