R.I. Governor Signs Executive Order To Seize Guns

Rhode Island used to be a bastion of libertarianism. Few laws and those that existed were there to protect individual freedoms. Prostitution was LEGAL until about 4 years ago. As long as it happened in doors. Rhode Island used to be rural towns like Foster and Richmond and Exeter. Providence, Warwick and Cranston existed but the rural areas pulled a lot of clout. As the Providence megalopolis has grown and spread, it has infected more of the rural areas and now moonbats move into the rural towns and start winning elections for those areas. And if even they are not elected, they are voting and whining. It seems like the same thing is happening in NH? Anyway, the turds even live down here and commute, by train, to Boston. We've lost what is means to be a Swamp Yankee, which is what RI used to be, to these carpet baggers.
Very scary that they’ve past the point of dictatorship. I don’t live in RI but go often, and I have heard that the gov is a left wing nut job who is pro union, pro tax, pro illegal immigration, pro welfare, and very anti everything else. Actually surprised the state hasn’t collapsed yet. Crazy high property taxes, high sales tax, no good jobs... How is it still standing?
Rhode Island during colonial days was referred to as "Rogue Island"

Little has changed
If it wasn’t for the fact that some of my favorite restaurants were there I would have no reason to visit. From what I can’t tel more than half of the residents of providence appear to be on the government payroll if you know what I mean.
Several of the calls involved him shooting in his back yard, one was even on tape from a neighbor.
And several were about him pointing a gun at someone's head IIRC.
They knew.

That's great, but it still doesn't address the fact that had they actually done something about it like they should have, he would've been in jail and a PP anyway.
It is shocking - and surprising - that there are states more f***ed up than MA. Of course it borders MA so perhaps the surprise shouldn't be that big.

On the other hand, it is very scary. Indeed on the verge of nazi Germany and other fine examples.
Google Mordechai Anielewicz - the man who organized the Jewish resistance in the Warsaw Ghetto- for some real inspiration.
How would it have ever stopped the Parkland kid when a.) BSO was ordered to stand down on him all 37 f***ing times they were called, and b.) To my knowledge, no one even knew he had any guns to confiscate?

Any a**h*** parroting that line needs to be asked those simple questions.

"But but, don't you know, it FEEEEEEELS like the right thing to dooo and its COMMON SENSE to have these LAWRRRRRRS don't you care about the chilllllldren?"

I wish the next person that said something like that, a seagull or something would just fly, swoop in, and take a giant shit right in their mouth. that's being polite, too.

I feel that this is a good example of why you need to put something away for a rainy day. God forbid it should become necessary to defend yourself and your family.
"But but, don't you know, it FEEEEEEELS like the right thing to dooo and its COMMON SENSE to have these LAWRRRRRRS don't you care about the chilllllldren?"

I wish the next person that said something like that, a seagull or something would just fly, swoop in, and take a giant shit right in their mouth. that's being polite, too.

Isn't great when lawmakers pass laws based purely on hypotheticals instead of analytical data and hard facts. Everyone should lose their rights cuz some fat soccer mom in East Greenwich is afraid that (could've should've would've) but what if!?! What if someone does!?! /sarcasm over
Very scary that they’ve past the point of dictatorship. I don’t live in RI but go often, and I have heard that the gov is a left wing nut job who is pro union, pro tax, pro illegal immigration, pro welfare, and very anti everything else. Actually surprised the state hasn’t collapsed yet. Crazy high property taxes, high sales tax, no good jobs... How is it still standing?
Immigrant labor that costs half what American labor does. No seriously, all I hear from my grandmother is that Indians have poured into her apartment complex over the years and they either work for CVS HQ or Amica HQ.

So, the work visa crowd gets the good jobs, buy my cousins are stuck doing low labor jobs with their 4 year college degrees that cost a mint.

Then there was one job I took in RI and there were so many people that worked their that were either immigrant visas, immigrants, or came to work for the company out of state. Missouri, New Jersey, Indiana, Bulgaria, Cambodia, Dominican... the only people who were from RI were all the low skill labor, bottom of the barrel types.

The public education in RI is a total joke, the teachers unions have the state in a stranglehold and the kids are coming out of school (if they graduate at all) with brains full of mush.

The state hasn't imploded yet because RI finds new ways to tax. Truck tolls are the new thing, but truckers are going to figure out that there's a road called I-395 in CT that takes them up to Route 6, the Mass Pike, and 495 and those roads don't cost a dime. Hell, the tolls may not even stand up in court and what will possibly happen is everyone will be paying tolls, not just trucks.

