One gun a month bill/law trying to be passed contact them now before its to late!!!

May 26, 2005
Feedback: 4 / 0 / 0
Here are the names of the senators that people should contact to fight this bill/law of (one gun a month) for a limit of 12 a yr. which was put in by: Jarrett T. Barrios [email protected] 309 722-1650

I think shooters need to email/mail and call to be heard or we are in trouble also dealers really need to ban together on this one!! I already sent my mail off to mine and a few other senators.

Guys if we don't ban togther and speak up we are really in trouble this time!! email a few if not all of them below let them know that this bill does nothing to stop criminals just hurts us legal firearms owners and dealers don't think GOAL can win this for us without us calling and doing our part!!! There are some good parts to the bill like longer jail time and hire bails. But over all its bad for us.

Robert A. Antonioni [email protected] 109-E 722-1230

Edward M. Augustus Jr. [email protected] 413-B 722-1485

Steven A. Baddour [email protected] 513 722-1604

Jarrett T. Barrios [email protected] 309 722-1650

Frederick E. Berry [email protected] 333 722-1410

Stephen M. Brewer [email protected] 109-B 722-1540

Scott P. Brown [email protected] 520 722-1555

Stephen J. Buoniconti [email protected]
206 722-1660

Gale D. Candaras [email protected] 213-B 722-1291

Harriette L. Chandler [email protected] 312-D 722-1544

Robert S. Creedon, Jr. [email protected]
413-C 722-1200

Cynthia Stone Creem [email protected] 416-B 722-1639

Benjamin B. Downing [email protected] 413-F 722-1625

Susan C. Fargo [email protected] 504 722-1572

Jack Hart [email protected] 109-C 722-1150

Robert A. Havern [email protected]
109-D 722-1432

Robert L. Hedlund [email protected]
313-C 722-1646

Patricia D. Jehlen [email protected] 213 722-1578

Brian A. Joyce [email protected] 413-A 722-1643

Michael R. Knapik [email protected]
421 722-1415

Thomas M. McGee [email protected] 112 722-1350

Joan M. Menard [email protected] 215 722-1114

Mark C. Montigny [email protected] 511-A 722-1440

Richard T. Moore [email protected] 111 722-1420

Michael W. Morrissey [email protected] 413-D 722-1494

Senate President Therese Murray [email protected] 332 722-1500

Robert O'Leary Robert.O'[email protected] 416-A 722-1570

Marc R. Pacheco [email protected] 312-B 722-1551

Steven C. Panagiotakos [email protected] 212 722-1630

Pamela P. Resor [email protected] 410 722-1120

Stanley C. Rosenberg [email protected] 320 722-1532

Karen E. Spilka [email protected]
511-C 722-1640

Bruce E. Tarr [email protected] 313-A 722-1600

James E. Timilty [email protected] 518 722-1222

Richard R. Tisei [email protected] 308 722-1206

Steven A. Tolman [email protected] 511-B 722-1280

Susan C. Tucker [email protected] 424 722-1612

Marian Walsh [email protected] 405 722-1348

Dianne Wilkerson [email protected] 312-C 722-1673
Jeezus! You almost gave me a heart attack.

The way your subject line read I thought they were already in the process of voting on it.
Jeezus! You almost gave me a heart attack.

The way your subject line read I thought they were already in the process of voting on it.

It was meant to get people!! It will not take them long once the budget is done this is the next thing you can bet will be on the plate!! Get a fire under your friends and dealers to make there calls now before its to late!!

Email call and keep them rolling in to there office till they vote on it, I plan on it so should all of you. This state has just been getting out of control with the laws and its time we are heard on this bill/law!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Shouldn't we be writing to our state Reps, since this bill is proposed in the house??

Have you got a list of them?

Yes, write your senators, but don't neglect where the bill will start

I just finished writing individual E mails to each person on that list, including Rep Barrios. I hope they were all Senators, because I addressed them as such. The following is basically what I said:

Dear Senator XXXXXXX

I want to express my opposition to the current bills being proposed by Rep Barrios that include annual inventory of guns by the State Police. This part of his proposal sounds like something out of 1930' Germany, and would set a dangerous precedent. What would be next, the State Police coming into my house to see if I removed the "Do not remove" tag from my mattress.

One gun a month also hurts the legal gun owner. We apply for permits, get background checks, have a NICS check done, and follow the law. Criminals are not for the most part getting their guns in gun shops, and they don't follow the rules. They are already breaking the laws, what makes Rep Barrios think they would obey this one.

As to his proposal to ban all bullets that can penetrate body armor he evidently doesn't know that most hunting rifles can pierce body armor, so in fact he would be banning all those guns. He is trying to ban the Herstal FiveseveN pistol because it can penetrate body armor, It is already illegal to sell that gun in this state.

