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Serious Issues with LTC/FID Issuance in Quincy

Len-2A Training

NES Life Member
NES Member
Feb 26, 2005
Feedback: 76 / 1 / 0
The following article was posted on Packing.org on Saturday.
[I will post some comments in a reply to this message below.]

Massachusetts: My Strange Visit to Quincy Police Dept. Today
Posted on Saturday, March 12, 2005 at 01:27 PM by JCOHEN

I've read the news articles and watched a video tape of the public hearing regarding police Chief Crowley's "policies" on gun licenses. I should have been prepared right?? I guess I couldn't really appreciate the gravity of this situation until I experienced it myself. Well today was a very strange visit for me to the Quincy PD..

About a month ago, my client had complained to me that the Quincy PD would not accept his application for a license to carry or an FID card. At first I didn't believe him, because even in the worst cases I've seen in other towns and citites, the application is always accepted and then summarily denied, at which point you file a petition for judicial review. That is the basic procedure according to law that every dept. follows.

After the first refusal to accept his application I told my client to call Quincy PD back. I figured he must not have spoken to the right person at the police station. However when he called the station it was confirmed that his application would not be accepted. At this point I decided to call Quincy PD myself. I was transferred into voice mail and explained on my message that there must be some confusion and I'm sure they didn't really mean to refuse my client's application, and to please call me so we could sort it out. That was about 3 weeks ago....which leads me up to today.

I met my client at the police station. We walked in and I spoke to a woman behind the glass. I explained that we were here to file an FID application and an LTC application. Shortly thereafter a Lt. came out and explained that the Chief was in court, and the Chief instructed him not to accept anything from us. I asked the Lt. if I could leave my card so the Chief could call me back and he said "no". The Lt. told me to call the Chief Monday and set up an appointment with him. I explained that the Chief hadn't called me back before and there was no reason for me to drive back out to Quincy to meet with the Chief at his convenience, when one of the applications is for an FID card which he "shall issue" to my client without any discretionary power. Needless to say, I wasn't very pleased with being dismissed from the police dept. in such a cursory fashion.

This Quincy situation goes much deeper than Chief Crowley being stingy with issuing LTCs for all lawful purposes. There are many towns out there that are difficult to obtain licenses in, but they do follow Ch. 140 sections 129B and 131 and process applications in an appropriate and timely manner. If the anti-gun people of Quincy think this Chief is the answer to their prayers, they will soon realize that they have made a big mistake. Quincy is now vulnerable to many potential lawsuits because they picked an anti-gun Chief who apparently doesn't know or in the alternative chooses not to follow the laws and procedures mandated by our Legislature.

So as of 1pm today, I have begun work on my strategy to change this intolerable situation in Quincy. I need the help of anyone who has had recent experiences with Quincy regarding firearms licenses. Please call and/or email me anonymously if you wish with any information you feel could be helpful in a lawsuit against the Quincy PD. The Brookline case is steaming ahead because of the information and support I received from members of the Brookline community. Also, any law enforcement guys who read this list and know Crowley may want to suggest to him that he start accepting applications, and not blowing off attorneys.

Thank you all.

Jesse C. Cohen
[email protected]
Please, if you live in Quincy and have had a problem getting or renewing your LTC, contact Mr. Cohen ASAP.
Jesse Cohen is IMNSHO the BEST firearms licensing issues attorney in MA! He is aggressive and effective in getting results from towns that have run roughshod over their citizens.

I have known Jesse for a number of years and have the utmost faith in his abilities to get appropriate results for his clients (and indirectly, all lawful gun owners). In building his case against Quincy's policies, Jesse has requested that anyone that has been adversely affected by the policies of the current chief, should get in contact with Jesse.

The more "ammo" that Jesse has, the better the chances are that he can convince them to change their policies.

Disclaimer: I don't live in Quincy and I have no business relationship with Jesse's lawfirm.
Quincy LTC

I've been following this little debacle in Quincy. I have communicated with Jessie by email. He gave me advice on my survey of cities and towns. By the time, he and the residents of Quicy are done with their PD, they either won't be denying any qualified people licenses, or they won't be LEO's in that city anymore. See front page story in a recent issue of GOAL's monthly newspaper about Quincy. Jessie is an excellent attorney.
<Posted by Request>
From: [email protected]
Subject: Hey Len: Please post this on your forum

Len: I'm still having trouble getting on NE Shooters forum.

Quincy joins the "Axis of Arrogance"

The "Axis of Arrogance" consists of Brookline, Dedham, and Quincy. The chiefs of these three municipalities may actually contribute to the erosion of "broad discretion" for chiefs throughout Massachusetts. On information and belief I am aware that several chiefs and licensing officers in other municipalities are concerned that their power could be weakened by the abuses of the "Axis of Arrogance". The irony is that the more abusive the Axis becomes, the better it will be for gun owners. There are hundreds of chiefs in Massachusetts who know the law, and exercise their discretion responsibly and professionally. The Axis unfairly tarnishes the image and public trust of Massachusetts law enforcement.
I hope that the overwhelming number of good chiefs and the learned counsel of Jack Collins and Chief Ron Glidden, both experts in Massachusetts Firearms Law, will be able to end the abuses of the Axis. Only time will tell..... It's on.
Quincy Mass. is now a major focus of attention for those of us litigators who despise tyranny and oppression. Hopefully we will be able through the legal process to restore law and order for gun owners.
Jesse C. Cohen, Esq.
<Posted by Request>

From: [email protected]
Subject: Another post

If there was ever a time to let your local politicians know how you feel about the abuse of discretion by a police chief, that time is now!
We have bipartisian support behind Joe's case already, and continued calls to your congressmen and even the Governor's Office could make all the difference.

Romney recently issued a proclamation making May 7th, "The Right to Bear Arms Day". Romney also made sure that the Massachusetts State Police Color Guard performed their duties according to his orders at the GOAL Banquet last Saturday.

Thanks to Jim Wallace at GOAL and his recent innovative lobbying efforts, there is recognition and support coming from the Governor. This is our chance to send a loud message to those chief's who abuse their authority, that even in the "People's Republic of Massachusetts" the rights of the gun owner shall not be abused.

Many think that "liberal" ideology is what causes Massachusetts to be so
"anti-gun". Those who have irrational fears and prejudices toward guns are not true "liberals". Rather they are akin to any other close-minded, bigoted group of people. The true liberals in Massachusetts are people who listen to both sides of an argument and cannot be spoonfed propaganda by anyone. Many people on this list have ranted and raved at me for even considering approaching the "enemy" in an effort to protect our rights in Massachusetts. My experience thus far with the so called "mainstream, biased, liberal, media..." has been overwhelmingly positive. True liberals care when the government abuses it's
authority in any capacity. This is because they know that if they don't stand up for the rights of people who they may disagree with or even despise, then the next victims could be them.

Carpe Diem!

Jesse C. Cohen, Esq.
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