Obama Praises #BlackLivesMatter Leaders… Leaders Who Fueled The Murders Of Cops...

Mar 1, 2009
Deep in the woods of SC
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Someone tell me how this isn't inciting murder and terrorism. Something tells me that if I were to go out and start rallying the clan to go out and kill random black people I wouldn't be getting praised by the communist in chief. Though I'm sure I would get to have a nice long talk with the FBI, DOJ and homeland... **** that piece of shit. Sic sempre tyrannis

President Obama told White House meeting of young militant leftists that they “are much better organizers” than he was at their age, and that he is “confident that they are going to take America to new heights.

http://clashdaily.com/2016/02/obama...Matter Leaders Who Fueled the Murders of Cops
Not shocking Obama is an admitted Muslim ( And Before anyone gets their panties in an uproar, yes not all Muslims are terrorists ) therefore he aligns with the terrorist theme.
President Obama told White House meeting of young militant leftists that they “are much better organizers” than he was at their age, and that he is “confident that they are going to take America to new heights.

Yes, new heights of lawlessness, crime and mayhem.
Saw on the news authorities caught two of WDC's finest citizens that assaulted the Marine after he refused to answer them when asked "Do black lives matter?" in a local McDonalds.

Got himself whipped on pretty good by the thugs. Ended up in hospital, memory loss, etc.

Were they charged with a "Hate Crime"? Uh, NO. One charged with aggravated assault, the other with....wait for it......pick pocketing.

I'm up for some looting, protests marches, public outrage, having our civic leaders boycotting corporate America for financial gain and on and on...WTF???
The Myths of Black Lives Matter

Obama is right. They must be great organizers.

Wall Street Journal said:
The movement has won over Hillary Clinton and Bernie Sanders. But what if its claims are fiction?

The Myths of Black Lives Matter
Feb. 11, 2016 7:08 p.m. ET

...Apparently the Black Lives Matter movement has convinced Democrats and progressives that there is an epidemic of racist white police officers killing young black men. Such rhetoric is going to heat up as Mrs. Clinton and Mr. Sanders court minority voters before the Feb. 27 South Carolina primary...

...The Washington Post has been gathering data on fatal police shootings over the past year and a half to correct acknowledged deficiencies in federal tallies. The emerging data should open many eyes.

For starters, fatal police shootings make up a much larger proportion of white and Hispanic homicide deaths than black homicide deaths. According to the Post database, in 2015 officers killed 662 whites and Hispanics, and 258 blacks. (The overwhelming majority of all those police-shooting victims were attacking the officer, often with a gun.) Using the 2014 homicide numbers as an approximation of 2015’s, those 662 white and Hispanic victims of police shootings would make up 12% of all white and Hispanic homicide deaths. That is three times the proportion of black deaths that result from police shootings...

...The Black Lives Matter movement claims that white officers are especially prone to shooting innocent blacks due to racial bias, but this too is a myth. A March 2015 Justice Department report on the Philadelphia Police Department found that black and Hispanic officers were much more likely than white officers to shoot blacks based on “threat misperception”—that is, the mistaken belief that a civilian is armed.

A 2015 study by University of Pennsylvania criminologist Greg Ridgeway, formerly acting director of the National Institute of Justice, found that, at a crime scene where gunfire is involved, black officers in the New York City Police Department were 3.3 times more likely to discharge their weapons than other officers at the scene.

The Black Lives Matter movement has been stunningly successful in changing the subject from the realities of violent crime...

Here's a link to the full article (subscription required): http://www.wsj.com/articles/the-myths-of-black-lives-matter-1455235686
And to think....

I'm beginning to think the whole Nobel Peace Prize was just likability propaganda for the sheep to grasp on to the whole " Hope and Change " meme...I mean its so obvious now.

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he's really going for a civil war

More like civil slaughter. the armed vs. the unarmed... I like our chances. I had a Sargent from the local pd, also the ERT team leader, at my counter yesterday buying some ammo. He said "The hardest thing for me when the shit hits the fan. Will be pretending I'm not excited. I would love to see them try to pull the confiscation bullshit in this state. They'll be in for a serious wake up call."
More like civil slaughter. the armed vs. the unarmed... I like our chances. I had a Sargent from the local pd, also the ERT team leader, at my counter yesterday buying some ammo. He said "The hardest thing for me when the shit hits the fan. Will be pretending I'm not excited. I would love to see them try to pull the confiscation bullshit in this state. They'll be in for a serious wake up call."

