Sample letter if anyone needs it.

Aug 20, 2008
Berkshire County, MA
Feedback: 14 / 0 / 0
While I am of the mind that letters are going to be rendered obsolete very soon, it can't hurt and I had a few minutes. Fired this off to back up phone calls this morning. Feel free to use it if you haven't got time to draft your own.

Representative Pignatelli,

I'm writing in opposition to Governor Patrick's proposed anti-gun legislation. As you're aware (having a very strong rating from GOAL) this is a hard state to live in for lawful gun owners, and this bill would only make more law abiding citizens into criminals. The propositions are arbitrary, meaningless, and will not prevent even a single criminal from committing a crime. Two points I feel most strongly about need to be made;

1) One gun a month is ludicrous. What's to be done in cases of inheritance? Buying a matched pair of pistols? A new gun owner who would like a home defense gun and a gun to carry for personal protection? Even magazines would be covered under this legislation, meaning that you could buy a gun in January, but not a magazine to use in it until February. Hopefully no one's wives or daughters are accosted in their homes before they can get a magazine for their self defense pistol - it would certainly be a tragedy to read a story in the paper about a 100lb woman trying to fend off a 300lb attacker with her pistol - that wasn't loaded because the Governor feels that it's dangerous to buy a gun and a magazine in the same month. Even putting aside the obviously ignorant notion that controlling what people buy is the government's job, the ramifications even on a small scale are disastrous, the money required for enforcement would be a further burden than taxpayers already labor under, and the whole idea flies in the face of living free.

2) Seven round magazine limits are absurd. This would disqualify nearly every gun in common use, with the exception of some revolvers, single shot bolt action rifles, and a few shotguns. Even the M1 Garand, carried by many of our fathers and grandfathers in WW2, Korea, and even Vietnam - that the government-sponsored Civilian Marksmanship Program sells directly to the door of Americans in every state - would be rendered useless. Being in possession of something other than a musket or a top-break 20ga should not make a law abiding citizen into a felon, and that is the intention of this bill; to make otherwise upstanding and lawful citizens responsible for the tragedies brought upon by lunatics. Modern arms possession is the right of free men, and this bill quite clearly takes aim at all modern arms. It is a de facto ban.

Please be vocal in your opposition to the Governor's plan. This is an uphill battle in our state, and with your pro-2a record myself and your other constituants are in desperate need of your support. Merely voting against the bill is not enough - good men such as yourself need to stand up and shout down this ridiculous, reactionary attempt to penalize the majority due to the actions of the few. Don't let the ignorance flowing down from Beacon Hill defile the rest of us. I implore you to do everything in your power to defeat the anti-gun agenda.

Respectfully yours,
Thank You. I borrowed some of yours and some others.

Dear Senator Ross

I'm writing today to ask that you oppose the new anti gun bill proposed by the Governor. I feel that if you read the proposed legislation you will understand that it will do nothing more than make law abiding citizens like myself victims of what is essentially confiscation of the magazines for guns that I've had for more than 20 years. The bill proposes that all magazines with a capacity more than 10 rounds will be out right banned and no longer grand fathered as they have for nearly 20 years. Currently I can't even purchase magazines with a capacity of 7 rounds for several guns that I own.
I've always done the right thing got licensed followed all the laws etc. Unfortunately the criminals don't follow the laws I guess that's what makes them criminals. I'm extremely concerned that I'm losing rights that I've had my whole life slowly but surely. My biggest concern is if this bill is passed that other law abiding citizens like myself will become criminals because some will not dispose of sell or turn in these magazines.

As of June 2013 I will have been licensed to carry a firearm in MA for 40 consecutive years. I also hold a MA machine gun license, non-resident NH and non-resident Utah concealed carry permits. I am a Federally licensed collector of firearms (FFL 03) a Member of the NRA and GOAL along with Wrentham and Mansfield Sportsmans clubs. I follow all MA gun laws to the letter. Punishing Myself and others like me is not going to solve the problem, MA already has a safe storage law, where all firearms must be made inaccessible to unauthorized users. Following that one law alone could have prevented the Newtown tragedy.

I am saddened by the tragic events in Newtown, Connecticut, but I believe that efforts to impose new restrictions on me and other lawful and responsible owners like me are misguided.

I fully support keeping guns of all kinds out of the hands of the mentally ill or felons but vehemently oppose taking away what we licensed law abiding citizens have had for generations. Your focus should be on strengthening mental health care and improving the quality of data supporting NICs checks (National Instant Criminal Background Check System). Do NOT pass more gun laws; instead, work to enforce the more than 20,000 gun laws already on the books.

I have always supported you and ask that you now help myself and fellow sportsmen in our fight to preserve out rights.

Thank you for your Consideration.
Here is a sample letter also . Feel free to cut, copy, paste, tweak, etc and send to your state rep. and senator.

I'm writing in opposition to Governor Patrick's proposed anti-gun legislation. As you may be aware Massachusetts is already a very difficult state to live in for us law abiding gun owners. Gov. Patrick's proposed anti-gun legislation would only make more law abiding citizens into criminals. His proposals are arbitrary, capricious, meaningless, and will never prevent any criminal from committing any crime with a firearm. Criminals are not concerned with laws.
Gov. Patrick's proposed anti-gun legislation only burdens and penalizes lawful gun owners that have already been trained in firearms safety, finger printed, photographed, investigated by the Massachusetts State Police, the Massachusetts Firearms Record Bureau and approved by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts as being suitable to use, buy, transfer, sell and possess firearms.

I am particularly disturbed by Gov. Patrick's proposal to limit magazine capacities to seven rounds. This would disqualify nearly every firearm in common use today, with the exception of some revolvers, single shot bolt action rifles, and a few shotguns. Even the M1 Garand rifle carried by many of our fathers and grandfathers in WW2, Korea, and even Vietnam - that the government-sponsored Civilian Marksmanship Program sells directly to the door of Americans in every state - would be rendered useless. Being in possession of something other than a sling shot or a musket for self defense should not make law abiding citizens into a felons and that will be the effect of this bill.

It is extremely unfair and short sighted to hold tens of thousands of lawful gun owners in Massachusetts responsible for the unfortunate tragedies brought upon by a few mentally impaired individuals in other states.

Modern arms possession is the right of free men and women and this bill quite clearly takes aim at all modern arms. It is a de facto ban.

Please be vocal in your opposition to the Governor's plan. This is an uphill battle in our state. Myself and thousands of your other constituents are in desperate need of your support. Merely voting against the bill is not enough. Respected legislators such as yourself need to stand up and oppose this ridiculous, reactionary attempt to penalize the majority due to the actions of the few. Don't let the ignorance flowing down from Beacon Hill defile the rest of us. Massachusetts already has some of the most Draconian gun control laws in the country.

I respectfully request you to do everything in your power to defeat Gov. Patrick's anti-gun agenda.

Thank you for your kind courtesy and cooperation in this matter.

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