Mexican president asks congress to reinstate AWB

I thought, by far, most of the illegal weapons possessed by Mexican drug cartels are from corrupt MEXICAN military officials and countries south of Mexico... I don't imagine many of the automatic firearms used in mass killings, and the hand grenades tossed at police cars are coming from the US. It's probably just easier to trace a gun back to the US, than the same gun from some third-world country south of the equator.
In the footage of "Mexican drug battles", I saw mostly full auto weapons, some light machine guns, grenades, and a couple of R.P.G.s. I'm moving to Texas if thats what the gunshops there are selling!

Philipe Calderone asked Congress to reinstate the Clinton era AWB and warned that if "assault weapons" were not regulated here in the USA, that the US government would have the same issues with violence that Mexico now has. He also noted that there are 7000 gun shops along the border as being a problem and said that the upswing in violence in Mexico coincided with and is directly attributable to the lifting of the Clinton era AWB.

The incumbent congresscritters are losing primaries, and there's probably going to be a "sea change" come this November. They've pissed enough people off with healthcare "reform" and now it looks like finance "reform" too. How %$#% stupid are they? If they've got any brains left at all they won't even consider a new AWB.

What am I saying, this assumes they had brains to begin with. Ugh.
Back on topic:

Maybe somebody ought to tell Calderone to put in an assault weapon ban in Mexico and then get back to us on how well it works to keep those weapons out of the hands of drug lords.

Maybe someone can tell this assclown to enforce A LAW in Mexico. ANY law. ANY ONE of them would be a good start.
With all of those Communists standing and cheering today, it was one hell of a donkey show.

Quotes from today:

El Presidente:
"We know that it is a politically delicate topic because Americans truly appreciate their Constitutional rights," he said. "As long as we are able to express clearly what our problems in Mexico are, then we might be able to also seek a solution that respects the constitutional rights of Americans, that at the same time will avoid organized crime becoming better armed in our country."

COITUS (Community Organizer in the United States):
"I think it's important for the United States not to tell other countries how to structure their democratic practices and what should be contained in their constitutions," he said. "It's up to the people of those countries to make a decision about how they want to structure their affairs."

WOW... So they can dictate how we have to live our lives and we cannot tell them to fix their own $hit.
November is still so far away...
If Mexico spent half as much effort on their borders and enforcing laws for getting in and out of that country as they do in places like Cancun and other tourist destinations, the problem would dissappear. As it is, they are taking away nail clippers and anything else remotely sharp at the airport in that country.
Well then, let's take a lesson from the Soviets. Erect a huge wall with barbed wire, anti vehicle trenches, shooting towers, and guards with shoot to kill orders at the border. Problem solved for both countries. No criminals, err...immigrants, coming north no weapons going south (if there are any as it is).

ETA: Did anyone else notice, he basically said "America Sucks" (not in those exact words, but there was no other way he could have meant it), and Obama was just standing there smiling and nodding. Worse than that, the people applauded him after he said it.
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What was worse was that all of the Socialists stood and gave have him a thunderous applause.
November cannot come quick enough....

Bunch of no good, anti-American, DBs.

Yup. Let`s make a deal MR.President we`ll keep our guns if you keep your citizens from illegally entering our country.
Mexican government failed to provide jobs, education and control or to protect its citizens. No wonder a lot of mexican wanted to go to the US to get a job and benifit. And for criminals, they bring bit of money and illegal guns to Mexico and trade for drugs, then bring them back into the USA. America is not going to become mexico. Because 90% of Americans have brain and well educated.
Mexican government failed to provide jobs, education and control or to protect its citizens. No wonder a lot of mexican wanted to go to the US to get a job and benifit. And for criminals, they bring bit of money and illegal guns to Mexico and trade for drugs, then bring them back into the USA. America is not going to become mexico. Because 90% of Americans have brain and well educated.
Problem is that sooner or later 90% of the population here will be Mexican. Jack.
Mexican government failed to provide jobs, education and control or to protect its citizens. No wonder a lot of mexican wanted to go to the US to get a job and benifit. And for criminals, they bring bit of money and illegal guns to Mexico and trade for drugs, then bring them back into the USA. America is not going to become mexico. Because 90% of Americans have brain and well educated.
I'm not so sure about that if people (Americans) continue to assume that it's government's role to "provide jobs" or "benefits".

The problem is that Mexico has long been a socialist cleptocracy. Operating on bribes and being "more equal" (it's not what you know, its who you know) to get things done.

This is the model that Europe and the US have embraced as well. Unless we change course and quickly, we will become Mexico but not for lack of gun bans - they have gun bans and see how that's working for them?

He needs a tall glass of STFU with a plate of MYOB and a plane ticket home. Don't let the door hit you on the ass on the way out.
The Congressional Sargent at Arms should have arrested Calderon and then expatriated them back to the hellhole he came from. How dare he lecture us on our laws and freedoms!
NSSF issues press release in response to Calderon's speech...

