South Africa: A Lesson In Registering Guns

Jan 1, 2014
Rochester NH
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South Africa: A Lesson In Registering Guns -

South Africa: A Lesson In Registering Guns

The landslide of gun control starts with registering your guns.
Posted 4 days ago in Legal Issues, Opinion by Kevin Felts with 6 Comments


Gun control zealots seem to have a difficult time understanding why gun owners oppose registering guns. Besides the issue of registering people who exercise their rights, there is the example of South Africa.

First came a law that said all gun owners must register their firearms.

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Second, the law said firearms must be re-registered.

Third, the firearm must be re-registered 90 days before the registry expires.

Fourth, any firearm that is not registered must be handed in for disposal.

Move the goal post enough and eventually people will slip through. In the case of South Africa, 300,000 people have been ordered to turn in their guns.

South Africa Calls for 300,000 Gun Owners to Turn Over Their Weapons.

The Constitutional Court of South Africa recently ruled that 300,000 gun owners must turn in their firearms.

This judgement came in response to the North Gauteng High Court’s ruling in 2017 which said Section 24 and Section 28 of the Firearm’s Control Act were unconstitutional.


Now that the High Court’s initial ruling has been overturned, gun owners who failed to renew their firearms licenses must hand in their firearms to the nearest police station, where authorities will then proceed to destroy them.

Opposing Gun Registration
First comes a simple law that says all gun owners must register their firearms. Then comes the fees, and the licensing, and the complicated paperwork. Eventually, the “simple law” morphs into something so complicated the people enforcing the laws are not even sure of what they are supposed to do.

Take California, for example. When Gun owners had to register their firearms for the bullet button law, the website kept crashing. There are stories of people spending hours upon hours attempting to register their firearms.

All it takes is that first law to force people to register their firearms, and things spiral downhill from there.

How long until California, New York, Washington D.C…. pass a law like what is happening in South Africa? Now that the gun owners of California have registered their guns, the government will know whose door to knock on first.
Well that escalated quickly.

1 month ago the black government asked the whites to turn in their guns.

Now they take their land.

Guess what's next?
South Africa, I wonder what their game plan matter what it is. It’s not gonna end well for them. A lot of African countries crashed as soon as white people left them.
I certainly appreciate that, but the American military isn't Team America: World Police. Acting that way only leads to the loss of blood and treasure, and the creation of blowback and future wars.

I'll pass.

But openly declared, in your face, instituionalized genocide doesn't?

We've sent troops into other nations at their request to quell far lesser things with unanimous support of congress and the American people, along with joint forces from other nations.

What is happening in South Africa are crimes against humanity, initiated, fostered, supported and conducted by a vicious and vindictive government against its own people....BASED SOLELY ON THEIR BEING WHITE.

It appears that more money, time and effort has been ehausted in saving a bird or a lizard or turtle around the globe than is even being considered in the saving of a group of people who are being sytematically obliterated by their own countrymen.
The whites in South Africa are not "invaders", they have been there for generations, born and raised, much like blacks in this country. The hue and cry would be outrageous if this same set of circumstances was happening in a majority white country against blacks or any other race.
Where's the rich white celebrities who were always begging for money on late night infomercials to "save the poor black children" of Africa.....who were simply products/victims of their own corrupt government warlord leaders? Not a word is spoken in the Hollywood circles concerning the plight of white South Africans who are being robbed, raped, tortured, amd stripped of their rightfully owned lands that they have worked for generations to bring food to the tables of their fellow South and white. The hypocricy is fvcking intollerable!!

We are taking in and supporting people who illegally cross our borders, who are not fleeing murder and oppression but there is not a peep or shred of support or action to protect the victims of an overt genocide being conducted right before our eyes?

If the president or congress asked for a volunteer group to go and assist defending white South Africans, I'll bet there wouldn't be enough planes to get them there. I'll be at the head ofmthe line.
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But openly declared, in your face, instituionalized genocide doesn't?

We've sent troops into other nations at their request to quell far lesser things with unanimous support of congress and the American people, along with joint forces from other nations.

What is happening in South Africa are crimes against humanity, initiated, fostered, supported and conducted by a vicious and vindictive government against its own people....BASED SOLELY ON THEIR BEING WHITE.