Nice its good to see we have Cops out there with eyes wide open...
I actually think the more BLM comes up, and those whining *******s are coming up a lot lately, they further the cause of Donald Trump. I don't know who agrees with me on this, but I think he's tapped into something very visceral and between the BLM and the "trigger warning" pussies on college campuses across this once great nation, they're helping his case immensely.

and **** Obama. Any leader that puts the likes of Al Sharpton on his committees is a ****ing moron and not worthy of the office.
Yup, BLACK LIES MATTER! To bad the Community Organizer doesn't head to the South side of his "hometown" Chicago once in a while. I don't think black lives matter there.
Funny never heard this dumb **** say this about the White folk during the Occupy Wall Street fiasco...Me thinks we have a Racist sitting in the White house...
The sooner it starts the sooner it will be over.
Been waiting a long time for the likes of Ferricon and co. to get it off the ground.
Hurry up , I'm getting old.
I have nothing against the original concept of the Black Lives Matter movement. In general, I have had very good experiences with police officers at my school/hometown and the leniency/understanding most have shown me has earned them great respect in my book. With that said, there are bad egg cops out there that use(d) excessive force on black citizens around the country, leading the several wrongful deaths. That's bad regardless of the race of the victim, I understand, I get it, I'm against cops that do/support such behavior.

What I do not like is what the cause has become. It seems to have morphed into a movement that promotes groups of people going around bullying innocent bystanders for simply being white, thinking they are spreading a noble message when they are actually contributing to the social divide we see in our country.

One instance that upset me was a video on youtube where a congregation of BLM protesters marched into their university's library loudly yelling "Black Lives Matter" over and over and over, prompting many students who were there to just mind their own business/study to leave. A few protesters even got into one of the student's face in an aggressive manner screaming "DON'T YOU THINK BLACK LIVES MATTER???" without any provocation from the student. Wtf? Although this may be a foreign concept to some of them, some people actually take studying very seriously and it is unacceptable to have to force a student who is doing nothing wrong leave a designated study area so you can yell about an issue they had no involvement in. Do that on the sidewalk or in the dining hall where keeping quiet is not expected. I have little tolerance when it comes to idiots disrupting productive students' focus regardless of the cause and even less patience when you target people simply because you suspect they may not be with your cause.

This extends to any type of movement. My friend mentioned a similar "protest" held by Israeli students in his library during the particularly bloody exchange in Gaza a year or two ago. This angered Palestinian students, as the death tolls were primarily Palestinian casualties, prompting them to counter protest and causing an entire mess of a distraction during finals week. This is not the way to spread awareness, all it does is add fuel to the hate fire. Take that stuff somewhere else and protest like civilized people please.

Who knows, maybe I just don't get it.
I have nothing against the original concept of the Black Lives Matter movement. In general, I have had very good experiences with police officers at my school/hometown and the leniency/understanding most have shown me has earned them great respect in my book. With that said, there are bad egg cops out there that use(d) excessive force on black citizens around the country, leading the several wrongful deaths. That's bad regardless of the race of the victim, I understand, I get it, I'm against cops that do/support such behavior.

What I do not like is what the cause has become. It seems to have morphed into a movement that promotes groups of people going around bullying innocent bystanders for simply being white, thinking they are spreading a noble message when they are actually contributing to the social divide we see in our country.

One instance that upset me was a video on youtube where a congregation of BLM protesters marched into their university's library loudly yelling "Black Lives Matter" over and over and over, prompting many students who were there to just mind their own business/study to leave. A few protesters even got into one of the student's face in an aggressive manner screaming "DON'T YOU THINK BLACK LIVES MATTER???" without any provocation from the student. Wtf? Although this may be a foreign concept to some of them, some people actually take studying very seriously and it is unacceptable to have to force a student who is doing nothing wrong leave a designated study area so you can yell about an issue they had no involvement in. Do that on the sidewalk or in the dining hall where keeping quiet is not expected. I have little tolerance when it comes to idiots disrupting productive students' focus regardless of the cause and even less patience when you target people simply because you suspect they may not be with your cause.

This extends to any type of movement. My friend mentioned a similar "protest" held by Israeli students in his library during the particularly bloody exchange in Gaza a year or two ago. This angered Palestinian students, as the death tolls were primarily Palestinian casualties, prompting them to counter protest and causing an entire mess of a distraction during finals week. This is not the way to spread awareness, all it does is add fuel to the hate fire. Take that stuff somewhere else and protest like civilized people please.

Who knows, maybe I just don't get it.

This. I get that people are frustrated and others are riding their coattails. But if some BLM loudmouth gets in my face screaming? Now you've got my attention and not in a good way.
This. I get that people are frustrated and others are riding their coattails. But if some BLM loudmouth gets in my face screaming? Now you've got my attention and not in a good way.

Yup, they don't seem interested in equality. They seem interested in bullying their way to being feared so they can do whatever they want or some such BS. They are getting more and more bold about it because so many snowflakes are buying into the whole white guilt nonsense. I am white but I have no guilt over what happened 100 or 50 years ago before I was even born.

I have nothing against black people, I know plenty who are wonderful people, I view them no differently than the white or latino people I know. I am all for equality but I am not going to be made to pay for the sins of past generations that I had nothing to do with. If equality isn't enough for the BLM folks then that makes them nothing more than hateful racists looking for a fight and if they keep it up too long in the wrong places someone is going to give them a fight and all hell is gonna break loose.
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