Maine Refererendum on Background Checks?

"The referendum would include “reasonable exceptions from the background check requirement for family members, hunting and self-defense,” according to Maine Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense."

What the hell? Isn't that ... you know.... *all* sales? Oh wait, there's target and competition, they still require background checks.


I guess there's also "I want to do crimes" purchases. It's actually a good idea to make sure those people buy guns only from dealers.
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"The referendum would include “reasonable exceptions from the background check requirement for family members, hunting and self-defense,” according to Maine Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense."

Bumping this as I heard when passing through Portland yesterday that the Moms turned in 85,000+ signatures. So unless more than 20K are bogus, it will be on the ballot in a presidential election year that will bring a lot of folks out to vote.

Don't be duped by the "reasonable exceptions for hunting" quotes. I can't find the exact language online but I believe this is only to allow loaning a gun for hunting, not for transfer.

Very sad to see the former directors of IFW getting behind this publicly supporting.
More info here:

For folks in Maine, in case you don't know what comes the moment this's an "approved list". Dealer can't transfer if on the approved list so it becomes a very effective way to ban the sale of certain firearms.
I just posted on their facebook page... I'll probably get flamed for it. THey keep on talking about the "gunshow loophole" . THey need to be honest. There is no gunshow loophole. THe loophole is that private citizens do not need to do background checks on private sales of firearms and in fact they cannot do a background check since it is only available to FFL's.

BE HONEST .. if you want to outlaw private sales of guns THEN SAY IT!!!!!!
You know what I think? I don't think criminals follow the laws anyway? How does changing these laws deter crime? Seems to just take guns from decent people.
Most of those getting signatures were paid by Bloomberg. Some lied about what they were having people signing. Numerous cases of them being told to get off private property.

Also, many of them seen being carted around to different storefronts (after being told to leave) in out of state tagged vehicles. All signature gatherers must be Maine residents per state law.
On the news this morning, they said some sig gatherers were getting paid between $10-20 per.
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These clowns asked my gf and I when we were walking from the parking lot to a concert to sign a petition to "invest in grade K-12 funding."

Little did I know that I was being told a 66% lie or a 33% truth. I'm not a ME resident and neither are these guys:

Maine, knock these shitbags off their feet this Fall.
A little more on the petition signatures delivered by MDA.
The Maine initiative must gather 61,123 valid signatures by Jan. 22 to qualify, and MDA feels they have far surpassed that goal, dropping off 85,436 signatures collected from every county and city in the state.
According to paperwork filed with election officials, Fieldworks, a professional canvassing organization based in Washington D.C., hired some 200 individuals for the purpose of circulating petitions for signatures. The company specializes in Democratic party campaigns and includes Hillary Clinton for President and the AFL-CIO on its list of clients.

Since late October, when the petition process was green-lighted to proceed, Fieldworks has been seeking employees in Maine to help “improve public safety” promising up to $625 a week for their efforts. This alludes to an expenditure of as much as $1.1 million from the Bloomberg group to produce the mountain of petitions delivered this week.
Looks as if Maine is going to get messed up.
Defeat Bloomberg's Gun Control

Thank you for bringing attention to this deceptive attempt by Bloomberg to implement gun control in Maine.

A massive educational effort will be required to defeat this proposal, but we can do it. Consider that many Mainers were initially opposed to Constitutional Carry – and yet Mainers were able to learn about the virtues of CC and pass it.

That same CC coalition can defeat UBC in Maine.

Below is my attempt at a “cliff notes” listing of why Bloomberg’s UBC gun control should be OPPOSED by Maine voters (in no particular order):

1. Practically all the recent mass killers either passed a background check and/or stole the weapons they used. The background checks proved to be useless.

2. We can be assured that the criminal element will “universally” not subject themselves to these background checks, and yet still obtain whatever weapons they want.

3. The Universal Background Checks can only be implemented with Universal Gun Registration (which history shows ultimately leads to Universal Gun Confiscation).

4. This proposal is deceptively “sold” (and polled) as coming into play during the PURCHASE (i.e. change of ownership) of a firearm, however, the actual details of the proposal also affects the POSSESSION of firearms (e.g. loaning a gun to a hunting buddy for hunting season / transfer of a gun during a self-defense scenario).

5. Universal Background Checks result in a de facto a ban on handgun ownership for 18 to 21 year olds since Federal Law prohibits a Federal Firearms Licensee to transfer a handgun to anyone under the age of 21.

6. There is something inherently wrong in requiring citizens to obtain prior permission from the government before exercising U.S. Constitutional Rights.