It appears that more money, time and effort has been ehausted in saving a bird or a lizard or turtle around the globe than is even being considered in the saving of a group of people who are being sytematically obliterated by their own countrymen.
The whites in South Africa are not "invaders", they have been there for generations, born and raised, much like blacks in this country. The hue and cry would be outrageous if this same set of circumstances was happening in a majority white country against blacks or any other race.
Where's the rich white celebrities who were always begging for money on late night infomercials to "save the poor black children" of Africa.....who were simply products/victims of their own corrupt government warlord leaders? Not a word is spoken in the Hollywood circles concerning the plight of white South Africans who are being robbed, raped, tortured, amd stripped of their rightfully owned lands that they have worked for generations to bring food to the tables of their fellow South and white. The hypocricy is fvcking intollerable!!

We are taking in and supporting people who illegally cross our borders, who are not fleeing murder and oppression but there is not a peep or shred of support or action to protect the victims of an overt genocide being conducted right before our eyes?

If the president or congress asked for a volunteer group to go and assist defending white South Africans, I'll bet there wouldn't be enough planes to get them there. I'll be at the head ofmthe line.
No one would go. Whites have been pacified for a long time now, as a group at least. White city dwellers in SA won't even help.
Like I've been saying forever - if you don't have something 'off the books', you are just plain silly.
Which is why we should all send in the Form to find out what's in their book.
Nothing like a no knock raid at 4am with the cops demanding something you got rid of years ago.
But openly declared, in your face, instituionalized genocide doesn't?

We've sent troops into other nations at their request to quell far lesser things with unanimous support of congress and the American people, along with joint forces from other nations.

What is happening in South Africa are crimes against humanity, initiated, fostered, supported and conducted by a vicious and vindictive government against its own people....BASED SOLELY ON THEIR BEING WHITE.

It appears that more money, time and effort has been ehausted in saving a bird or a lizard or turtle around the globe than is even being considered in the saving of a group of people who are being sytematically obliterated by their own countrymen.
The whites in South Africa are not "invaders", they have been there for generations, born and raised, much like blacks in this country. The hue and cry would be outrageous if this same set of circumstances was happening in a majority white country against blacks or any other race.
Where's the rich white celebrities who were always begging for money on late night infomercials to "save the poor black children" of Africa.....who were simply products/victims of their own corrupt government warlord leaders? Not a word is spoken in the Hollywood circles concerning the plight of white South Africans who are being robbed, raped, tortured, amd stripped of their rightfully owned lands that they have worked for generations to bring food to the tables of their fellow South and white. The hypocricy is fvcking intollerable!!

We are taking in and supporting people who illegally cross our borders, who are not fleeing murder and oppression but there is not a peep or shred of support or action to protect the victims of an overt genocide being conducted right before our eyes?

If the president or congress asked for a volunteer group to go and assist defending white South Africans, I'll bet there wouldn't be enough planes to get them there. I'll be at the head ofmthe line.

Call the UN. US military needs some R&R from solving all the world's woes. Hell, call the Dutch and British. It's their old colony, let them sort it out.
Uzi2, I appreciate your fervor, your outrage, your sense of compassion, and your call for humanitarian aid.

Where I will challenge you is your statement of (paraphrasing) 'the full support of the American people'. Aside from that being a statistical non-reality, there are millions of Americans who are anti-war through and through.

The purpose of the United States' military is to defend the U.S., to which *I* mean its citizens and their property. South Africa is neither of those, and the volunteers of the armed forces who signed up to defend the U.S. should not be forced to engage in the defense of others.

This opens the door to a bigger question, which is: Who should help those in need?

My answer: volunteers, charities, private security corporations, etc. But, not my fellow soldiers, not my tax dollars, and especially not without my consent.

But openly declared, in your face, instituionalized genocide doesn't?

We've sent troops into other nations at their request to quell far lesser things with unanimous support of congress and the American people, along with joint forces from other nations.

What is happening in South Africa are crimes against humanity, initiated, fostered, supported and conducted by a vicious and vindictive government against its own people....BASED SOLELY ON THEIR BEING WHITE.

It appears that more money, time and effort has been ehausted in saving a bird or a lizard or turtle around the globe than is even being considered in the saving of a group of people who are being sytematically obliterated by their own countrymen.
The whites in South Africa are not "invaders", they have been there for generations, born and raised, much like blacks in this country. The hue and cry would be outrageous if this same set of circumstances was happening in a majority white country against blacks or any other race.
Where's the rich white celebrities who were always begging for money on late night infomercials to "save the poor black children" of Africa.....who were simply products/victims of their own corrupt government warlord leaders? Not a word is spoken in the Hollywood circles concerning the plight of white South Africans who are being robbed, raped, tortured, amd stripped of their rightfully owned lands that they have worked for generations to bring food to the tables of their fellow South and white. The hypocricy is fvcking intollerable!!

