Prepardness for Government Meltdown

May 5, 2005
Vermont, a Free State
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At risk of sounding like a Paranoid Nut Case, I've learned to be prepared for about any situation, including Government Meltdown or Foreign Invasion. What's everyones thoughts on what to have?

I keep several Battle Rifles and decent quantities of ammo for each, with a diversity of calibers, so I have the ability to "acquire" ammo from my oponents. It's definitely a "Bug Out" type situation for me, since one thing that will obviously happen is confiscation of firearms. I also have some weapons that have no "paper trail". That is legal where I live. I know where I'll go to, and have a plan to "dispose" of any firearms I don't wish to surrender (and they don't know to ask for).

ETA - I don't think the idea is so far fetched, since I do see another "Civil War" possibly happening in the US, the way things are going politically. Thank goodness the Liberals are mostly unarmed, and have little courage, or we would've had problems already.
We also have the same as far as rifles and ammo. I predict alot of boating accidents.
Our only problem would be the bugging out,due to Glenn's mother and 94 year old grandmother. Yes, his grandmother still lives in town, and lives alone and get around quite well. It's 2 of the reasons that keep us here.

OK, how much ammo should you have on hand for your semi-auto battle rifles?

What other types of preparations should you have ready?

I'm assuming you've read Unintended Consequences, Molon Labe, and Enemies Foreign and Domestic:

When the signs of infrastructure breakdown start to appear, there is a sudden rush on PVC pipe at all the home repair / hardware stores, along with PVC caps and pipe glue, particularly in the gun-friendly states.

I wonder why......
Adam_MA said:
OK, how much ammo should you have on hand for your semi-auto battle rifles?

1000 rounds each, minimum, IMNSHO.

And, USMA-82, I've read those, plus a few others along the same lines. If anyone hasn't read Unintended Consequesnces, I suggest you do. There's a lot of history mixed in with the fiction. A good read.
PVC pipe bombs???

I'm no expert, or even have ANY experience making explosive devices (except some armature pyrotechnics for the 4th in my younger days) but why would you want one made out of plastic?

Adam_MA said:
PVC pipe bombs???

I'm no expert, or even have ANY experience making explosive devices (except some armature pyrotechnics for the 4th in my younger days) but why would you want one made out of plastic?


Wrong use. You get the large PVC pipe, cut a piece to the appropriate length and cap both ends with weapons, ammunition and other necessities inside, then bury it where only you and those you trust can find it and where you'll be able to get to it after TSHTF.

KMaurer said:
Adam_MA said:
PVC pipe bombs???

I'm no expert, or even have ANY experience making explosive devices (except some armature pyrotechnics for the 4th in my younger days) but why would you want one made out of plastic?


Wrong use. You get the large PVC pipe, cut a piece to the appropriate length and cap both ends with weapons, ammunition and other necessities inside, then bury it where only you and those you trust can find it and where you'll be able to get to it after TSHTF.


Thank you... That makes more sense!

If the Gov't goes crazy, you can bet they'll shut down ALL the non-secure GPS satellites, and keep the secure ones up and running. You have to have a special kind of GPS to access those, the current one is called a PLGR, or AN/PS-11.

What I will openly say about caching firearms is to put them in a spot you can go back and find them, and definitely on property that you don't own. Also, removing any fingerprints would be a smart idea, for hindering identification, as well as preventing rust.

Also, I suggest you purchase your PVC pipe well ahead of time, since the idea is so common, they WILL be tracking sales of it.
That would be pretty cool.. Have a central rally point for NESers who we know will be well armed to meet up to take our stand...

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