
As ochmude said, you need to be a member. That's one of the many bennies of a paid membership. ....that and the secret handshake. [smile] [wink]
I am willing to give the secret hug to all new members, who are not males.

*so as not to discriminate, males may receive the secret handshake.
You have the term wrong as well.

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II am trying to add a navatar but am not able to, how?
Hey I don't know how many words I used to butcher saying them just because I had read it, knew what it meant, but never heard it pronounced. Just 'cause he hears it & didn't notice how it was spelled, eh, oh well [wink]

I remember when I was a teenager working my first job in a department store- I was showing this lady this "Yives Saint low-rent" tie- and she smiled and said, "You mean, Yves Saint Laurent"? I told her, "yeah, Yves Saint Laurent" without batting an eye [rofl]

ETA: Welcome to the forum, Bullseye :)
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