MA shut down well into June???.....Wife’s work says so.

OK Faker. Prorate all income taxes and property taxes; if you keep everything shut for 3 months, then we should only pay 9/12th of MA income tax and property taxes this year. F off with your garbage and isolate only the groups at risk and let everybody else go back to their normal lives..
You are all making excellent points. Call the Turd's office tomorrow between 9 and 4. You'll be on hold for about 15 minutes. Surf the web till the aide picks up. (617) 725-4005
For certain people in certain lines of work, this thing is FOR REAL. No work, and $1200 isn't going to pay the bills.

What was Gerald Celente's line about people having lost everything and having nothing left to lose?

With the understanding that human is not your first language I will point out that we are a long way from "Nothing left to lose"...
I think they will keep everythink locked down as long as they can. Once they run out of money to pay state emp
negative, Critter. People won't riot. We're not that kind or people anymore. You probably couldn't even get 100 people to rally on the common. But why even bother? 200 phone calls tying up the governors phones is better than 100 protestors getting hassled by the hessians. You can do all this from your living room, or if you're a real outlaw, while you are driving around. "My call won't count for anything, blah, blah, blah......." . Just try it, if nothing else, you will feel better.

i expect that if the state runs out of money to send out entitlement checks or teachers start being furloughe. You will see demonstrations and things will open up very quick.
I just sent this to Bakers office, via the email link on the governor's website:

Heard your address today declaring schools closed for the year. You sounded weak, feeble, unmoving. Your half hearted declaration that you are one of the affected people who is being hurt by your closed economy...I have to call bs on that one. You are getting overpaid. As are all your useless hack appointees, like the hack who ran the VA hospital. All the useless agency hacks are getting paid to stay home. All the registry hacks, all the DPH hacks. You are hurting the people that pay the salaries of all your hacks. You are hurting them and their families. Start acting like a leader.

7 minutes total. Done.
the human garbage always have a support system behind them, seanc. Look at all the nicely printed poster boards that show up at the spontaneous protests. I'm saying real, everyday people don't have it in them anymore sean.
With the understanding that human is not your first language I will point out that we are a long way from "Nothing left to lose"...
You, maybe.

There are an awful lot of people out there (like my aunt's seamstress friend: suicide cuz no work) to whom that doesn't apply.
OK Faker. Prorate all income taxes and property taxes; if you keep everything shut for 3 months, then we should only pay 9/12th of MA income tax and property taxes this year. F off with your garbage and isolate only the groups at risk and let everybody else go back to their normal lives..

Are Government employees being paid right now that aren't actually working?
paid furloughs are a result of public sector union negotiation. The party line is to furlough as many as possible to "contain the spread" of the flu, while still keeping the government functioning. As a result, many agencies are running with lean staffing now, basically so the taxpayer can feel the pain of the flu pandemic. An aside, even on a good day, when isn't the RMV a PITA. Anyhow, the furloughed hacks are getting paid, while many of the "furloughed" private sector employees, and small businessmen have no idea where their next check is coming from.
No chance the state opens up 5/4. End of June best case.

CDC came out today and believe the winter wave will be worse than this.. buckle up
Is there some edict that says you can't go fishing? Staying away from others it should be no problem

Marina's closed , public boat ramps closed.

Shore fishing maybe till someone bitches about seeing people enjoying something and that will be banned too.
You should listen to the scanner and some of the calls coming in, JFC .
"I saw three people playing baseball, send a police car."
"I saw four people walking and I don't think they were exactly six feet apart , sent a cop "
You can tell by the responses on the radio the cops are loosing patience with all the PITA busy bodies.
negative, Critter. People won't riot. We're not that kind or people anymore.

He's not wrong though, although initially it won't be a window breaking, urine bottle throwing, kind of riot. More like building unrest, and likely a gradual increase in civil disobedience. Of course with social media, shaming virtue signaling retard culture and CoronaKarens this will be a little more difficult than usual, etc.

It's easy to say that "people won't do that" but I don't think you see the numbers of the situation here. MILLIONS of people aren't working right
now. Even if only 10% of that get pissed off, that's still a shitload of pissed off people. Some have sucked for being Corona Karens, but others have
not. And they're likely pissed. Like really pissed, getting more pissed by the day. Also don't forget a lot of circuses are missing. No sportsball and about 900
other things are all closed by edict. So that makes it even more difficult for people to ignore the situation.

