LTC / FID application


NES Member
Apr 27, 2005
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This is a pdf of the LTC / FID application. It is a pdf. You can simply fill out the form on your computer and then print it. It looks nice and pretty for when youi give it to the chief. This is the new form. You may want to check to see if it is the same one for your town. I also have the same thing for the older form if anyone needs it.
My friend said he matched it to the Bellingham one and it was the same as he had picked up from the station. I would sudgest every one look at there towns before filling the form.
Or simply fill out the one from the state web site. The only way the locals can complain is if they admit that they're using an illegal application. BTW, those long links to the state site tend to change very quickly as they constantly revise their layout, so you may need to start with the main page and work your way upstream through EOPS and CHSB to find the form.

KMaurer said:
Or simply fill out the one from the state web site.

The one I have linked to you can fill out on your computer and print, Opposed to handwriting the information in. You cannot do this with all PDF's and the standard Acrobat software. Makes it a little easier on the cheifs eyes, He might reward you for the effort. You don't need a cover sheet in some towns but, the extra effort does not hurt.

P.S. Len, I believe the file you linked to is the same form as the other one I have, but I can also fill mine in via computer. I'll check when I get home.
By LAW, there is ONE FORM and it is state designed and issued. It is NOT legal for PDs to create their own LTC/FID/MG form.

However, we all know that the PDs do what they want and don't abide by the laws . . . they are impervious to prosecution for doing this or adding their own arbitrary requirements.

BUT these self-generated requirements/forms can be used by sending them to our state reps/sen and complaining that we need to take away the chief's discretionary powers since they are abusive and refuse to follow the law (use the ONE approved form), and act arbitrary and capriciously in issuing LTCs! Suggest instead that the STATE should issue ALL LTCs/FIDs according to State Law and that the local chiefs can't be trusted. [wink]
I agree, but neither form was "made" by the local PD. They were simply modified electronicly so that they can be fillied out on you compuer. The end result is a application that looks the same as if you filled it in with a typewriter.
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