For immediate release

May 20, 2010

Media Only:

Ted Novin
203-426-1320 (office)
202-253-1860 (cell)

Firearms Industry Responds to
Mexican President's Calls for the U.S. to
Reinstitute its Ban on Modern Sporting Rifles

NEWTOWN, Conn -- Following calls by Mexican President Felipe Calderon that the United States re-institute a ban on modern sporting rifles, or so-called "assault weapons," the National Shooting Sports Foundation (NSSF) -- the trade association for America's firearms industry -- issued the following statement:

"While we respect the work of President Calderon to willingly take on his country's powerful drug cartels, we are disappointed that he, in the name of security, would urge our Congress to reinstitute a failed ban on so-called 'assault weapons.'

"Let's be clear, semi-automatic rifles, demonized as so-called 'assault weapons,' are not machine guns but modern sporting rifles that are used every day by law-abiding Americans for the shooting sports, hunting and home protection. Since 2004, when the Clinton/Gore 'assault weapons' ban expired, modern sporting rifles have fast become one of the most popular types of firearms for law-abiding Americans to purchase.

"Firearms that Congress would label "assault weapons' are functionally no different than any other semi-automatic civilian sporting firearm. They shoot only one shot per trigger pull, no spray firing as some allege, and use the same ammunition as other guns of the same caliber. What differentiates modern sporting rifles from other guns is cosmetic; for example, the type of stock on the firearm.

"According to the Department of Justice, so-called "assault weapons" are rarely used in crimes (less than 2 percent). Furthermore, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has established that banning firearms and ammunition have no effect on crime levels.

"Some 29,000 firearms were recovered in Mexico in 2008, of which approximately 5,000 were traced to U.S. sources. That means more than 80 percent of the firearms recovered in Mexico were not traced to the United States. Furthermore, according to the ATF, those firearms traced were originally sold at retail not recently, but on average 14 years earlier. This is completely inconsistent with any notion that a flood of newly purchased firearms are being illegally smuggled over the border into Mexico. And let's not forget, no retail firearms sale can be made in the U.S. until after a criminal background check on the purchaser has been completed.

"In recent years as many as 150,000 Mexican soldiers, 17,000 last year alone, defected to go work for the drug cartels - bringing their American-made service-issued firearms with them. It has also been well documented that the drug cartels are illegally smuggling fully automatic firearms, grenades and other weapons into Mexico from South and Central America. Such items are not being purchased at retail firearms stores in the United States.

"Even more, investigations and regulatory compliance inspections by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) into firearms trafficking along the Southwest border have confirmed that firearms retailers are law-abiding businessmen and women who are playing a key role in detecting and deterring illegal purchases of firearms. As part of a Project Gun Runner Impact Team firearms trafficking operation, more than 1100 firearms retailers were inspected by ATF. Of these inspections only one retailer license was revoked. One.

"Members of the firearms industry take seriously the criminal acquisition and misuse of their products. This is why our industry supports the Southwest Border Violence Reduction Act of 2009, sponsored by Sen. Bingaman (D-NM) and Rep. Ciro Rodriguez (D-TX), and will continue to work cooperatively with law enforcement. For nearly a decade our industry has partnered with the ATF in a national campaign called Don't Lie for the Other Guy that makes the public aware that it is a serious crime to illegally straw purchase a firearm. The program also helps ATF to educate firearms retailers to be better able to detect and prevent illegal straw purchases. It is our hope that Don't Lie will once again receive grant funding from the Department of Justice – a move that would allow NSSF and ATF to further expand this worthwhile program. For the last year, Don't Lie has been financed entirely by members of the firearms industry.

"Again, we applaud President Calderon for taking steps to stop the cartels when past Mexican administrations paid only lip service and allowed rampant corruption to fester. Still, it is wrong for anyone to blame the Second Amendment and America's firearms industry for the problems Mexico is currently facing.

"Sacrificing the constitutional rights of law-abiding Americans will not make Mexico safer – especially when the sacrifice is rooted in unfounded allegations and hyperbole. President Calderon would be doing both his country and ours a favor if instead of pushing for already failed crime-control measures, he used his time in the United States to call for proven methods to combat criminal acts, such as putting more cops on the street and more prosecutors in the court rooms.".


About NSSF

The National Shooting Sports Foundation is the trade association for the firearms industry. Its mission is to promote, protect and preserve hunting and the shooting sports. Formed in 1961, NSSF has a membership of more than 5,500 manufacturers, distributors, firearms retailers, shooting ranges, sportsmen's organizations and publishers. For more information, log on to
Ya can't unring the bell big boy! The president of Mexico should be working on policing his own country/borders instead of offering advice to another country on how to police theirs.

It must suck when illegal sh*t gets smuggled across your borders and you are nearly powerless to stop it. Wait, that sounds very familiar...
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