SD - Homeowner Shoots At Would-Be Home Invader

Jul 30, 2009
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A man shot at a person breaking into his home in the 500 block of East Highway 1416 near Box Elder on Saturday night, according to Lt. Marty Graves of the Pennington County Sheriff’s Office.

The sheriff’s office and Box Elder police responded to the homeowner’s call reporting the incident about 10:30 p.m. He told police he fired two shots at someone forcibly entering his home, Graves said. The homeowner also told police he was not trying to hit the intruder but force the person out of his home, Graves said.
I'm a believer that if someone continues to forcibly enter your home after you tell them you have a gun and will shoot.....oh well, that's why we have Darwin. Of this great state not only would the victim be in prison, but the intruder would have gotten a nice insurance settlement....or more. Isn't that special? :eek:)
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