Romney to file paperwork for 2008 bid


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Apr 27, 2005
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Romney to file paperwork for 2008 bid By GLEN JOHNSON,
AP Political Writer
2 hours, 6 minutes ago

Gov. Mitt Romney will file paperwork forming a presidential exploratory committee on Wednesday, a delay of 24 hours out of respect for the funeral services scheduled Tuesday for former President Gerald R. Ford, according to a top aide familiar with his plans.

Romney, like Ford a Republican and former Michigan resident, will submit the necessary papers to the Federal Election Commission, a registration that will allow him to raise and spend money in pursuit of the 2008 GOP nomination.

Sen. John McCain (news, bio, voting record), R-Ariz., and former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani have already taken the same step.

Romney ended a 10-day vacation at his home in Utah on Monday, and he had intended to file his paperwork on Tuesday, the first business day of the new year. But Ford's death on Dec. 26 triggered a mourning period that will close federal offices and the U.S. Postal Service on Tuesday, the day the former president will be buried in Grand Rapids, Mich.

"We want to be very, very respectful of that," said the Romney aide, who spoke on the condition of anonymity pending the creation of the presidential committee.

Ford's death overshadowed last week's presidential announcement by former Sen. John Edwards of North Carolina, who declared he would seek the Democratic nomination.

While the committee filing will be labeled "exploratory," it will declare Romney as an official presidential candidate and commit him to the same fundraising and reporting rules he will have to follow when, as is expected, he transitions to a formal presidential campaign committee.

A formal announcement is expected sometime this year, although Romney is planning a major fundraising event in Boston on Jan. 8 to propel his candidacy.
I'd take Romney over:


If somebody else steps in with a pro-gun rights agenda or agrees to deport illegals en masse, then I will consider supporting someone else.
You think he's pro-gun? [rofl]

No I don't, I guess my wording must have been off.

I meant was: If someone with a pro-gun rights agenda steps in, then that individual has my vote.

I guess it's my fault you misunderstood me, but I hate having my post misunderstood the very next post. It throws the discussion off.
Romney may not have done anything positive for us gun owners, but he didn't make things worse either.

ETA: He did sign the target bill.
I haven't forgotten that Romney did nothing for the gun owners in MA and I don't think he's a real conservative at all though he's trying to portray himself as one.

I suppose it's hard to do anything for gun owners with our communist legislature.

He's certainly not a liberal in disguise IMO. At worst, a moderate.

ETA: He did sign the target bill.

A Mormon running on the Republican ticket will never be the President of the United States.Romney should just change his political affiliation ,he would have a better chance.Hey,he can change his views on abortion if his suits his agenda,why not political parties ?
I cannot even believe people are considering Romney seriously. He will fare as well on the national stage as Michael Dukakis did. If he gets the primary for some weird reason, it ensure a Democrat victory, no matter who they run.
A Mormon running on the Republican ticket will never be the President of the United States.

He may never be President but I don't see why being a Mormon is working against him. Perhaps you should enlighten me.

Romney should just change his political affiliation ,he would have a better chance.Hey,he can change his views on abortion if his suits his agenda,why not political parties ?

I don't get this. Usually there are two viable political parties, the GOP and the Democrats. A Mormon seem's ill suited to be a Democrat. So what other party are you suggesting he switch to?
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I cannot even believe people are considering Romney seriously. He will fare as well on the national stage as Michael Dukakis did. If he gets the primary for some weird reason, it ensure a Democrat victory, no matter who they run.

Why don't we let him get up there and debate some of these other bozos and get some national recognition before we call the race?
He may never be President but I don't see why being a Mormon is working against him. Perhaps you should enlighten me.

Some Mormons beliefs contrast sharply with Catholic beliefs,I hope I don't need to enlighten you on the differances.Do you also need to be told who the voter base of the Republicans are?

I don't get this. Usually there are two viable political parties, the GOP and the Democrats. A Mormon seem's ill suited to be a Democrat. So what other party are you suggesting he switch to?

A Mormon would be better suited for a politcal party with no religious ties,rather than one with roots deeply buried in it,don't ya think ?

Personally,I could care less that he is a Mormon,it really makes no differance to me.IMO Romney would make a GREAT president,but it's not going to happen.
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I cannot even believe people are considering Romney seriously. He will fare as well on the national stage as Michael Dukakis did. If he gets the primary for some weird reason, it ensure a Democrat victory, no matter who they run.

Whoa! I never said he had a snowball's chance in Hades, I said I thought he'd make a good president. Obviously, it's a little early for me to declare where my vote is going, but I can't see it going to him. Maybe in the primary.
Some Mormons beliefs contrast sharply with Catholic beliefs,I hope I don't need to enlighten you on the differances.Do you also need to be told who the voter base of the Republicans are?

You don't need to tell me who the voter base of the GOP is. [rolleyes]

All Christian denominations are at odds over what is the "correct denomination" but I would see them supporting a Christian over someone who practices anything else.

As long as their religion maintains that Jesus Christ is the savior, I don't see why it would make a difference except for religious extremists.

A Mormon would be better suited for a politcal party with no religious ties,rather than one with roots deeply buried in it,don't ya think ?

I don't agree.
Let's not forget that when he announced the signing of the bill, he omitted any mention of target guns, appeals, etc., and praised it for extending the AWB and credited the gun grabbers for its passage. Absolutey no mention that the AWB language, which really had no effect since our ban was still there, was a sop thrown in by our side at the last minute to get them to buy off on the bill.

If you look at Romney's history, he's been a successful business man by buying up screwed up companies, making some short-term fixes and selling them at a profit. He's never really run a business for the long run. He did the same thing with the Salt Lake City Olympics, and here in Massachusetts. He never seems to be focused on the long-run, just a quick fix to grab the profits (and/or credit), then move on to the next opportunity. That's not my idea of a great president.

Yes, he's no Republican, conservative or Christian, but Romney's biggest problem is his lack of experience. 4 years as governor and what does he have to show for it? Nothing. He spent his time squabbling with legislature and Turnpike Authority and having his vetos overriden. He hasn't really used his executive order authority except to raise taxes (called "fees"). Then he basically quit after 2 years.

No sir, no way does he get my vote in a primary, unless Rudi is the only other choice. I'd even vote for McCain before him, and there are some better candidates coming out. Sam Brownback would be better than any of these 3. In the general election I'd probably hold my nose and vote for him, unless the Dem's put up someone like Zel Miller (NBL).
I could handle Zell Miller. Now that he's kicked the Dems in the nuts and slapped them in the face.

But , in reality , I think we are screwed. Look what just happened in Ma.

"I am mad at the Pres so i am going to cut my own throat here at home."
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