R.I. Governor Signs Executive Order To Seize Guns

Something doesn't smell right with the article. How can a state governor sign an executive action that allows the federal government to sieze firearms. Also the article contracts itself. At one point it says it gives police the authority to confiscate weapons but in another says a judge needs to approve it.
The ERPO laws are sold as good intentions to stop the Parkland kid, but written to give Government the ability to arbitrarily define Extreme Risk. As I've said before, they will figure out that decreeing that the desire to own a gun constitutes and extreme risk, and have prescendent to confiscate from all gun owners.
The ERPO laws are sold as good intentions to stop the Parkland kid, but written to give Government the ability to arbitrarily define Extreme Risk. As I've said before, they will figure out that decreeing that the desire to own a gun constitutes and extreme risk, and have prescendent to confiscate from all gun owners.

How would it have ever stopped the Parkland kid when a.) BSO was ordered to stand down on him all 37 f***ing times they were called, and b.) To my knowledge, no one even knew he had any guns to confiscate?

Any a**h*** parroting that line needs to be asked those simple questions.
Something doesn't smell right with the article. How can a state governor sign an executive action that allows the federal government to sieze firearms. Also the article contracts itself. At one point it says it gives police the authority to confiscate weapons but in another says a judge needs to approve it.

The judge would only be a formality just to make it appear legal. Tell me, how many times do you think our 4th amendments rights have been trampled on by some liberal judge ? The executive order just makes it easier to do. Safety is the key word here. Our government officials can get away with most anything in the name of safety. Remember the Patriot Act, enough said.
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How would it have ever stopped the Parkland kid when a.) BSO was ordered to stand down on him all 37 f***ing times they were called, and b.) To my knowledge, no one even knew he had any guns to confiscate?

Any a**h*** parroting that line needs to be asked those simple questions.
Several of the calls involved him shooting in his back yard, one was even on tape from a neighbor.
And several were about him pointing a gun at someone's head IIRC.
They knew.
Well, I guess this is what it comes down to. The ball is in the "Molon Labe" crowd's court now. We are heading towards an Internet bitching war of epic proportions. No shots will be fired, and the militia and three penisers will be just as invisible as the oathkeepers.
Have cameras ready to catch the new-Gestapo in the act. If you have neighbors that you are friendly with - start a neighborhood watch of sorts.

You know there will be no raids on gangs or drug dealers, just some poor bastard out in the country. He shoots on his land and the new yuppie neighbors have a way to stop it now - no due process required.

I can’t see how this stands up in court, but court isn’t where you go for justice anymore.
Raimondo’s order sets an incredibly low standard required to seize a person’s lawfully owned firearm without an arrest occurring.

If there are no grounds to legally arrest someone, why are police allowed to confiscate someone’s guns?

According to the left, voting non-Dim is a mental illness in itself. Very nice, now you got judges and LEO's making decisions for which they carry 0 liability.
These things are a slippery slope. Won't be long before someone poses a 'Red Flag' for speaking out online about government oppression

It's worse. If one does not vocally jump on the Left-wing Statist bandwagon, it's a 'Red Flag'.

Anti-gun dogma is the new McCarthyism/Witch Hunt. If you don't pledge that "no one needs a gun like that", then you are a Danger to Society and all guns will be confiscated.
As a RI resident, I have been following this closely. For clarification, the EO is stupid nonsense. It does not give anyone any authority to do anything. It say the governor is directing law eneforcement to do everything within the law. It is political BS. It literally does NOTHING. The real problem are the bills in the RI House and Senate which allow an LEO to go to a judge, determine you are a danger, and then take all your firearms. And that will likely pass. It's a bad bill for a number of reasons but specifically, there are no consequences to making a false report. So if the cops go through all this BS, take your weapons, you are found not to be a dangerous and they have to return them all to you in splinters (as they will treat them like kindling) that person is not legally culpable. And that is just one of the many problems wrong with the bill.
Frenchman, while MealTeam6 tier 1 keyboard commando Gecko45 mall ninja invincible in peace invisible in war Oathkeeper free people's 3% milk militia molon labias are a significant faction, I wouldn't underestimate the capabilities or willingness of some serious preppers to have at it. The Bundy bunch and mass civil disobedience in the face of the Bureau of Land Management is a hint not everyone will roll over quietly.
Arbitrary & Capricious spring to mind also. No set rules, just if we don’t like you - we take your stuff, almost like it’s hsppened before.........

