MODS - Can you clean out the sold items?

Jun 1, 2005
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Seems like there are a lot of items in this section that are sold. Can the mods clean them out if they are really sold?
You're more than welcome to post all the URLs of the sold items and the Mods will delete (move)them.
Those items were probably left over from before the "Sold" items forum was started.
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I go through these every few weeks. I'll check again today.

FYI. It would be nice if when a item is sold, people posted it instead of sometimes editing there previous posts. This will bump there post to the top making it very easy for us to see that it has been sold.
I go through these every few weeks. I'll check again today.

FYI. It would be nice if when a item is sold, people posted it instead of sometimes editing there previous posts. This will bump there post to the top making it very easy for us to see that it has been sold.

Same here +1
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