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No surprise. All leftist politicians compare dick sizes by being the most radical. Trump and the rest of the country will open up in due time while commie states remain in lockdown, just as planned.
He's not wrong though, although initially it won't be a window breaking, urine bottle throwing, kind of riot. More like building unrest, and likely a gradual increase in civil disobedience. Of course with social media, shaming virtue signaling retard culture and CoronaKarens this will be a little more difficult than usual, etc.

It's easy to say that "people won't do that" but I don't think you see the numbers of the situation here. MILLIONS of people aren't working right
now. Even if only 10% of that get pissed off, that's still a shitload of pissed off people. Some have sucked for being Corona Karens, but others have
not. And they're likely pissed. Like really pissed, getting more pissed by the day.

It will start as "little" things: some politician has his house burn down. Someone else gets a bullet, knife in him, or a beating by a "madman" at the grocery.

This won't be the Dindu-style wrecking of one's own neighborhood - it'll be perfectly targeted. And prelude to civil war. The actual kind, unlike that little dustup we had in the 1860s. Ask the folks from the Balkans about it. You cannot trust your neighbor. All the "We're In This Together" platitudes - I have to snicker. No we're not. Some are doing OK, some are utterly ruined. By EO fiat. Some "We's" are more "We" than others.
This is going to have some serious long term effects, Drug and alcohol use are way up. People are depressed and feeling isolated businesses closing for good. Tenants are going to not pay rent. The landlords will start to default on mortgages if they are not stable. I bet we see a huge surge in suicides also. Very sad. End the lock down it’s not worth it.
Cambridge is about to start rolling vans around the city and broadcasting over loudspeaker how to be socially distant.

Dis gun be gud.

Lol they're already used to that shit with the street sweeping. I remember going into work one morning and witnessing the dump truck with the loudspeaker driving
around.... I realize it was only broadcasting messages about street sweeping and how cars on X side of the street would be towed, but there was just something creepy as f*** about
the whole thing, like as if it was cut right out of an Orwell novel or something.....

This is going to have some serious long term effects, Drug and alcohol use are way up. People are depressed and feeling isolated businesses closing for good. Tenants are going to not pay rent. The landlords will start to default on mortgages if they are not stable. I bet we see a huge surge in suicides also. Very sad. End the lock down it’s not worth it.

Of course too when people start eating guns they will blame the guns and gun owners, and gun shops for the suicides... instead of blaming the politicians or even just blaming the stupid
virus or chinese for it.
Lol they're already used to that shit with the street sweeping. I remember going into work one morning and witnessing the dump truck with the loudspeaker driving
around.... I realize it was only broadcasting messages about street sweeping and how cars on X side of the street would be towed, but there was just something creepy as f*** about
the whole thing, like as if it was cut right out of an Orwell novel or something.....

Given the choice between that and Somerville, where they'll steal your car and still not sweep, I'll take the occasional reminder they're doing swiping in Cambridge. Somehow, this feels way more helicopter parent to me.

But maybe I'm just desensitized...
This is going to have some serious long term effects, Drug and alcohol use are way up. People are depressed and feeling isolated businesses closing for good. Tenants are going to not pay rent. The landlords will start to default on mortgages if they are not stable. I bet we see a huge surge in suicides also.

There will be (already is?) a huge propaganda push about how all this was an inherent failure of capitalism. Those who fail to adjust will be designated as the Kulaks, and our productive assets bought by the central planning boards for pennies on the dollar. High-profile people who toe the line will be declared Heroes of Pandemia.

Where have I seen this movie before?
It will start as "little" things: some politician has his house burn down. Someone else gets a bullet, knife in him, or a beating by a "madman" at the grocery.

This won't be the Dindu-style wrecking of one's own neighborhood - it'll be perfectly targeted. And prelude to civil war. The actual kind, unlike that little dustup we had in the 1860s. Ask the folks from the Balkans about it. You cannot trust your neighbor. All the "We're In This Together" platitudes - I have to snicker. No we're not. Some are doing OK, some are utterly ruined. By EO fiat. Some "We's" are more "We" than others.

this IS the civil war.

we are just too asleep to notice.

As long as most of us are still getting paid and “social distancing” and “doing the right thing” and willing to put up with what Is basically a revocation of the Constitution. once we “get back to normal” and everything is different maybe then we will have realized to war was fought and won. And we all slept through it.

and WE lost.
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