Obama weighs expanding background checks through executive authority


NES Member
Dec 13, 2006
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In response to the latest mass shooting during his presidency, President Obama is seriously considering circumventing Congress with his executive authority and imposing new background-check requirements for buyers who purchase weapons from high-volume gun dealers.

Under the proposed rule change, dealers who exceed a certain number of sales each year would be required to obtain a license from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and perform background checks on potential buyers.

As the president heads to Roseburg, Ore., on Friday to comfort the survivors and families of those killed in last week’s mass shooting at Umpqua Community College, the political calculus around his most vexing domestic policy issue is shifting once again.


This is bogus. If you are a "high volume dealer" you already have to be a FFL. All FFL's already have to do background checks when selling to the public.

The proposed executive action aims to impose background checks on individuals who buy from dealers who sell a significant number of guns each year. The current federal statute dictates that those who are “engaged in the business” of dealing firearms need to obtain a federal license — and, therefore, conduct background checks — but exempts anyone “who makes occasional sales, exchanges, or purchases of firearms for the enhancement of a personal collection or for a hobby, or who sells all or part of his personal collection of firearms.”

Obama is grasping at straws here. He want to take this new executive action as a way to make all sales go through a mandatory background check. However, by targeting "dealers" it makes no sense since they must be FFL's and have to do background checks anyway.
Took me over an hour at four seasons not too long ago to fill out the online form at the kiosk, wait for the background check to be answered, have them print copies, sign the papers, get "the lecture." Those of you that remember the way the "old" registry was, when you had to take a day off work to renew your license, this is where we're heading to buy a firearm.
About the author of this article:

Juliet Eilperin is The Washington Post's White House bureau chief, covering domestic and foreign policy as well as the culture of 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. She is the author of two books—one on sharks, and another on Congress, not to be confused with each other—and has worked for the Post since 1998.

Ms. Eilperin should stick to reporting about sharks and "culture." She might know something about those two topics, because she doesn't seem to know very much about guns and laws.
Took me over an hour at four seasons not too long ago to fill out the online form at the kiosk, wait for the background check to be answered, have them print copies, sign the papers, get "the lecture." Those of you that remember the way the "old" registry was, when you had to take a day off work to renew your license, this is where we're heading to buy a firearm.

Last firearm I bought from Four Seasons was "not too long ago" and I was in and out in 10 minutes. I did fill out the form out online before I went in though.
"As the president heads to Roseburg, Ore., on Friday to comfort the survivors and families of those killed..."

The best thing these families can do is refuse his self-invitation. Offering condolences while making it harder to protect yourself from a lunatic who is driven to take your life is of no consolation, I say.
Obama is grasping at straws here. He want to take this new executive action as a way to make all sales go through a mandatory background check. However, by targeting "dealers" it makes no sense since they must be FFL's and have to do background checks anyway.

Here is the kicker: nothing will be affected. If he does decree this new classification of high-volume sellers as dealers, no seller who wasn't breaking some other law will be affected. He will have "done something", and the NRA will have "lost". That's what they want out of this, the perspective that "common sense" is winning, even if it has no actual effect in society or the marketplace.
This clown could careless about the victims, all Obama cares about is his Legacy...All Narcissists are the same way, " Look see what I did, ya that's right I did that " me me me
And the bow tied bum kissers of morrissey Blvd. opinion page are proposing legislation to make gun owners carry insurance, scaled by the type of gun owned.

The social engineers will try any angle, stoop to any constitution back door shredding idea of the month.
This so wrong on so many levels , we could start a list 40 pages long why.
And the bow tied bum kissers of morrissey Blvd. opinion page are proposing legislation to make gun owners carry insurance, scaled by the type of gun owned.

The social engineers will try any angle, stoop to any constitution back door shredding idea of the month.
This so wrong on so many levels , we could start a list 40 pages long why.

Link? That's bullshit. Liability insurance is bullshit. They equate it to auto accidents, which are QUITE COMMON, hence the need for insurance to protect property, but gun accidents are EXCEEDINGLY RARE given the number of guns.

My incentive to keep my gun collection safe should be my desire to protect my family. That can't be forced on anyone.
And the bow tied bum kissers of morrissey Blvd. opinion page are proposing legislation to make gun owners carry insurance, scaled by the type of gun owned.

The social engineers will try any angle, stoop to any constitution back door shredding idea of the month.
This so wrong on so many levels , we could start a list 40 pages long why.

Awesome,Cops gonna have to pull double detail duty to afford the cost of Liability insurance...yes they too carry guns so pay up suckers.
"Faced with an insurance requirement, a would-be mass murderer might be discouraged from trying to buy weapons at all."

Are you kidding me?!!? The day a would-be mass murderer is dissuaded from murdering anyone is the day I move to Mars.

This dude is absolutely clueless.

