Tell us your IPSC pistol history!

Forget all those flat high cap high tech guns.
round guns with 6 holes, now thats the wave of the future.
hdgun said:
Forget all those flat high cap high tech guns.
round guns with 6 holes, now thats the wave of the future.

If God had wanted us all to shoot those silly fat, round guns, he wouldn't have invented coil springs, batteries, and the 170 mm rule. As far as I can see, the only possible improvement on the Open gun rules would be; NO MAG RESTRICTION. No matter how big it is, if you can hold onto it, stick it in there and wait for the beep. (Does that wording sound questionable, or is it just me?)
Cross-X said:
Round Gun Shooter, is that really you???


No, but Hdgun is my hero
Dan Hurley said:
That Texas immigrant is a Limited smokewagon; but I have got some serious envy issues as I read about these Open guns. (Try to keep this a secret from my wife.)

I got some duct tape and a Propoint. We can make it open real quick
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