NRA-led gun lobby wields powerful influence over ATF

May 17, 2009
Harrison, Maine
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NRA-led gun lobby wields powerful influence over ATF, U.S. politics

The controversial proposal by officials at the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives calls for a measure strongly opposed by the National Rifle Association: requiring gun dealers to report multiple sales of rifles and shotguns to ATF.

The gun issue is so incendiary and fear of the NRA so great that the ATF plan languished for months at the Justice Department, according to some senior law enforcement officials who spoke on the condition of anonymity but would not provide details.

The NRA got wind of the idea last month and warned its 4 million members in a "grassroots alert" that the administration might try to go around Congress to get such a plan enacted as an executive order or rule.

Read the article. The writers used a lot of loaded statements, probably should have been an op-ed piece rather than a "story". Scary how easily they passed over the Branch-Davidian incident and all of the Obama history.
Just think what an impact the NRA would have if 1/2 the gun owners in this country joined?Nah,that would be too easy.$35.00 a year to keep my rights intact?What about my scratch tickets and Bingo money?
I know I am way off base here.
Just think what an impact the NRA would have if 1/2 the gun owners in this country joined?Nah,that would be too easy.$35.00 a year to keep my rights intact?What about my scratch tickets and Bingo money?
I know I am way off base here.

Same could be said for GOAL and Massachusetts.
This was already a law in NJ before the OGAM law. Dealers had to inform the ATF about multiple sales with a 7 day period.
A lot of people like to throw out quotes, particularly ones in foreign languages (obscure or dead ones like Latin are the best) without really bothering to think. "Oderint dum metuant" sounds all tough and cool until you stop to consider that it's best remembered as one of the favorites of a raving homicidal lunatic, the emperor Caligula. In de Vita Caesarum, Seutoneus contrasted this with a favorite of the emperor Tiberius (aka, Caesar Augustus), "Oderint dum probent" or "Let them hate, so long as the respect." The later is the motto of someone who minds his own business, resorting to violence only when necessary, and then effectively; the former is the self-justification of someone who uses violence whenever he thinks he might enjoy it or when the voices in his head tell him to.

A lot of people like to throw out quotes, particularly ones in foreign languages (obscure or dead ones like Latin are the best) without really bothering to think. "Oderint dum metuant" sounds all tough and cool until you stop to consider that it's best remembered as one of the favorites of a raving homicidal lunatic, the emperor Caligula. In de Vita Caesarum, Seutoneus contrasted this with a favorite of the emperor Tiberius (aka, Caesar Augustus), "Oderint dum probent" or "Let them hate, so long as the respect." The later is the motto of someone who minds his own business, resorting to violence only when necessary, and then effectively; the former is the self-justification of someone who uses violence whenever he thinks he might enjoy it or when the voices in his head tell him to.


Thank you doctor for your insightful analysis.

I know exactly what odering dum metuant means and who it has been attributed to.

And I did not choose it by mistake.

I want anti-Second Amendment politicians to fear the NRA and to cower when my association comes a knocking. I want anti-gunners and their lackeys to literally fear what the "gun lobby" can do should they step on our freedom.

This ceased to be about respect a long time ago.
Just think what an impact the NRA would have if 1/2 the gun owners in this country joined?Nah,that would be too easy.$35.00 a year to keep my rights intact?What about my scratch tickets and Bingo money?
I know I am way off base here.

you are right dude. And same with GOAL. SOOOO many Mass gun owners are not GOAL members.

if they ever passed that law, everyone should go and buy 2 rifles, maybe 3. That way the ATF gets 4million names. HAHAHA it would take them such a long time to process all that info, that by the time they are done, each of those 4million people already bought another rifle or handgun, and a few hundred or thousand rounds of ammo.

and it would increment the number of guns out there to 12million, totally backfiring on those politicians and helping the gun and ammo industry in the U.S
I want anti-Second Amendment politicians to fear the NRA and to cower when my association comes a knocking. I want anti-gunners and their lackeys to literally fear what the "gun lobby" can do should they step on our freedom.

This ceased to be about respect a long time ago.

Thanks, Jose. We all need to have as many people as possible associate gun owners with raving psychopaths who will start shooting people whenever their neighbor's cat tells them to. The last thing we would want would be for them to get the idea that, while potentially dangerous, we only act that way when we have no other recourse. North Korea's got the right idea. [rolleyes]

I fail to see why people are willing to sit at a negotiating table when unalienable rights are being subverted.

"Hi, our plan is to rob you of your dignity and make you less than human."

"Let's talk about this. Maybe we can reach a half-way point that makes us both happy."

Not gonna happen.
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