7. The UBC proposal is being driven and financed by out-of-state interests (read: Bloomberg). As a general rule, Mainers DO NOT appreciate being told how to live their lives by outsiders.

8. The UBC proposal is in violation of the Maine State Constitution; “Every citizen has the right to keep and bear arms and this right shall NEVER be questioned”.

9. Mandating that citizens of a large rural state travel far distances to meet up at a Federal Firearm Dealer to get approval for a firearms transfer is an unfair burden on the exercise of their 2nd Amendment civil rights.

10. Maine is one of the safest states in the nation, there is certainly no need for additional criminal checks on the citizenry.

11. This proposal is just another burdensome regulatory requirement and taxation. Instead, we need to be reducing regulations as Maine successfully did with Constitutional Carry.

12. The ATF recently announced that it is already struggling with the current volume of gun background checks due to very high gun sales. The ATF also announced that there will be delays in the appeals process for those citizens denied gun purchases. Adding more background checks will only make these two situations worse.

Final Note: This whole issue reminds me of the 1994 “Assault Weapons Ban” whereby the general public’s confusion between full-auto and semi-auto was used to ban military-style rifles with certain cosmetic features (this law “sun-setted” 10 years later in 2004). One can only hope that the Maine people will be smart enough not to fall for this UBC deception.
Defeat Bloomberg's Gun Control

Some further information regarding #4 above:

It is important to put the UBC POSSESSION requirements into perspective.

The POSSESSION aspect of UBC essentially treats Title I firearms (i.e. America’s 300+ million guns) similarly to Title II NFA (National Firearms Act) firearms whereby only ATF approved NFA registered individuals, or ATF approved NFA Trustees can even “touch” the Title II firearm.

Title II NFA firearms include machine guns, short barreled rifles, short barreled shotguns, suppressors, and any other weapons. Possession of these items requires a detailed and lengthy ATF approval process and a one-time $200 tax stamp payment.

To place “NFA-like/lite” POSSESSION requirements on America’s 300+ million guns is an EXTREME infringement on our gun rights.
Here is another useful bullet list.

Know the Truth about Bloomberg's “Gun Background Check” Law!

1. This law would ban all transfers in Maine between two individuals, whether they be permanent or temporary transfers. It will become against the law to loan your best friend a shotgun so he can go hunting for a weekend.

2. This law is backed, financed, organized, supported and run by out of state money and out of state political organizations to make Maine more like MA, CT, NY and NJ.

3. The former Mayor of New York City, Michael Bloomberg, is the chief financial backer.

4. Most signature collectors are hired and paid for by an out of state firm with money supplied by Michael Bloomberg's anti-gun political organizations. Their effort is not a Maine grassroots effort.

5. If this proposed law gets on the ballot, Mainers will be bombarded by thousands and thousands of advertisements extolling the need for New York Style gun control here in Maine. This will be far worse than the bear hunting referendum as Michael Bloomberg has much more money than the Humane Society.

6. This law will require you to go to a gun store, fill out a form 4473, pay what ever fee the store requires and get federal permission, all to just buy a gun from your neighbor and/or best friend.

7. Under US vs. Haynes, any person who cannot pass a background check cannot be charged with failing to have one done since doing so would be a violation of their 5th Amendment rights. The only people who can be charged under this law are people who can pass the background check. How will that help fight crime?

8. This law is the first step towards registration. Once all gun transfers must be done with a 4473, all that will be needed is a new law or an executive order requiring that all 4473s and accompanying records need to be stored in a central database.

9. All gun dealers must conduct a background check whether they are at their store, at a gun show or any other place. This has been the law since 1998.

10. It has been the law since 1968 that you cannot buy a gun from a private party who is not a resident of your own state. Any gun bought on-line out of state must be shipped to a gun store to transfer to you.

11. An unintended consequence of this law will be to make many law abiding Mainers criminals for doing normal things that they have been doing for years. This law would make “furnishing” a gun to another person illegal. That means if you give access to a gun to another person then you have committed a crime. This could be as simple as going into a gas station while leaving your shotgun in the car with a friend.

12. Mainers do not need New York style gun control in our state. Do not sign this petition. It will do nothing to fight crime but it will make criminals out of good Maine people.
This document was produced by Project Educate, an independent grass roots project of concerned Maine citizens who want to keep our tradition of gun ownership alive and well for the next generation of Mainers.
Oregon implemented Bloomberg's Universal Background Checks and it is now getting very bad for gun owners there.

This is an indication of where they would like to take Maine.

"Virtually not a day goes by that we don’t hear from someone who has been delayed or denied without cause by the bureaucrats in the ID unit. Until now, gun buyers at least had the safeguard of being legally allowed to take possession of the firearm after three days if they had not been officially “denied.” Under this proposed legislation, even that safeguard will be stripped away.

