stratfor demolishes "mexico crime gun" nonsense, ATF about to get reamed

While all these are interesting they're all blogs, meaning they're getting 0% mainstream coverage. Nothing is going to come of this until and unless it goes more mainstream. You need one or more champions to take this and run with it. Outside of Fox News, I can't think of anyone who would be even remotely interested in picking this up.
Logic, reason, ethics, morals mean nothing to these people... Their policies have killed 100M+ people and oppressed BILLIONS, yet they forge ahead. The "Mexican Gun Cunard" was destroyed as soon as it came out - it was even destroyed in Congressional testimony, but the progressive media ate it up...
i know it, joe. but senator grassley writing letters and getting stonewalled hopefully catches some media attention. the latest can't be the greatest without people doing something about it. not sure if i can interest senator brown in this, though.
Wow. Now lets see if any heat gets generated because of it. You would expect some reaction from Washington. What would be good is if somebody gets heat for this. My expectation is a call for better (i.e. more) registration requirements. Color me jaded...
David Codrea of The War On Guns blog and has been covering this and there is supposed to be something on CBS tonight about this at 6:30pm.
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