Scarborough HighPower Scores on line anywhere?

Oct 14, 2009
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From my scores lately it's obvious my vision isn't the greatest and I can't see results for last weekends matches or any other 2010 matches posted anywhere on the website.

Am I just blind?
Can someone lead me to them? :)

I shot up there this past Saturday and wanted to see how bad I fared after giving up way too many points on the 200 yard line...

I didn't go back up for the leg on Sunday but was interested in how many cuts, who got points and scores.

What a great day Saturday was to shoot and they ran a great match!

I do know
Bob Ward was the high overall score
Dave Dow is again the maine State Champ
and John Payton was high Service Rifle

Excellent Shooting and Congradulations to all!
George, Dave Bluin will email the results shortly. I heard it was a great turnout (more shooters from MA & NH than ME!). Sorry I missed you. I wish I could have been there, but I had prior commitments. I did shoot the leg on Sunday, though and caught up with Payton and Mikey P.

There were only 6 non-Dist. so only one Leg. Went to a guy from Rhode Island (sorry I can't remember his name). It was his first EIC Match and first time shooting at 600yds! He shot a 475 with something-X.
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i do remember him mentioning he was going to email the results out. actually, i cant find results for almost any of the highpower matches on scarborough's website. bummer.

saturday was a glorious day to shoot. i managed a personal best for an 800 agg (770x12), although i couldnt buy an X if i wanted. ended up saving myself @ 600 with a 196x6...shoulda been a 199 (2 stupid corner shots back to back cost me an 8 and a 9). the scores were HIGH saturday.
Hi Pat, I was hoping I'd see you there. I got the Sat results email a few minutes ago.

Jeff, Very nice shooting you did there on Saturday!
It was my first time shooting Scarborough and I was very impressed with the facilities. Those target carriers are smooooooooooth!!

600 was especially challenging for me with the light going up and down every 3 seconds (so it seemed.) Makes Jeff's 196x6 all the more impressive. I shot well below my recent running average, but still well enough to ~barely~ qualify for my expert card if the NRA processes the scores in chronological order. [grin]

Anyway, thanks to the folks at Scarborough for running a great match!
I had a great time and got to see a lot of friends I have not seen in a while! Good shooting everyone.

Wow! The scores were high. Good job on the personal best, Jeff. I see Vern shot another good match.
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