Under LC 263 if the OSP choses to delay your purchase, you are simply out of luck. They may delay it forever.

The OSP ID Unit has made it their policy to ignore or stonewall any effort to correct faulty information that leads to delays and denials. We hear from people regularly who cannot get their calls returned and thus have their rights eliminated until the ID unit gets around to investigating the delay or denial.

The ATF has suspended processing appeals by people who have been denied without cause"
Assuming the government is so incompetent to not realize that this petition drive is a faked up rig-job.


It'll end up on the ballot, but it won't pass.

A "similar" group tried similar antics here in Vermont, and got their heads handed to them. "Gun Sense Vermont" claimed to be a local
They tried getting a measure passed in Montpelier, and were asked a question. The person "answering" it said they would have to ask "national", meaning out-of-state headquarters. They lost ALL credibility up here, as we don't like out of state interests getting involved in our politics. The politicians KNOW this, and will usually NOT support out of staters. If they do, they can look forward to losing reelection bids. Yes, a few communities in the Burlington area will keep them, but overall, this state won't keep them.

They aren't about "sense", unless you think denying American citizens the right of possession of firearms is good sense. These are nothing but a bunch of drooling lib-tard moonbats that are controlled by out of state interests, usually Bloomberg.

Needless to say, the measure failed, and the state passed their own version, but this one just mirrored existing federal law, with lower sentences. Essentially, they simply allowed state enforcement of federal law. Seeing the Feds aren't doing much here about Prohibited Possessors in possession of firearms, now the state can step in and deal with them.
Here is another useful bullet list.

Know the Truth about Bloomberg's “Gun Background Check” Law!

1. This law would ban all transfers in Maine between two individuals, whether they be permanent or temporary transfers. It will become against the law to loan your best friend a shotgun so he can go hunting for a weekend.

2. This law is backed, financed, organized, supported and run by out of state money and out of state political organizations to make Maine more like MA, CT, NY and NJ.

3. The former Mayor of New York City, Michael Bloomberg, is the chief financial backer.

4. Most signature collectors are hired and paid for by an out of state firm with money supplied by Michael Bloomberg's anti-gun political organizations. Their effort is not a Maine grassroots effort.

5. If this proposed law gets on the ballot, Mainers will be bombarded by thousands and thousands of advertisements extolling the need for New York Style gun control here in Maine. This will be far worse than the bear hunting referendum as Michael Bloomberg has much more money than the Humane Society.

6. This law will require you to go to a gun store, fill out a form 4473, pay what ever fee the store requires and get federal permission, all to just buy a gun from your neighbor and/or best friend.

7. Under US vs. Haynes, any person who cannot pass a background check cannot be charged with failing to have one done since doing so would be a violation of their 5th Amendment rights. The only people who can be charged under this law are people who can pass the background check. How will that help fight crime?

8. This law is the first step towards registration. Once all gun transfers must be done with a 4473, all that will be needed is a new law or an executive order requiring that all 4473s and accompanying records need to be stored in a central database.

9. All gun dealers must conduct a background check whether they are at their store, at a gun show or any other place. This has been the law since 1998.

10. It has been the law since 1968 that you cannot buy a gun from a private party who is not a resident of your own state. Any gun bought on-line out of state must be shipped to a gun store to transfer to you.

11. An unintended consequence of this law will be to make many law abiding Mainers criminals for doing normal things that they have been doing for years. This law would make “furnishing” a gun to another person illegal. That means if you give access to a gun to another person then you have committed a crime. This could be as simple as going into a gas station while leaving your shotgun in the car with a friend.

12. Mainers do not need New York style gun control in our state. Do not sign this petition. It will do nothing to fight crime but it will make criminals out of good Maine people.
This document was produced by Project Educate, an independent grass roots project of concerned Maine citizens who want to keep our tradition of gun ownership alive and well for the next generation of Mainers.

Very concise. I'm hoping this spreads about Maine like wildfire.
Know the Truth about Bloomberg's “Gun Background Check” Law!

1. This law would ban all transfers in Maine between two individuals, whether they be permanent or temporary transfers. It will become against the law to loan your best friend a shotgun so he can go hunting for a weekend.

2. This law is backed, financed, organized, supported and run by out of state money and out of state political organizations to make Maine more like MA, CT, NY and NJ.

3. The former Mayor of New York City, Michael Bloomberg, is the chief financial backer.

4. Most signature collectors are hired and paid for by an out of state firm with money supplied by Michael Bloomberg's anti-gun political organizations. Their effort is not a Maine grassroots effort.

