RIP Officer John "Jack" Maguire


Honored to have been a part of this

I was there as well and it was quite the experience. I give the MA State troopers alot of credit for getting all 2k+ officers lined up and marching together ... they did a great job. Alot of people will bash the staties for one reason or another but man are they organized and professional.

It was eerie on the street before the funeral procession came through when they called everyone to attention and it was so damn quiet on that street before the news helicopters got nearby. I've never been on a street with so many people and have it be that quiet. I watched the link you posted and a little after 5 minutes in I can hear our trooper clear as day calling cadence.

Also the turnout was amazing. It was nice to see so many departments represented especially from the other New England states.
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