Now this COULD be fun...

Driving a tank is WAAAAY over rated. Just a big Cadillac with Chrysler Power Brakes (60's vintage brakes). I prefer the "Combat Go-Kart", the M113A2.

And. I've already got 2 "tankers helmets", though I've got them give them back eventually.
C-pher said:
So, for about $1600, you can shoot some old guns, drive a tank, and get a special forces outfit and a helmet? And drink some good vodka???

Now you're talking.

:D :D

If you went with a group of friends that could be a good time. What happens in the Ukraine stays in the Ukraine [wink]
Hey, you bought the tanks, remember. I think the Ukraine and Russia would be acceptable for me to visit now. Used to be they weren't. I think you can figure out the why.
They might have a few pictures of me floating around too. Hmmmm might have to rethink that. At one point had to be careful on the airlines I flew too. Good point. :D
Yeah, I had the clearance,but the East germans would sit outside our compound,taking pictures,doing head counts on our buses, and try to get into our sites. Plus I know the guards in the towers got a few of me. We were also the only ones that had to travel in a group of 10,have at least an E-7 with us,and no rank,name or unit crest. Like they couldn't figure out who we worked for. :D I also knew that's what you were talking about. I just eluded to a different way they might know me.
You mean former Soviet countries?

I'll check into it, and which clearances are involved. I'll PM you the results. If this situation applies to anyone else, let me know. I can also PM you the info.
We should be fine, As Iiiiii doonn''ttt havvve theee needdd tooo knoooowww.... anymore. Once you have an inactive clearance I don't think it is an issue. (active-20 for me and the wife.) of course I had one of them Fancy ones... [twisted]
Please release me let me go,for I don't have the need to of our tunes for working in that lovely windowless place.
If the clearance is no longer active, you should be all set. I'm still active (not duty, just NG), and still have a clearance. I don't think the country issue exists anymore. A good friend of mine has been to Hungary since the end of the Warsaw Pact. And he had a clearance at the time.
Did anybody find the link for a bridal registry? I want to play and wear a neat-o uniform and helmet, and I don't want to pay for it!

And I might add that I'm disappointed that I couldn't register at Four Seasons as well. What's up with these gun people thinking that guns and ammo aren't great presents for brides and grooms? I'd rather have a new pistol than silver or crystal... [twisted]
"Shotgun Wedding": words and music by Northeast Shooters

My FIL has an FFL, I thought I knew his daughter well

We wanted lead we both agreed, I didn't know that she meant crystal

I was thinking auto-feed, something for a poly pistol


Before too long she knew her blunder, her dad gave me an over/under

Her friends are hip, they know the poop, they bought an M1 trigger group

She thought I got "License to Marry", she should have read the finest print

She would have seen that it said "Carry", my M1A is nearly mint


I knew that she would be my bride and I would walk her down the aisle

It was her momma's side by side, that told me I would stay a while...
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