Ripton and some Shooting Pics

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I rest my case.

mAss Backwards said:
Christ, let's have a "Spot the Unsafe Gun Handling" contest!

(see pic #20)

WTF, man?

I'm the FAT bastard with the Dragunov. I'm obviously in the pic.

Ever hear of a delayed shutter release?

The Big Guy holding the Helwan took the picture. And he's in it.

Edited to change gun model.
Doesn't justify fingers on the triggers when not aiming at your intended target.

Try pic #21. Finger on trigger, gun held inches from woman's left ear.

Or, pic #39. Please tell me that's not a handgun 6" from the baby's head. And lots more fingers on the triggers, and the woman with the pistol aiming straight up at her jaw is a nice touch.
Nickle said:
There, fixed it for everyone. Quit your nit picking and belly aching.

For those who I've known for a while, I apologize.

No worries Nickle. I would hate for him to see what the Marines do with their guns while on camera. God forbid you pose for a f***ing picture.
I'd hate to have him with me in the field. They shoot 6 inch guns, right over our heads, and from only 200 or 300 meters away.

Folks, careful when you nit-pick, especially a 2 dimensional picture. The reality might not be what you think.

And for you elitists out there, did you realize who the owner of most of the guns pictured is? Most of the folks in the pics don't own more than one or two guns (except Ross and I, and the FAL shooters). When was the LAST time you took a Newbie out shooting?
You know, some of this shit can be taken too far. The is nothing wrong with a group of responsible individuals doing a complete weapons check then posing for a picture at a get-together. Let's use some common sense and not go overboard.
There's lot's of us Military, ex-Miltary, Competition Shooter's, LEO's and Ex-Leo's here.

Anybody think I wouldn't make sure the guns were clear?

Nobody in my Guard Unit would. I'm the biggest stickler for handling habits and clearing habits in my Battalion. Even the Sgt Major takes a back seat on this issue.
I don't consider it "good controversy". The original gripe was everybody pointing guns at the camera, and assuming somebody took the pic in person. When that was pointed out as false, they had to save face and find other flaws.

I've seen this crap a LOT in my time in the Army. Used to be, some Senior NCO would point out every unsafe act in submitted pics to the monthly mag "Soldier's". After a while nobody submitted pics any more, because they got sick of being nit-picked. Maybe it's just a bad day for me, after trying to help a fellow person here, and getting called every thing but human, helpful and intelligent. CM181, hit the new posts button. Trust me.
Nickle don't let him get to you. I liked the pics and agree with Tony. I thought I had posted after I saw them guess I didn't. Looks like everyone had a great time. Mass backwards get the stick out of your butt. Most of us here have been around guns probably longer than you ever have. We are also the ones that are the biggest sticklers on safety.
So, it's OK for experienced gun owners to disregard the most basic of safety rules?

Famous last words: I could have sworn we cleared all the guns.

Further, pictures like this do little to portry gun owners as responsible people, can serve as ammunition for those who wish to cast us in a negative light, and can influence those less in the know that it's OK to point a gun at the camera, or pose for pictures with one's finger on the trigger.

There's no stick up this butt. I stand by my original post.

Other than that, I loved the pics. And yes, it looks like a good time was had by all.
How long have you owned guns? I would say some of us are a little more qualified than you. This is not your blog, and right now I am still too pissed to even think about totally replying to you. I will after I calm down.
First off someone was showing pics of the good time they had a shoot. Where do you get off chastising someone who has been around firearms longer than you have? Knowing Nickle and since most of those guns were his, I am sure they were checked and rechecked. What is wrong with posing for some pics. Say what you want on your blog,but don't chastise someone for posting pics of a good time they had at a shoot and posed for pics. I've been around boards that do that, this is not one of them.
Okay, first of all mAss was not wrong in bringing up a safety issue. For folks who have never had any experience with firearms except purchasing a gun and attending a NRA basic course that says, "These four rule are unbreachable" this is new territory. That's not all bad.

However, in these new folk's zeal to make sure these rules are never broken they can miss the fact that certain groups and units adhere to a different set of rules than the individual citizen when it comes to firearms training and responsibilty and they need to realize that some people know more than what they do. In the perfect world they would ask questions and continue their education but often times they think they already know the answers and admonish more experienced folks instead of learning from them.

For those who don't know, special military and law enforcement groups train routinely with their personal firearm which requires, God forbid, pointing that weapon at your team mate. This is how we did it before any of these "safe-guns" came about. Yes, there were accidents, but only because procedures were not followed. When I was a member of my hostage rescue team, this is exactly how we trained and we never had an incident - because we adhered to strict safety rules.

So, the individual (NRA only trained) shooter needs to realize that professionals who utilize firearms as a tool every day don't necessarily abide by the same rules. Those rules apply to you as an individual - not to a team who's purpose is to employ those tools on daily basis in the realm of reality. And it is not up to that individual to criticize that which he does not know.
Tony, you're absolutely correct about different 'groups' using weapons differently, especially for training.

In the Army we constantly used our weapons in a face to face manner, even with bayonets fixed. It was the only way one could train without actually getting a bad guy as your opponent.
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