I am all for harsher penalties for people convicted of using a gun in a crime. I also think the existing laws would be much more effective if they were enforced, especially mandatory sentencing.

There are laws on the books to cover about anything. When legislation like this is proposed, it's smoke and mirrors. It doesn't accomplish anything, but it makes voters feel like their Reps are doing something about the gun violence. It only hurts the legal firearms owner, who are among the most law abiding segment of our society.

Recent headline from Boston make it seem like there is an explosion of guns on the street. These are gang bangers, and their neighborhoods don't help police to catch the criminals. Why should the whole state of Massachusetts be punished for a few pockets of gangs in Boston, or Lowell or other urban ghettos?

Please oppose this bill if it comes to you in the Senate, and use any influence you have to defeat this proposed bill.

Thank You

William D'Espinosa
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Fox, Gloria L. [email protected] 167 722-2810
Fresolo, John P. [email protected] 156 722-2240
Frost, Paul K. [email protected] 542 722-2489
Galvin, William C. [email protected] 167 722-2230
Garry, Colleen M. [email protected] 238 722-2380
Gifford, Susan W. [email protected] 540 722-2090
Gobi, Anne M. [email protected] 473G 722-2210
Golden, Thomas A., Jr. [email protected] 20 722-2410
Grant, Mary E. [email protected] 254 722-2220
Greene, William G., Jr. [email protected] 472 722-2210
Guyer, Denis E. [email protected] 134 722-2400
Haddad, Patricia A. [email protected] 473G 722-2070
Hall, Geoffrey D. [email protected] 146 722-2575
Hargraves, Robert S. [email protected] 237 722-2305
Harkins, Lida E. [email protected] 343 722-2300
Hill, Bradford [email protected] 542 722-2489
Honan, Kevin G. [email protected] 38 722-2470
Humason, Donald F., Jr. [email protected] 443 722-2460
Hynes, Frank M. [email protected] 489 722-2552
Jones, Bradley H., Jr. [email protected] 124 722-2100
Kafka, Louis L. [email protected] 237 722-2305
Kane, Michael F. [email protected] 473B 722-2263
Kaprielian, Rachel [email protected] 479 722-2520
Kaufman, Jay R. [email protected] 156 722-2240
Keenan, John, D. [email protected] 136 722-2396
Kennedy, Thomas P. [email protected] 277 722-2012
Khan, Kay [email protected] 22 722-2140
Kocot, Peter V. [email protected] 473F 722-2210
Koczera, Robert M. [email protected] 448 722-2582
Koutoujian, Peter J. [email protected] 130 722-2130
Kujawski, Paul [email protected] 466 722-2017
Kulik, Stephen [email protected] 236 722-2430
Lantigua, William [email protected] 489 722-2810
LeDuc, Stephen P. [email protected] 167 722-2230
Lepper, John A. [email protected] 128 722-2100
Linsky, David P. [email protected] 473F 722-2210
L'Italien, Barbara A. Rep.BarbaraL'[email protected] 26 722-2080
Loscocco, Paul J. [email protected] 254 722-2220
Malia, Elizabeth A. [email protected] 33 722-2060
Mariano, Ronald [email protected] 254 722-2220
Marzilli, J. James, Jr. [email protected] 134 722-2430
McCarthy, Allen [email protected] 130 722-2130
Miceli, James R. [email protected] 448 722-2582
Moran, Michael [email protected] 437(temp) 722-2460
Murphy, Charles A. [email protected] 136 722-2396
Murphy, James M. [email protected] 136 722-2396
Murphy, Kevin J. [email protected] 472 722-2013
Nangle, David M. [email protected] 527A 722-2020
Natale, Patrick M. [email protected] 167 722-2810
Naughton, Harold P., Jr. [email protected] 472 722-2013
Nyman, Robert J. [email protected] 527A 722-2020
O'Flaherty, Eugene L. [email protected] 136 722-2396
Patrick, Matthew [email protected] 540 722-2090
Peake, Sarah [email protected] 540 722-2090
Pedone, Vincent A. [email protected] 540 722-2090
Peisch, Alice H. [email protected] 174 722-2080
Perry, Jeffrey D. [email protected] 136 722-2396
Petersen, Douglas W. [email protected] 544 722-2637
Peterson, George N., Jr. [email protected] 124 722-2100
Petrolati, Thomas M. [email protected] 234 722-2255
Petruccelli, Anthony [email protected] 26 722-2080
Pignatelli, William Smitty [email protected] 448 722-2582
Poirier, Elizabeth A. [email protected] 542 722-2976
Polito, Karyn E. [email protected] 167 722-2230
Provost, Denise [email protected] 167 722-2810
Puppolo, Angelo [email protected] 146 722-2011
Quinn, John F. [email protected] 527A 722-2020
Reinstein, Kathi-Anne [email protected] 167 722-2230
Rice, Robert L, Jr. [email protected] 33 722-2060
Richardson, Pam [email protected] 448 722-2582
Rodrigues, Michael J. [email protected] 43 722-2030
