Want a Map Reading FM?
New FM Number is FM 3-25.26. Bad news is that it's restricted to Gov't Agencies only. Good news is the key items are in STP 21-1-SMCT Soldier's Manual of Common Tasks. It's NOT restricted.
Also has a LOT of other stuff, including First Aid, Weapons Use and Maintenance and almost every task a new soldier learns in Boot Camp or is expected to know shortly after.
New FM Number is FM 3-25.26. Bad news is that it's restricted to Gov't Agencies only. Good news is the key items are in STP 21-1-SMCT Soldier's Manual of Common Tasks. It's NOT restricted.
Also has a LOT of other stuff, including First Aid, Weapons Use and Maintenance and almost every task a new soldier learns in Boot Camp or is expected to know shortly after.