T&H!? It seems some of us really are more equal


NES Member
Dec 11, 2011
Watch City
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486 days since I dropped off my application?
152 days since you found it after I wrote the mayor, and invited me in to "interview?"
Target and Hunting restriction after you told me I'd be all set?

Jesus Christ on a Pogo Stick - WTF?? This is why people don't trust their local LO, y'all know this right?

I have close, beloved friends that are/have been LEO It's a hard job, I have a lot of respect for it. I've considered taking it up before I got my career moving. I understand things get delayed even.

November 2011 I dropped it off; yes, really. If I took this long to pay my taxes I'd be in jail right now. Especially if I arbitrarily decided to not fully comply. Am I being unreasonable here?
Medford, by his profile, which is a 'red' city. Sorry to hear it, Mesa. I have zero good advice for you over that BS. Even though they somehow deem it ok to treat people differently, why did they wait so damn long and string you along??
Bill, Already emailed Comm2a. Will be donating in the morning

Why did they feel compelled to string me along? Because the "fingerprint lab is overloaded with applications" since October.

Wanted to give the benefit of the doubt. Wanted to believe they're good guys, on our side. They sure acted that way. Hurts a bit honestly. Sure is nice to know that, despite being a business owner, and working in a professional field, I don't deserve to defend myself.

First thing Tuesday [that's when the office is open] I'll be calling my LO for clarification, unless Comm2a says otherwise.

- - - Updated - - -

MSant - I didn't know the LO passed away; good info. Last I heard, he retired, and there were three guys that took over the gig as a team.
486 days to get your LTC??? Oh wow. I have heard some people on here waiting 6 months or something, myself included, but not over a year.

And then after all that, you get restricted??? I am sorry to hear that. It's too bad that there are some cities & towns that have to act like that. Maybe Comm2A can still help out. Or if you have the funds, call an attorney and fight it.

Terribly sorry to hear that. I'm genuinely sure he was; like I said, no ill will, just venting and [understandably, I think] disappointed.
Don't forget the licensing officer passed away recently and the mayor is a huge supporter of maig

Mulchaey died? That sucks

I waited 11 months for my permit, and even after mulchaey said he would put me in for an unrestricted, I got t&h. The chief hates giving out unrestricted first time through.
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