Some of My Collection


Army Veteran
Jun 3, 2006
Metrowest, MA
Feedback: 18 / 0 / 0
Remington 1903 with '42 dated barrel. Norinco Model '97

Springfield M1 Garand, Inland M1 Carbine

The AR's

M1A and HK 91 (IB coded)

Springfield SAR48

Old Adversaries

UZI Model B and Bobcat

West German SIG 226

H&K Mark 23

Non-Import Marked CZ75 (picked up in '88 at the Hanau R&G Club)

The Berettas

Old Reliable

Non-Mil, but fun anyways (PPK/S, Beretta 85, Para P-13.45)
Nice collection. How do you like that Bobcat? I was thinking of getting one of those a little while back. Passed on it due to price.

Hummmm, it's a pretty crappy day. I may have to take pics of the collection today myself. I've never done it before.
Just picked up the Bobcat about two weeks ago and haven't had a chance to check it out. From an overall fit/finish standpoint, I don't think it holds a candle to an H&K.
I'll try to get to the range and report out. However my other passion (three kids, 7 and under) makes range time hard to come by.
I have Zero Hour to thank for a few of the above (Uzi, HK91, Mark23, and Bobcat). I have to say it's one of my favorite places to spend my hard earned dollars. Of course My wife has a fit anytime she finds me surfing their website. However, she has to admit, if Franklin or Bellingham ever decide to invade, we are sqared away.
I belong to Mansfield F&G. Love the casual atmosphere, and the ability to shoot just about anything, so long as its done safely. I just don't get there nearly enough. Three grade schoolers and a wife who works some nights and weekends makes it challenging.
How about yourself, where do you shoot?
Being in South Eastern Mass, I can't picture anything else much south eastern than the New Bedford area. Closest for me is Sippican R&G club in Rochester. PM me if you're interested in stopping by. You can be my guest.
ranger...awesome collection...i was gonna ask the same question about the bobcat...i went to see jim and fondled one of their bobcats and fell in love...but ive heard mixed reviews of them

did you get that hk91 from them too?

im torn between an hk, m1a and a sar...which of yours is your favorite and for what reason?
Blood Hound:

I did get the HK91 from Zero Hour. Of the three listed above (HK, SAR and M1A) I would choose the HK91. I prefer the sights on the HK, and while not ideal for my mid-sized hands, I find the ergonomics of the HK slightly better then the SAR. Specifically, I find the SAR bolt release to be small, hard to find in a hurry, and relatively sharp edged. Same basic issue with the mag release. I do find the bolt hold open feature (and genral cocking mechanism) on the SAR to be preferable, but the edge still goes to the HK. I love the look (and history) of the M1A/M14, but my preference for a rifle that I would need to carry for a protracted period is one with a pistol grip. It just feels more comfortable to me.

push comes to shove, I grab the AR. In my opionion nothing beats the ergonomics, and If I need to hump a ton of weight, it's going to be ammo.

Now if we could only buy some of those guns in MA and not have any concerns that they're on anyones verbooten "list" or have a bayonet lug, and/or buy new production 10+ mags for them, that would be nice too!
I picked up a bobcat from Zero Hour and thinks its a great clone for the money. I had a special weapons SW5 for about 3 days before I bought the bobcat. I have put about 400 rounds through the bobcat with out one problem the only problem I can see with them is that the rear sight is a G3 rear sight but I plan on putting and aimpoint on it any way after my Form 1 gets back.

Any issues with the magazine seating properly, or the paddle release? The paddle seems a bit wobbly on mine. and seting a loaded magazine seems iffy. You have to seat it up and then draw it back to get the "click". It is pretty straight forward with an empty mag, but put a loaded mag in, and it has taken me four or five tries just to get it to seat properly. Not an issue I want to be dealing with under stress.
When it is hard to insert the mags are you inserting them with the bolt closed or open My paddle has a little play too but works fine. Also what mags are you using I am using HK curved and they work great

Guten Tag, Mein Freund!

I don't know if the R&G club is still in business. I do know that the Aschaffenburg military community was shutting down shortly after we re-deployed from Gulf War 1. I've found some relatively recent photos and most of the Kasernes look abandoned. I've heard that Hanau is now considered a remote sight.
My wife and I are trying to plan a return to Germany trip. We would love to visit the old Haunts (she was stationed in Frankfurt am Main, at the 97th General Hospital). I just need to convine the kids that it would be better than Disney!

Bobcat Mag fit

When it is hard to insert the mags are you inserting them with the bolt closed or open My paddle has a little play too but works fine. Also what mags are you using I am using HK curved and they work great

Kenc: The trouble has been inserting the magazine with bolt closed. I honestly hadn't tried it the other way (i'm thinking "fires from closed bolt position"). Is the recommedation that you load with the bolt open? If so, I can see where a first mag works well. However, with no bolt hold open feature, is the approach that you expend the mag, drop the mag, cock the charging handle, insert the mag and them release the charging handle? If so, seems like an extra step (vs. drop the mag, insert another and chamber a round). The only mag I've used has been the one provided.

Let me know your thoughts.
Kenc: The trouble has been inserting the magazine with bolt closed. I honestly hadn't tried it the other way (i'm thinking "fires from closed bolt position"). Is the recommedation that you load with the bolt open? If so, I can see where a first mag works well. However, with no bolt hold open feature, is the approach that you expend the mag, drop the mag, cock the charging handle, insert the mag and them release the charging handle? If so, seems like an extra step (vs. drop the mag, insert another and chamber a round). The only mag I've used has been the one provided.

Let me know your thoughts.

Underload the mag by 2 rounds and see if that works for you.
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