Thank's brandon

Wonder how many have been brought over the southern border?

Aren’t you glad that Day and his Marxist cronies are looking to severely handicap what and where you can carry?
Wonder how many have been brought over the southern border?

I don't think you really have to "wonder" too hard about this. If drugs and illegals can flow across the border with near impunity, it doesn't require a college degree to assume that terrorists and weapons are flowing as well.
Wonder how many have been brought over the southern border?

Aw... even weirder

When you leave a terrorist group 81 billion in weapons they do terroristy things with it? No way

Unfortunately the only way Biden saves face on this after it comes out the 6 billion was used to finance this attack is to deploy troops

Meaning more American coffins because he is garbage at foreign policy
this country was founded on european christian values, nothing else fits no matter how hard "they" try. and try we do. words are banned, i'm told who i must like and get screwed to the wall if god forbid i accidently hurt some non europeans feelings. after all these years, some things just don't, and won't, work.
Wonder how many have been brought over the southern border?

Part of the Biden Pistols for Peace initiative. They tried the same thing under Obama in Chicago. It seems to be working.
Considering our borders are wide open, and we have no idea who is entering our country, it's going to be a friggen miracle that we escape any attack from some foreign terrorist group.

And they want to disarm the American people after failing to take basic steps to insure our safety.

And they want to disarm the American people after failing to take basic steps to insure our safety.

Why would those who want to disarm you EVER want to ensure your safety? Whole purpose of the process is an opposite.
I love the "Hamas is the result of bad policy by Israel." You know, the entire Middle East crapped on Israel since 1948. Like, bad. They got the short end of the stick over and over and turned it into something. They get invaded - end up with MORE territory as a result.

So I'm finding it hard to feel bad for people that are "continued to be persecuted by the Israelis." Maybe do what they did and flourish. But that is not in the cultural DNA. Getting Yassar Arafat to pay for a desalination system is beyond them. Better to bomb the hell out of the Jews.
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