Man shoots self in parents driveway

Aug 27, 2007
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While discussing the latest shootings at the gym someone told me a guy had driven into his parent's driveway and shot himself. I googled it and could find nothing on it. This supposedly happened in Westford. Then I thought I misunderstood and it happened long ago. Decided to check with someone I know who would 'know' what happened and my 'source' confirmed today that an adult male drove into his parent's driveway in Westford, last Thursday, and 'may have' shot himself. Until the investigation is closed my source could not tell me more and I didn't want to put this source in a compromised position. Evidently, someone driving by saw it happen and a police detail was very close by on the street and pretty much saw it happen. There was more general talk and it may have been that this man just lost his job and couldn't handle it.

Why do people insist on permanent solutions to temporary problems?[thinking]
Why do people insist on permanent solutions to temporary problems?[thinking]
In addition to mental illness, there's the matter that we have now deployed multiple generations educated in a school system to not know that failure is a real possibility and how to handle it...

Tack on liberal parents who don't want their kids to experience failure and loss and viola! You have a human being who lacks the skills to muddle through a life altering event that makes normal people depressed for a while...
Tack on liberal parents who don't want their kids to experience failure and loss and viola! You have a human being who lacks the skills to muddle through a life altering event that makes normal people depressed for a while...

Right on the money.
Not to be callous, but the title of the thread reminded me of an old joke, about the man who ran over himself.

He asked his wife to run down to the store to get him some cigarettes , and she said "do it yourself", so he ran over himself.
Wow, If the lady that spilt hot coffee all over her lap at McDonald's got big bucks, I wonder what this dude can get !!!

I can hear it now "Your honour, I was reaching for my chicken McNugget and BOOOOM!!! I lost my McNuggies.[sad]"

Yeah, read that he shot himself in the calf. Let's not let the facts get in the way here.[smile]
Depression can really mess with you mentally - "rational" gets redefined and not everyone can correct it without help.

I feel bad for everyone involved - parents, friends - they will all ask what they could have done - and there is something but every case is as different as the individual that needs help.
OK,let's take a pact right now as gun owners. if anyone here want's to off themselves,please do it by drug overdose.Not only is it not as messy,but it will take some of the heat off.Thank you for listening.
OK,let's take a pact right now as gun owners. if anyone here want's to off themselves,please do it by drug overdose.Not only is it not as messy,but it will take some of the heat off.Thank you for listening.

Better yet, just come here and let us know you are in trouble and maybe we can point you in the right direction.
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