I will not live as a serf, I will not live or die at the whim of another. If you come for me, come heavy and be ready for a fight.
........I wouldn't underestimate the capabilities or willingness of some serious preppers to have at it. The Bundy bunch and mass civil disobedience in the face of the Bureau of Land Management is a hint not everyone will roll over quietly.

Now that they have decided to arrest, falsify and withhold evidence on the cases they made up - more than a few will no longer go quietly; where before they would fight it in court.
I think they've screwed themselves if they're fapping over the idea of doing that here in Mass. And by they, I mean elected officials like Mr. Baker, et al.
The reason I say they've screwed themselves here on this one is this:

You don't *have* to have a Class A LTC to own a gun here, right? But the fact is, there is a metric shit ton of people who DO have their Class A LTC here - some that carry, some just to have it, and regardless, they own guns.
So, that means that all us Class A'ers have gone through the litany of background checks, reference checks, dog n' pony show hoops to GET our Class A, so, the state has therefore already signed off on us and said we're good to go.

If a Class-A'er were to start making ridiculously violent threats to public safety, etc., then maybe, just maybe, the clowns running the circus would have a leg to stand on. But what Class-A'er is going to be dumb enough to do that? Chances are slim and none.

The other, more dangerous angle, is Annie Anti that lives down the street and *knows* that you own guns and *thinks* you're a "gun nut" so she rats you out over "red flags". That's where due process comes in, there needs to be some kind of check/balance for accusations of "red flag" behavior and that's the rub on this. The authorities, at least elsewhere and at a Federal level have already shown themselves to be wholly incompetent when it comes to catching these "red flags" from people that actually DID follow through on their threats/behavior - ala Parkland, etc.

The answer with these f***wads is always the same: give the government MORE control, MORE authority, MORE overreach into our lives, rights be damned, and dammit the wold will be a "safer" place.

Except not.
Frenchman, while MealTeam6 tier 1 keyboard commando Gecko45 mall ninja invincible in peace invisible in war Oathkeeper free people's 3% milk militia molon labias are a significant faction, I wouldn't underestimate the capabilities or willingness of some serious preppers to have at it. The Bundy bunch and mass civil disobedience in the face of the Bureau of Land Management is a hint not everyone will roll over quietly.

not sure if sarcasm, but Bundy's case is perfect study how .gov will deal with "different-thinkers" (soviet term) ... wait 2 years in limbo, ambush and shoot you up and then throw you in prison. 0 incentive not to do it.
The other, more dangerous angle, is Annie Anti that lives down the street and *knows* that you own guns and *thinks* you're a "gun nut" so she rats you out over "red flags". That's where due process comes in, there needs to be some kind of check/balance for accusations of "red flag" behavior and that's the rub on this. The authorities, at least elsewhere and at a Federal level have already shown themselves to be wholly incompetent when it comes to catching these "red flags" from people that actually DID follow through on their threats/behavior - ala Parkland, etc.

Interesting thing, during the terror of 30s in the Soviet Union, a lot of people filed false reports against their neighbors, cheating spouse or simply people they didn't like which usually resulted in wrongly accused being sent to Gulag.

I'm disturbed how some recent stories site a "concerned citizen's" complaint as a root of someone getting swatted. This is how it's begins. And we all know that moonbats are more than willing to stoop that low as ends justify means for them.
Several of the calls involved him shooting in his back yard, one was even on tape from a neighbor.
And several were about him pointing a gun at someone's head IIRC.
They knew.
He committed arrest-able offenses and the school and local law enforcement let it go. If they hadn't he would not have been able to legally purchase a firearm. Once again feel good policies and govt. employees that went along with those policies have cost lives and made us less safe.
If it's clear the rule of law is dead and .gov is going to jack you up with no due process, a kangaroo court, ruining your life or taking it by a long undeserved sentence or a trigger happy LEO the 'lion', is that not incentive to just fight it out? The left hasn't figured out the more they grab and push the less people have to lose. If you and your family's entire lives are already ruined by an arbitrary accusation dispatching a goon squad to your door, what's the point in living?

It's awful to even have to type this 3rd world authoritarian crap, but the left seems to want the U.S. to be that way as long as they are in charge.
It is shocking - and surprising - that there are states more f***ed up than MA. Of course it borders MA so perhaps the surprise shouldn't be that big.

On the other hand, it is very scary. Indeed on the verge of nazi Germany and other fine examples.
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