The guy is either going to kill himself or go to jail for the rest of his life, WTF does he care about insurance? This is why anti-gunners are retarded.
"As the president heads to Roseburg, Ore., on Friday to comfort the survivors and families of those killed..."

The best thing these families can do is refuse his self-invitation. Offering condolences while making it harder to protect yourself from a lunatic who is driven to take your life is of no consolation, I say.

And why has he not visited the flood-ravaged areas of SC and offered up Federal funds?! Bush shows up to NO after Katrina a day late and dollar short, but at least he showed up!!

Does 0bama just not care about people that don't vote for him? I think that is the message. Where is the MSM? Why aren't they jumping all over Kenyan Commie for choosing political grandstanding over helping people like was done with Bush?!?!

SC is probably better off anyway. They have a Repub Governor that at least knows SOMETHING about how to run a state, unlike the leaders that LA had during the aftermath of Katrina.

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The guy is either going to kill himself or go to jail for the rest of his life, WTF does he care about insurance? This is why anti-gunners are retarded.

And why these "common sense restrictions" are ONLY aimed at LEGAL GUN OWNERS and NOT criminals.
"Faced with an insurance requirement, a would-be mass murderer might be discouraged from trying to buy weapons at all."

Are you kidding me?!!? The day a would-be mass murderer is dissuaded from murdering anyone is the day I move to Mars.

This dude is absolutely clueless.

Sounds an awful lot like a poll tax. Similar to a poll tax (and voter ID laws), the idea behind proposals like this is to suppress the exercise of an enumerated right.
In response to the latest mass shooting during his presidency, President Obama is seriously considering circumventing Congress with his executive authority and imposing new background-check requirements for buyers who purchase weapons from high-volume gun dealers.

Under the proposed rule change, dealers who exceed a certain number of sales each year would be required to obtain a license from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives and perform background checks on potential buyers.


This is already 100% covered by existing law, that's been in place for nearly 50 years.

Does the author not understand, or does the POTUS's press gang not understand?
Took me over an hour at four seasons not too long ago to fill out the online form at the kiosk, wait for the background check to be answered, have them print copies, sign the papers, get "the lecture." Those of you that remember the way the "old" registry was, when you had to take a day off work to renew your license, this is where we're heading to buy a firearm.

I just picked up some thing , not from 4s. Took me 5 mins.
"Faced with an insurance requirement, a would-be mass murderer might be discouraged from trying to buy weapons at all."

Umm just thinking out loud here, if I have no girlfriend ( the latest MO ) no job that is worthy of speaking of, on Meds ( when I can afford them ) no real self worth or values and really don't care about the person next to me, does this clown really think I'm gonna keep my firearm insurance up to date just encase I decide to go postal? is that his thinking LMFAO!...

Oh and who is gonna monitor the firearm insurance policy to make sure it doesn't cancel, and if it does then what? send out the insurance Police? Its like taking a pill for an illness then taking another to fix the one that didn't work and so on and so on....ridiculous.
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Took me over an hour at four seasons not too long ago to fill out the online form at the kiosk, wait for the background check to be answered, have them print copies, sign the papers, get "the lecture." Those of you that remember the way the "old" registry was, when you had to take a day off work to renew your license, this is where we're heading to buy a firearm.

That's kind of amusing considering that when I buy a gun from most FFLs it takes about 10 minutes usually, tops. (I think last time I was at PPF, for example, it was about 5 minutes tops. )

I mean the laws suck but the fact that FS is slow (last transfer I had there took at least a half an hour) doesn't have anything to do with the law and everything to do with having employees that can move/process stuff at a speed faster than a drifting glacier.

I hesitate to speak this out loud for fear of giving "them" ideas, but I suspect what's being done is figuring out how to reclassify any individual who does more than x number of firearms transactions per year as a dealer who must then have some kind of FFL. [puke2]
Here is the kicker: nothing will be affected. If he does decree this new classification of high-volume sellers as dealers, no seller who wasn't breaking some other law will be affected. He will have "done something", and the NRA will have "lost". That's what they want out of this, the perspective that "common sense" is winning, even if it has no actual effect in society or the marketplace.

Again, the SHEEP don't understand the current requirements. Just like Harry Reid, he's playing to his sheepy audience.

I emailed this guy after Sandy Hook. He responded with smart-ass remarks to show further what a snarky little pr*ck he is.

I asked him why he had so much disdain for Freedom.

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I hesitate to speak this out loud for fear of giving "them" ideas, but I suspect what's being done is figuring out how to reclassify any individual who does more than x number of firearms transactions per year as a dealer who must then have some kind of FFL. [puke2]

Where X = 1. Hell, owning a firearm means you have the POTENTIAL to be a dealer, if you sell it.
This sounds like a bunch of shit spraying for nothing, it sounds like Reid is just prancing around to try to make non-moonbats "look bad" because he knows its not going to go anywhere regardless.

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