Rogeness, Mary S. [email protected] 124 722-2100
Rogers, John H. [email protected] 370 722-2600
Ross, Richard J. [email protected] 237 722-2305
Rush, Michael F. [email protected] 544 722-2637
Rushing, Byron [email protected] 481 722-2180
Sánchez, Jeffrey Rep.JeffreySá[email protected] 42 722-2370
Sandlin, Rosemary [email protected] 134 722-2400
Sannicandro, Tom [email protected] 473F 722-2210
Scaccia, Angelo M. [email protected] 166 722-2692
Scibak, John W. [email protected] 39 722-2014
Sciortino, Carl [email protected] 39 722-2014
Smith, Stephen [email protected] 134 722-2400
Smizik, Frank Israel [email protected] 473F 722-2210
Smola, Todd M. [email protected] 156 722-2240
Speliotis, Theodore C. [email protected] 146 722-2011
Spellane, Robert P. [email protected] 254 722-2220
Speranzo, Christopher [email protected] 26 722-2080
Spiliotis, Joyce A. [email protected] 236 722-2430
St. Fleur, Marie P. [email protected] 238 722-2380
Stanley, Harriett L. [email protected] 275 722-2676
Stanley, Thomas M. [email protected] 38 722-2470
Story, Ellen [email protected] 146 722-2575
Straus, William M. [email protected] 34 722-2040
Sullivan, David B. [email protected] 279 722-2230
Swan, Benjamin [email protected] 127 722-2680
Timilty, Walter F. [email protected] 167 722-2810
Tobin, A. Stephen [email protected] 171 722-2783
Toomey, Timothy J., Jr. [email protected] 166 722-2692
Torrisi, David M. [email protected] 39 722-2014
Turkington, Eric [email protected] 195 722-2015
Turner, Cleon H. [email protected] 540 722-2090
Vallee, James E. [email protected] 238 722-2380
Verga, Anthony J. [email protected] 174 722-2877
Wagner, Joseph F. [email protected] 134 722-2400
Wallace, Brian P. [email protected] 472 722-2013
Walrath, Patricia A. [email protected] 236 722-2430
Walsh, Martin J. [email protected] 540 722-2090
Walsh, Steven M. [email protected] 466 722-2017
Walz, Martha M. [email protected] 437(temp) 722-2460
Webster, Daniel K. [email protected] 542 722-2487
Welch, James T. [email protected] 43 722-2060
Wolf, Alice K. [email protected] 134 722-2400
Link to Biographical Page 617
Alicea, Geraldo [email protected] 33 722-2060
Allen, Willie Mae [email protected] 146 722-2575
Atkins, Cory [email protected] 472 722-2013
Atsalis, Demetrius J. [email protected] 26 722-2080
Ayers, Bruce J. [email protected] 167 722-2230
Balser, Ruth B. [email protected] 33 722-2060
Barrows, Fred [email protected] 542 722-2487
Binienda, John J. [email protected] 34 722-2320
Bosley, Daniel E. [email protected] 42 722-2370
Bradley, Garrett J. [email protected] 437(temp) 722-2460
Brownsberger, William [email protected] 22 722-2140
Cabral, Antonio F. D. [email protected] 22 722-2140
Callahan, Jennifer M. [email protected] 130 722-2130
Calter, Thomas J. [email protected] 237 722-2305
Campbell, Linda Dean [email protected] 33 722-2060
Canavan, Christine E. [email protected] 122 722-2006
Canessa, Stephen R. [email protected] 437(temp) 722-2460
Casey, Paul C. [email protected] 238 722-2380
Coakley-Rivera, Cheryl A. [email protected] 146 722-2011
Conroy, Thomas [email protected] 146 722-2575
Correia, Robert [email protected] 167 722-2810
Costello, Michael A. [email protected] 167 722-2230
Creedon, Geraldine [email protected] 473G 722-2070
Curran, Sean [email protected] 473B 722-2263
D’Amico, Steven Rep.StevenD'[email protected] 39 722-2014
DeLeo, Robert A. [email protected] 243 722-2990
deMacedo, Viriato Manuel [email protected] 124 722-2100
Dempsey, Brian S. [email protected] 473B 722-2263
DiMasi, Salvatore F. [email protected] 356 722-2500
DiNatale, Stephen [email protected] 146 722-2575
Donato, Paul J. [email protected] 185 722-2960
Donelan, Christopher J. [email protected] 167 722-2230
Driscoll, Joseph R. [email protected] 136 722-2396
Eldridge, James B. [email protected] 33 722-2060
Evangelidis, Lewis G. [email protected] 473B 722-2263
Fagan, James H. [email protected] 163 722-2040
Fallon, Christopher G. [email protected] 236 722-2430
Falzone, Mark V. [email protected] 146 722-2575
Fennell, Robert F. [email protected] 155 722-2400
Fernandes, John [email protected] 43 722-2030
Festa, Michael E. [email protected] 172 722-2018
Finegold, Barry R. [email protected] 275 722-2676
Flanagan, Jennifer L. [email protected] 163 722-2040
Flynn, David L. [email protected] 466 722-2017
Forry, Linda Dorcena [email protected] 236 722-2460
I imagine GOAL has some sort of alert system set up to do this. They must have phone banks (I worked on one once!), flyers, postcards, etc. with all the money they get from the NRA.

