More Guns, Less Crime 3rd edition

Aug 27, 2007
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I just picked it up. I'll let you know as I read it what I think. Anyone else got it yet? Have very liberal clients who throw out "facts" like "you are more likely to get hurt if you own a gun than to actually use it for self defense." I need the facts to fight back!
I've had the 1st edition since it came out, but just ordered the new 3rd edition last week. I was talking with John a couple of weeks ago, and he's got enough new information included in this edition to make an entire book by itself (~300 pages worth). It will take me a while to digest, since I'll stop to analyze and critique every analysis he does. I don't expect that he'll have overlooked much, and I know he won't have done any of the sort of BS that the other side bases their entire argument on.

I just picked it up. I'll let you know as I read it what I think. Anyone else got it yet? Have very liberal clients who throw out "facts" like "you are more likely to get hurt if you own a gun than to actually use it for self defense." I need the facts to fight back!
Since when have facts ever mattered to liberals?

If they don't have a snarky comeback they will simply dismiss your sources anyway. I will admit though, it is fun throwing it back in their faces sometimes. You know you've won if the shut-up and walk away...blaming it on Bush.

Thanks Horrible. I had forgotten about that gun facts report. Much more condensed. I'm still excited to read through More Guns, Less Crime though.
Thanks Horrible. I had forgotten about that gun facts report. Much more condensed. I'm still excited to read through More Guns, Less Crime though.

No problem. Some of the stuff I saw in the Gun Facts report surprised me the first time I read it. I have always been pro 2A, but wow. If you are going to legislate the crap out of someones god-given and Constitutional right to protect themself, at least make sure that you have rock-solid, indisputable statistics that show a reduction in crime. Not no change in crime or an increase in crime as a result of such policies. I just really goes to show that the only reason any of these gun control laws are proposed/passed are for appearance and political gain.

Sorry for the mini-rant, this crap legislation spend-it-all Deval is pushing has made me a bit punchy.

I am going to have to get a hold of the More Guns, Less Crime.

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