We are taking in and supporting people who illegally cross our borders, who are not fleeing murder and oppression but there is not a peep or shred of support or action to protect the victims of an overt genocide being conducted right before our eyes?

If the president or congress asked for a volunteer group to go and assist defending white South Africans, I'll bet there wouldn't be enough planes to get them there. I'll be at the head ofmthe line.
No one would go. Whites have been pacified for a long time now, as a group at least. White city dwellers in SA won't even help.


If the SA farmers and their kin were armed to the teeth, even with experimental autonomous weapons to amplify their small numbers, they simply don't have the will to use them. Some of that may be "lessons learned" from Rhodesia, where the population did fight for their nation and were officially cut off from the rest of the world (minus some support from places like Japan, Portugal, and Iran). I think most of it is some misplaced form of guilt. If the SA population in question had the will to fight back then I'd say yes, provide them naval and air support in the form of blockading the existing government, and bombing government troop concentrations. Under no circumstances would I advocate boots on the ground, not even spec ops. The will isn't there, and if transplanted they would bring that defeatist mentality with them.
My history might be off a bit, but SA was all black for many millenia up till about 1600s when the dutch came in for farm land and minerals. Dutch exploited people and lands until the English came in about 250 years later to do the same. Both Dutch and English fought many wars with local tribes this whole time. Current population is 10% white 500 years later. If I was a white SA, I am not sure I would even want to be there for the long term. Sounds like it will become more like many of the other 2nd or 3d world African states/nations. Devolving into dictatorship or bands of tribes to fight it out amongst themselves.
If I was a white SA, I am not sure I would even want to be there for the long term. Sounds like it will become more like many of the other 2nd or 3d world African states/nations. Devolving into dictatorship or bands of tribes to fight it out amongst themselves.
You just described the life of Charlize Theron.
My history might be off a bit, but SA was all black for many millenia up till about 1600s when the dutch came in for farm land and minerals. Dutch exploited people and lands until the English came in about 250 years later to do the same. Both Dutch and English fought many wars with local tribes this whole time. Current population is 10% white 500 years later. If I was a white SA, I am not sure I would even want to be there for the long term. Sounds like it will become more like many of the other 2nd or 3d world African states/nations. Devolving into dictatorship or bands of tribes to fight it out amongst themselves.
Maybe or maybe not. After 400 years, they may feel that it is "home" to them. I always ask why people weren't willing to leave Europe to escape the Nazis. Being down south now (and even after having lived in several areas of the US), it doesn't feel like "home" to me and I am thinking of going back. If I were being persecuted as a group, I could leave or if things were actually better somewhere else it would be OK. Maybe for them, the threat isn't real enough yet (think the Jews of Europe of WWII - those stories can't be true; our government wouldn't really do that to its own citizens, etc.).
My history might be off a bit, but SA was all black for many millenia up till about 1600s when the dutch came in for farm land and minerals. Dutch exploited people and lands until the English came in about 250 years later to do the same. Both Dutch and English fought many wars with local tribes this whole time. Current population is 10% white 500 years later. If I was a white SA, I am not sure I would even want to be there for the long term. Sounds like it will become more like many of the other 2nd or 3d world African states/nations. Devolving into dictatorship or bands of tribes to fight it out amongst themselves.
You need to watch this...

South Africa, I wonder what their game plan matter what it is. It’s not gonna end well for them. A lot of African countries crashed as soon as white people left them.
Years back, under Ian Smith's regime in Rhodesia, that black scumbag Mugabe narrowly escaped death when airborne units of the Rhodesian Special Air Service raided his terrorist camp and killed everyone there. Too bad that black bastard did not receive a .308 bullet from a SAS FN FAL right through his ignorant skull! He ruined a fine country and a robust economy. Now, the same sad story is repeating itself in South Africa!
Troops? American troops in South Africa? Hopefully never. That's not a proper use of military force. Let them deal with their own problems.

Its a humanitarian mission. To save the Afrikaaners from being genocided by the insane afro communist ANC who rules them. Either deploy troops/ military advisers or open up immigration to Boer refugees.

Never forget what happened to Rhodesia.
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Russia saves the day?

you joke but there a Russian vessel currently detained off the coast of South Afrika, loaded with guns and explosives ... [rofl]

Russian cargo ship allegedly carrying explosives arrested near Port Elizabeth

Unfortunately, too many white SAs are too brainwashed and libtarded. Very few who are not, can't band together, but even if they could, they could never mount a resistance equal to Rhodesia which btw failed and they did die, despite what the song says.

I was Boer, I'd sell off land to Chinese and let them deal with it. China is big in Afrika and without any white guilt they are known to unleash hell onto natives.
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