Portland, Maine Moving in on Gun Rights

OH NO! That would be assault and battery! You could loose your LTC and bring the wrath of several NES'ers down on you! [laugh][wink]

From the sounds of it all you would have to do is bait him into throwing the first punch. [laugh]

Maine’s Concealed Carry Rights in Jeopardy Again!

Friday, September 10, 2010

Please Stand-Up and Make Your Voice Heard!

On Tuesday, September 14, the City of Portland’s Public Safety Committee will hold a public hearing to consider legislation prohibiting firearms in certain public facilities. After the hearing, the Committee will deliberate in public and decide whether to recommend that City Council take up a Resolution supporting such a measure.

This legislation would be the first step in an outright attack on your concealed carry rights and the measure also defies Maine’s Constitution which states, “Every citizen has a right to keep and bear arms and this right shall never be questioned.”

The meeting will be held on September 14 at 5:30 P.M. in the City Council Chambers, located at 389 Congress Street in Portland.

Please attend and make your voice heard! Respectfully urge council members to oppose any changes to state law which would create victim zones in Maine. Remember to tell them that crime does not stop at the front door of a public facility and the right to defend yourself and family shouldn’t either. If you are unable to attend, please contact the members of the Public Safety Committee and voice your opposition to this proposal. Contact information can be found below.

Dan S. Skolnik, Chair
[email protected]

John R. Coyne
[email protected]

Kevin J Donoghue
[email protected]
Move to ban guns in public facilities floated tonight

City Councilor Dan Skolnik wants state lawmakers to expand gun control to public facilities such as city halls and gathering places like the Portland Exposition Center, Fitzpatrick Stadium and the Cumberland County Civic Center.

At the city's regular Public Safety Committee meeting today (Tuesday), Skolnik and other supporters of a city resolution seeking gun bans in these public venues will try to launch a draft resolution that the city council could take to the legislature.

Actually, two public meetings are planned: the one today at 5:30 p.m. at City Hall and one in October (tentatively the second Tuesday in October), Skolnik said Monday. Public comment will be the heart of the meetings, he added.

"Probably between the two meetings we'll try to put together a resolution that very carefully outlines a solution for public facilities that we think is constitutional, and then we'll leave it to the legislature to decide," Skolnik, who chairs the public safety committee, said.

In April, Skolnik mounted a counter-protest on the Back Cove to a local rally for "open carry," a nationwide movement that urges gun owners to openly wear guns in public where legal. "No good can come of walking around displaying an openly-loaded weapon," Skolnik said at the time of the dueling protests.

Under Maine state law, it's legal to carry loaded guns in public, but only if they are in plain sight. If someone wants to conceal a firearm, state law requires that they take out a permit for a concealed weapon. There are few prohibitions on where people can carry a gun, although current law bans them from courthouses, jails, school grounds and bars, according to city attorney Gary Wood.

Skolnik says there should be "at least that level of regulation" for people wishing to openly carry their guns.

But the issue of gun control in Portland largely left the public eye after April's high-profile rallies.

Asked why is he was pursuing legislative restrictions now, Skolnik said, "I was motivated by the understanding that there was some common ground that certain people in the legislature were nodding toward, and I thought, 'OK, I'll give it a try.'"

"I think there is a good chance that something can pass," said William Harwood, a gun control advocate who offered information to the public safety committee regarding past attempts to prohibit guns in certain facilities. "I think if the MMA (Maine Municipal Association) were to take this on and lend their support to it as a matter of local control over which they (local municipalities) should have local jurisdiction it would have a much stronger chance of passing."

"Peripheral issues" such as what to do about somebody driving into a city hall parking lot with a hunting rifle in their vehicle needed to be worked out during past debates, Harwood said.

"You're never quite sure when the right time is, but there has been support for this in the past," he said.

State and federal law preempts local authority to regulate firearms, Wood wrote in an Aug. 10 memo to the public safety committee.

