Politico Article: Support for AWB at Lowest Ever


NES Member
Jan 4, 2011
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The numbers come as fear of lone wolf terrorist attacks has increased, in the wake of a deadly attack in San Bernardino, Calif., earlier this month that killed 14 people and wounded 21. And faith in the government’s ability to prevent such attacks is low.

Just one in five people (22 percent) trust that the government can prevent lone wolf attacks, while 77 percent of people are skeptical. The numbers, however, are better for faith in the government’s ability to stop a large scale attack (43 percent), though 56 percent of those polled don’t trust the government to stop those either.

The most effective response to terrorism is nearly split evenly: 47 percent think more people should carry guns, while 42 percent think stricter gun controls will help.
That's interesting (only 45% support an AWB). I wonder if the fact every cop seems to be carrying on now, makes them less scary to the public?

Or could be simply cause there's way more AR owners than in the past.
Any time anyone suggests banning ARs or other semi-automatic rifles, I point them to the MA law enforcement patrol rifle class manual. Ask them to read the first several pages, and then tell me why "civilians" should not have the same benefits described for LEO's.


Only the anti-est of anti's continue to argue for bans.
Quick read:

Conversely, the most popular patrol rifle round, the 5.56mm NATO (.223 Remington) will penetrate fewer walls than service pistol rounds or 12 gauge slugs.
The rifle is a superior tool. It allows the officer to either stand off from the threat or, if the situation requires, advance to the threat with the confidence that the tool in their hands can deal with almost any perceived threat. It has the power to deliver lethal terminal ballistics to the threat. It has a larger magazine capacity than our service pistol or shotgun. The longer sight radius makes it potentially a more accurate weapon which lowers the liability to the department. The drawbacks include an additional initial and operating expense to the department and there are additional weapon retention issues which need to be addressed in training.
Can someone remind me why a 5.56 penetrates less than a 9mm? Aren't a lot of complaints about the military M4/M16 round is that it goes right through unarmored jihadis?
Any time anyone suggests banning ARs or other semi-automatic rifles, I point them to the MA law enforcement patrol rifle class manual. Ask them to read the first several pages, and then tell me why "civilians" should not have the same benefits described for LEO's.


Only the anti-est of anti's continue to argue for bans.

We have found most officers have difficulty hitting the MPTC Q target with regularity using their service pistol at distances further than the 10 yard line.

While they have the manual open to the intro, ask the anti why they think cops can shoot.
AWB was soooo 1990's. Beside, who needs a new AWB when they can take all of your guns away b/c you end up on some list that nobody knows how to get on or get off of?
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