Better still are more grassroots (webroots?) organizing. Things like phone trees, where you call 4 people, they call 4, and so on. GOAL must also have a network of clubs to notify who will in turn notify members.

I work in the state house and I have not seen the GOAL rep at all the past week. And also if they just hear from GOAL and not from all us shooters they are just going to pass the bill.

As a shooter you have to call your Rep/Senator and let them know or mail them a letter you will get the basic letter back telling you thanks for writing but the more letters they get, the more they wake up and see this is a issue important to shooters in Mass.

Email the newpapers get letters printed in the papers all this helps and adds up, just be smart about how you do it don't be rude or come off as a nut.

I have been shooting for over 18yrs and there are a few Reps in my office that are Pro gun but they are out # by the amount of anti-gun Reps there are in the house, So the more these guys hear from you the more they will vote the way you want them to vote.
If you go onto carl has part of the Gov speach where he said one gun a month was working in state like VA. Guess that will come back to bite him after today.

This shooting in VA should show this guys we have in Office, that one gun a month does nothing to stop nuts!!! I just hope that this guy was not a legal gun owner that went nuts in VA!!!

Update: Good news the pistols he used had there SN# filed off so I would take it that he didn't get them legal!!
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This shooting in VA should should this guys we have in Office that one gun a month does nothing to stop nut jobs.

You're assuming that those in office are honest, logically thinking and act with integrity. They're not. They know gun control is BS; they want it to reinforce their own power regardless of the evidence that gun control doesn't do any of the things they claim it does. They won't let facts and right vs wrong types of issues get in their way.
Here the Gov office #: Concerned gun owners should immediately contact the Governors office at 617-725-4005. Politely tell his staff that you are opposed to further restrictions on lawful gun owners and urge the Governor to meet with Gun Owners' Action League's Executive Director to learn more about the failure of gun control in Massachusetts and how we need to fix the current laws.

I did this and got the run around by one of his aids but she did say they have been getting alot of calls around this so lets keep it up people!!!
Damn you guys must all have a lot of disposable income. I could not affrod 12 guns a year and I make good money. I know it's principal...

I can't believe we still are not allowed to have flash hiders and collapsable stock in CT. That's something to bitch about.
Damn you guys must all have a lot of disposable income. I could not affrod 12 guns a year and I make good money. I know it's principal...

I can't believe we still are not allowed to have flash hiders and collapsable stock in CT. That's something to bitch about.

You have to think about what this is going to do to dealers!!! they have a hard time as it is making any money if you limit how many handguns you can buy, its bad as it is with the AG limit on what can be sold its going to be like england if we all thought like you do!!

They take alittle away at a time next thing you know you will have no guns at all.
You have to think about what this is going to do to dealers!!! they have a hard time as it is making any money if you limit how many handguns you can buy, its bad as it is with the AG limit on what can be sold its going to be like england if we all thought like you do!!

They take alittle away at a time next thing you know you will have no guns at all.

You hit the nail on the head. They tried this in RI last year and thank god it died in committee. This will drive every one of your dealers out of business. You guys won't see another new gun as long as you live.
Here's a distilled list of the email addresses to cut and paste into your email program:

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Best to write them and then follow up with a phone call.

If you are actually known to them beforehand, then Email may be respected. But random Email is usually discounted. This was told to me by my State Rep, who I've known for many more years than he's had that job.
Damn you guys must all have a lot of disposable income. I could not affrod 12 guns a year and I make good money. I know it's principal...

It's a lot easier if you have a fed type 03 C+R license... dunno how those work
in CT, though. Lots and lots of C+R elegible handguns and rifles are
inexpensive compared to their modern counterparts.

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