"That is why this limited approach to new state legislation makes sense," Wood wrote. "Portland can call on the Legislature to expand its own laws in a way that conforms with the right to bear arms."

Paul Mattson, a National Rifle Association certified instructor and range safety officer, said he doesn't expect the proposal to escape the public safety committee.

"I have a good feeling it's going to be shot down tomorrow night," he predicted Monday. "The legislators already voted this down four times prior. It's been voted down many times."

The Maine State Constitution reads: "Every citizen has a right to keep and bear arms and this right shall never be questioned."

"It's contrary to the Maine State Constitution, Article 1, Section 16," Mattson said of the resolution, noting that the state constitution also prohibits cities from administering state law.

The National Rifle Association of America, Institute for Legislative Action, was more blunt, writing in an email alert: "This legislation would be the first step in an outright attack on your concealed carry rights and the measure also defies Maine’s Constitution which states, 'Every citizen has a right to keep and bear arms and this right shall never be questioned.'"


After countless hours we of the concealed carry community have prevailed. I have logged 42 hours and I know the NRA has been relentless in this pursuit as well. Thank you all for your support!


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Councilor modifies call for gun ban
Dan Skolnik proposes an exemption for people who have concealed-weapons permits.

PORTLAND - A City Council committee might be ready to modify its call for a statewide ban on guns in public buildings.

The council's Public Safety Committee will discuss the issue on Oct. 12. The panel's chair said he would be willing to exempt people with concealed-weapons permits from a ban on firearms in public buildings.


Paul Mattson, who provides certified gun training for people seeking concealed-weapons permits, said the apparent decision to carve out an exemption for permit holders is a victory for gun rights' advocates, although he would prefer no ban on firearms in public buildings.

"I'd actually feel more comfortable (in a large group) knowing that a lot of people have concealed-weapons permits," he said.

Paul, I know you know this, but get ahead of this prick at the state level.

He's a city pol and all they are doing is drafting a "look at me" letter to the legislature. Cut him off at the knees by lining up support for our side in Augusta.

Bravo Zulu to you sir.
Resolve 3-10/11 Resolution Supporting Legislation Prohibiting Guns in Publicly
(Tab 10) Owned or Controlled Buildings or Facilities that Host Large Public Gatherings – Sponsored by the Public Safety Committee, Councilor Daniel S. Skolnik, Chair.

On October 12th, the Public Safety Committee voted 2-0 to send a Resolution to the Council supporting the creation of state legislation that would prohibit firearms in certain publicly owed facilities where mass gatherings occur.

Staff is requesting that this item be postponed to the November 15th Council meeting

NRA Statewide Alert

Maine's Concealed Carry Rights in Jeopardy Again!

Please Stand-Up and Make Your Voice Heard!

On Monday, November 15, the Portland City Council will hold a public hearing and vote to consider a resolution asking the legislature to prohibit legally-owned firearms in certain public facilities. This resolution would be the first step in an outright attack on your concealed carry rights and the measure also defies Maine's Constitution which states, "Every citizen has a right to keep and bear arms and this right shall never be questioned."

The meeting will be held on Monday, November 15 at 7:00 P.M. in the City Council Chambers, located at 389 Congress Street in Portland.

Please attend and make your voice heard! Respectfully urge council members to oppose any changes to state law which would create victim zones in Maine. Remember to tell them that crime does not stop at the front door of a public facility and the right to defend yourself and family shouldn't either. If you are unable to attend, please contact the members of the City Council and voice your opposition to this resolution. Contact information can be found below.

Nicholas Mavodones, Jr.
(207) 774-0257

Kevin J. Donoghue
District 1
(207) 409-2807

David A Marshall
District 2
(207) 409-6617

Dan S. Skolnik
District 3
(207) 831-7343

Cheryl A. Leeman
District 4
(207) 773-4161

John R. Coyne
District 5
(207) 878-7426

John M. Anton
(207) 650-8979

Dory Richards Waxman
(207) 774-8210

Jill C. Duson
(207) 878-0769
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