Social Media and Guns

Don’t post them on line, don’t discuss in social media, unless it’s a gun forum, such as this one. You just can’t argue with stupid and why open the door.
I really think all of the overreaction from schools about posting this on social media and such is try and make gun ownership a fringe thing and to marginalize all of us.

That is another effect of these "Red Flag" laws. Especially the crap that the MA Senate is set to ram through tomorrow.
CFC6C8B0-775F-4A5A-8F23-7D16D0CE7D2F.jpeg I don't do faceplant, so no worries there. I have snapchat and send videos and pics to friends and family all the time, no worries.
i don't even want YOU people knowing what i'm holding...let alone some schmuck on FB from indiopakafghanidurkastan.

the first two times i've ever posted in the 'acquisitions of the month' threads were recently and they were both piles of parts...not exactly firearms any time soon.
i don't even want YOU people knowing what i'm holding...let alone some schmuck on FB from indiopakafghanidurkastan.

the first two times i've ever posted in the 'acquisitions of the month' threads were recently and they were both piles of parts...not exactly firearms any time soon.
I know where you live.
I just checked FB to remind me what I put there. It is mostly cats. Cats looking cute. Cats on my lap. Cats watching turkeys in the yard. Cats licking each other. Etc. And occasionally interrupted by scenery and wildlife pics, and hot wife pics (she puts them in her account and posts them to my page somehow).
I wouldn't post anything about the guns I own online using my real name, in fact I won't post any opinions online using my real name either. I have a personal FB account because I need one in order to manage my business FB page. I also keep in touch with a few friends too but I rarely if ever post anything myself. The world doesn't need to know my thoughts or what I own.
I just checked FB to remind me what I put there. It is mostly cats. Cats looking cute. Cats on my lap. Cats watching turkeys in the yard. Cats licking each other. Etc. .
That's with me and instagram, which apparently, is "so last year" already.
Post whatever you want, but just understand that social media is a completely public forum and there is no privacy.
Don't advertise anything that you would want everyone including Poobie McStealsalot to know what you have.
Post whatever you want, but just understand that social media is a completely public forum and there is no privacy.

Exactly. If you wouldn’t go out in the public square and talk about or hand out pics of your guns, then don’t post them online using your real name/info. If you don’t go out and preach bout something in public, then don’t post it online. If you do, then you have bigger issues.
Yep advertising your wears on public forums really doesn't end well eventually for a variety of reasons...Keep it private and post your pics on gun friendly message boards like this!
I've posted a few gun pics on my private Instagram account. Had one old friend unfollow me over it but otherwise, shrug. Some of the guns I've posted weren't even mine so I guess everyone thinks I have a Grendel AR now, idfk.
Thought Id share a story:

I was made aware of a dispute on a different website over firearms. During tje dispute (between an anti 2a and a pro 2a user) the anti-2a user took the time to go through the entirety of the pro 2a's post history and successfully found the following information:

1. State and town of residence.
2. Make and serial number of multiple firearms.
3. Job title and work place
4. Last name and first initial

That information was then used to harass the pro2a person. The harassment started with the posting of the make and serial number of all firearms that could be identified along with the persons name, town and state and a note saying how easy it would be to rob the person.

It then went farther to workplace harassment where stayements were conveyed to an employer anonymously a d out of context and sequence as an attempt to illustrate a threat. Finally the harasser dropped an anonymous tip to the local pd who ran a check against our firearm database and dropped by the owners house for a short chat- this is when the owner allegedly filed a police report.
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