5. If this proposed law gets on the ballot, Mainers will be bombarded by thousands and thousands of advertisements extolling the need for New York Style gun control here in Maine. This will be far worse than the bear hunting referendum as Michael Bloomberg has much more money than the Humane Society.

6. This law will require you to go to a gun store, fill out a form 4473, pay what ever fee the store requires and get federal permission, all to just buy a gun from your neighbor and/or best friend.

7. Under US vs. Haynes, any person who cannot pass a background check cannot be charged with failing to have one done since doing so would be a violation of their 5th Amendment rights. The only people who can be charged under this law are people who can pass the background check. How will that help fight crime?

8. This law is the first step towards registration. Once all gun transfers must be done with a 4473, all that will be needed is a new law or an executive order requiring that all 4473s and accompanying records need to be stored in a central database.

9. All gun dealers must conduct a background check whether they are at their store, at a gun show or any other place. This has been the law since 1998.

10. It has been the law since 1968 that you cannot buy a gun from a private party who is not a resident of your own state. Any gun bought on-line out of state must be shipped to a gun store to transfer to you.

11. An unintended consequence of this law will be to make many law abiding Mainers criminals for doing normal things that they have been doing for years. This law would make “furnishing” a gun to another person illegal. That means if you give access to a gun to another person then you have committed a crime. This could be as simple as going into a gas station while leaving your shotgun in the car with a friend.

12. Mainers do not need New York style gun control in our state. Do not sign this petition. It will do nothing to fight crime but it will make criminals out of good Maine people.
This document was produced by Project Educate, an independent grass roots project of concerned Maine citizens who want to keep our tradition of gun ownership alive and well for the next generation of Mainers.
Here is the source:
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Very concise. I'm hoping this spreads about Maine like wildfire.
My guess is, when presented as a ballot initiative, it will pass easily. That's why gun prohibitionists are pushing ballot initiatives in the states. Consider how the ballot question will be worded and then weigh that against the likelihood that average voter would vote against it.

"My guess, when presented as a ballot initiative, it will pass easily"

I would not be too sure of that.

In recent years, Mainers have proven that they can see through these out-of-state charades. In 2014 the anti-hunting Bear referendum was defeated, and in 2015 Mainers successfully passed Constitutional Carry through the legislature - becoming one of only a handful of CC States.

The key will be education of the general public, and it must start NOW because the UBC referendum is a particularly deceptive and insidious proposal. It will take some time to spread the truth about this - but it took a while to get everyone on board for CC so Mainers are familiar with how this works.
The key will be education of the general public, and it must start NOW because the UBC referendum is a particularly deceptive and insidious proposal. It will take some time to spread the truth about this - but it took a while to get everyone on board for CC so Mainers are familiar with how this works.
Therein^ lies the problem. A few RKBA advocates on a forum or two do not a voting population make, and the fudds in Maine are not going to be allies. Everytown/MDA can pour serious money into peddling fear and marketing their restriction.
Therein^ lies the problem. A few RKBA advocates on a forum or two do not a voting population make, and the fudds in Maine are not going to be allies. Everytown/MDA can pour serious money into peddling fear and marketing their restriction.

Don't underestimate the so-called FUDDs in Maine.

They defeated the anti-hunting bear referendum and came on board in support of Consitutional Carry.

The two organizations they trust, Sportsmens Alliance of Maine and Gun Owners of Maine, are OPPOSED to this Bloomberg UBC Referendum.

As a resident of Maine who has seen what happened in 2014 and 2015, I have no doubt that they will be opposed this UBC proposal.

The problem is we will also need to get the general public on board as well - and yes - in today's world that means forum posts, social media, facebook, twitter, letters to the editor, bumper stickers, all of the above, etc...
Don't underestimate the so-called FUDDs in Maine.

They defeated the anti-hunting bear referendum and came on board in support of Consitutional Carry.

The two organizations they trust, Sportsmens Alliance of Maine and Gun Owners of Maine, are OPPOSED to this Bloomberg UBC Referendum.

As a resident of Maine who has seen what happened in 2014 and 2015, I have no doubt that they will be opposed this UBC proposal.

The problem is we will also need to get the general public on board as well - and yes - in today's world that means forum posts, social media, facebook, twitter, letters to the editor, bumper stickers, all of the above, etc...

The FUDD's have gotten a lot smarter, though there's still a few idiots out there.

Many FUDD's have been looking to the local gun-rights organizations when this stuff comes up. plus, the NRA smartened up from their delusions of the early 90's. They all see the incremental creep for what it is.
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