Ninth Circuit Panel Grants Stay: Ammo Controls Enforceable While California Appeals Earlier Ruling

No. They uphold stays because it isn't compelling enough. They are not here to just be pro-gun all the time. They are setting rules - like "don't go Supremin things that don't need Supremin!" Unlike the courts they oversee, they don't wanna dick-step all over a case. It's a noble effort. Pisses me off at times. I'd rather this than have them demonstrate a court that ONLY steps in when it's their own hot-button cause de jour and never when it's working against them.

This wasn't a surprise. The SC is going to need to make yet a FOURTH (5th?) ruling on this to say "STFU! It's a done deal. Here is hte non-ambiguous line in the sand - NO F'ING MORE!" I'm sort of surprised they aren't more pissy about this. I know I would be. Imagine all sorts of courts bastardizing what you clearly said to get their own way. Damn. Those federal judge conventions would get ugly. Some of them black robes would be red. LOL
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