I think the toll situation is going to be a boondoggle once it shows up. People in the rural parts of RI are going to be inundated with tractor trailers now thanks to vaGina. I'm just waiting for the eventual story on the morning news of a tractor trailer that flew off one of these skinny ass fuking state roads at night and slammed into a building and killed the immigrant driver because he was accustomed to driving on I-95.

I think in 10 years, the state is going to fall apart... and not just the roads lol. The state pension plans are already strained and once the younger baby boomers start to retire... it's gonna be a bad situation. In 10 years, I see property taxes up, gasoline taxes up 10 cents a gallon from where they are now, sales tax up to 10%, income taxes up, but the two big ones I see are marijuana legalized and taxed and prostitution legalized again, possibly regulated via brothels and taxed of course.
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“It is a question of trust between the state and the citizen. The citizen is not just a citizen, he is also a soldier,” Hermann Suter, who at the time was vice president of the Swiss gun-rights group Pro Tell, told the BBC then. “The gun at home is the best way to avoid dictatorships—only dictators take arms away from the citizens.”
Quote is from the online article "Like the US, Switzerland has Liberal Gun Laws Too" appearing in "The Atlantic." Thought I would share it.
My son lives in Rhode Island, and that state is a shithole.

The governor should focus on jobs, infrastructure, and the economy.

Guns are not a priority there.

Raimando doesn't know how to do that. She is a Socialist of the USSR kind. She espouses it regularly in interviews. She truly believes that if the State can control everything, everyone will be better off. For a Harvard grad, her ability to read a history book is pretty weak.
Raimando doesn't know how to do that. She is a Socialist of the USSR kind. She espouses it regularly in interviews. She truly believes that if the State can control everything, everyone will be better off. For a Harvard grad, her ability to read a history book is pretty weak.
Except that I don't think they've really taught history at Haaaavaad in a very long time.
ironic she didn't take this action when o'bama was presidnut. (misspelling intentional)

I think the DNC expect a blue wave for Hillary and that she'd be dropping the hammer on all the deplorables with assistance from US AG Healey. Mercifully that didn't happen, but we are now witnessing plan "B".
Isn't great when lawmakers pass laws based purely on hypotheticals instead of analytical data and hard facts. Everyone should lose their rights cuz some fat soccer mom in East Greenwich is afraid that (could've should've would've) but what if!?! What if someone does!?! /sarcasm over

The worst part is the pols passing that shit pretty much know that it will do nothing- they're basically pandering to what they feel is the bulk of their constituency; and they know that even if it does nothing, they can say "well, we tried, we need moar (insert statist bullshit here)." It's the lazy way out and it often has a well defined, familiar political cost center to it.

Any honest discussion or addressing of violent crime in this country (of any kind, whether its gangbangers, whackjobs, or violent durkas) gets dodged by most politicians because of the risk factor
attached to that discussion- it's pretty much impossible to discuss it without at least partially goring some moonbat oxen in the process. MSM shits all over a lot of viable solutions so the pols being the limp wristing
types that they are, only pick "PC safe" solutions- which is basically 9 out of 10 times consists of shitting on gun owners and other people who are producers and not takers/FSA types.

Of course it doesn't matter that, as a whole, whether conservative or liberal; the general public's understanding of things like "freedom" "rights" and "civil rights" , or even a partial
understanding of a constitution, or a constitutional republic, and what it means, etc... is absolutely terrible to the point of being one big steaming turd. Joe and Jane RetardPerson have not been sold on
the value of individual freedom and rights. They take those things for granted way too much... to the point where these morons won't really understand how important it was, until it's been
completely erased.

Except that I don't think they've really taught history at Haaaavaad in a very long time.

I don't mean at Harvard. I mean E-V-E-R! I read history books and politics books and economics books. I'm betting the best she does is read the shampoo bottle while she's taking a dump. :(
Raimando doesn't know how to do that. She is a Socialist of the USSR kind. She espouses it regularly in interviews. She truly believes that if the State can control everything, everyone will be better off. For a Harvard grad, her ability to read a history book is pretty weak.
So long as a bearded fat man or some other dingus doesn't run for governor in RI this year, Fung has a chance to usurp the vaGina, who has done nothing since 2015 to improve the economy or the lives of the residents of RI. The state hasn't really recovered since the recession 10 years ago and RaiMuffo isn't the one to fix it.
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