Lynn COP retiring...

I saw this in the paper today. If one of the deputy chiefs takes his place I don't think there will be any problems. I'm not sure who they are going to appoint though. We'll see.

I was talking with my father about it over the weekend and he didn't seem to concerned, but he said he knew both DCOP. Least I think there is two.

I was also talking to my uncle and dad's friend who have a brother that has been with the Lynn PD a really long time and neither one seemed to concerned with the possible replacements even if it went to a test. I'm hoping for the best but know it could change in a minute.
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Both DCOP are good guys, one of them arranged for me to get my LTC A. I'm pretty sure Lynn will stay Green unless the go outside of the system, which I doubt.
i got my ALP under under Suslak, hope it stays the same - even though i no longer live there; i have peeps and family members who do.
Don't sit back and hope that everything works out. Open your mouth and let those who will make the decision know about your concerns. If you don't, you've got only yourselves to blame if things don't turn out well.

Lynn's a Civil Service Dept all the way to COP. You can speak up all you want, but it will do no good. The acting COP will be Deputy Coppinger. He will be in place for quite a while while the city figures whether they will use an assessment board or the exam system. All Civil Service. No appointment board.
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