Stolen assault weapons came from Newton

Wow could they use the word 'assault' more often in a single story?

ANd what is "possessing a firearm without a federal identity card.?"
Wow could they use the word 'assault' more often in a single story?
They could, but they didn't want to assault the reader with incendiary language...
I don't understand this at all. What is an "assault weapon"?
I think its when you throw a heavy peace of seasoned meat at someone... I think there's a Federal standard for how heavy it is before it is considered "lethal"....
Why do I feel good when I think of the owner cracking his skull with the butt end of one of the rifles?
Stupid media reporting on what they don't know. Annoys me greatly.

The media doesn't know anything. They have journalism degrees that only teach how to write and collect information. But they are completely ignorant of all subjects and learn nothing about how to process the information or understanding of different subjects. Its like getting a degree in writing that consists of only a typing class. They are all morons who only bring their personal biases to the table.
M-14 for $1,500? The kid should've sold them on Gunbroker for at least 10 times as much.
I actually wrote a long letter explaining to the author what a moron they are. But then it occurred to me: You know, it is better to just let these idiots thinks that guns are already banned. That way they can sleep well at night and not cause more trouble for us. Ignorance is bliss.
That article is so full of fail.
I can take a good guess that the police were the only people who were interviewed, and it was the police who gave them the info. about the gun laws.

This is also a good example that you need to be sure of who is in your home when it comes to workers and service calls, and what you allow them to see when they are there.
Here's the same story on Newton blog.

"Tim" and "Mike" sound like closet communists. One should go back to his old country and the other should grow a spine.

Mike Striar ran for mayor of Newton. I was really enthusiastic the current mayor had a challenger until I saw what a kook he is. Amongst other wacky things he wanted to impose a city sales tax and drop health benefits of city works and start a city run HMO program with its own doctors. He's a few cards short of a full deck.

I believe there are a few NES people posting on the blog there [wave]
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