Len & Pics


Jul 19, 2005
On a "Range" Near By.
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Training Photos and Awards are what we are all about. There is a file that I can place online with the award acceptance that we video taped with our digital camera that more than explains the context of the award.

Like they say a Picture is worth a 1000 words! But video explains it all.

Jim, Andy and I believe in keeping great records.

Wasn't Randy placing it on his web site?
Alright troublemaker! No wonder you hang around Jim so much!

Well post away! BTW, this really belongs in off-topic but I'm going to let it stand.

I'm also going to spoil all your and Jim's fun, once and for all and describe what went on here and what you troublemakers are talking about!


At the Randy Cain course this past June, we were shooting the final drill (or very close to it) and it was a pressure cooker drill. Randy had made the targets into 3-D and cut holes that made it damn near impossible to see where your bullets were going when he had us aim for those two openings.

At any rate, Randy's training really works and with proper concentration I was able to shoot a very nice group (where I had been not so good at the beginning of the course - and that is putting it kindly).

Randy always inspects each student's target at the end of every drill. When he inspected mine, he pulled me out of line and put his arm on my shoulder. What happened next certainly shocked me (and maybe the others as well), but he "mugged" me with a fake kiss! [roll] as he had exclaimed how much I had improved!

That's it folks! Much ado about nothing.

Now the children (Jim and Mike) can go back to tormenting insect and small animals again.

On a very serious note: If you ever get an opportunity to train with Randy Cain (from TN), take it. He's an excellent instructor and you will learn a lot (even if you think that you know everything!).
Nickle said:
You know, Adam, I don't why he's so worried, he IS from Massachussetts, after all. [roll]

Hey, watch that stuff!

If you don't behave, I'll sentence you to 30 days at Simmons College!

Believe me you would suffer in spades!

* Very large on Anti-American positions,
* Very anti-military,
* Mostly lesbian community (all extracurricular activities are focused on this . . . I pity the straights),
* Many Professors wear "badges" of how many times they've been arrested at protests. Proudly displaying pictures in their offices!

I guarantee that you'd go insane in that environment!

I was working there during/after 9/11 . . . keeping a civil tongue was a major effort. I quit there in March 2002 for many unrelated justifiable reasons.
If I can survive Bad Toelz and Active Component ANCOC, I could survive that. Like I said, they'd suffer. You've met my nice, sweet, innocent wife, right? Did you know what she used to do for a living? Supply Sergeant and part-time OJT Drill Sergeant in a Basic Training and AIT unit in the Army. And, yes, we were married several years by then. And I'm the one good at playing head games. Yeah, Len, I might even LIKE it there. I can play on them right back.
In your description of the now famous award, you made several errors of fact.
First, while I agree that you were much improved. Your target was the very best one that any of us shot. Please stop all of this modesty thing of yours. You beat us pure and simple.
Secondly, that did not look like a fake kiss from where I was standing.
Lastly, I know that you were shocked and very embarassed, judging by your red face. My question is about how much you enjoyed it. You seemed to be holding on real tight.
In truth, Randy had Len bent over so far, kind of like a tango dancer, that he were holding on so that he would not fall on his butt.

These are my final words on this subject.
JimConway said:
My question is about how much you enjoyed it. You seemed to be holding on real tight.
In truth, Randy had Len bent over so far, kind of like a tango dancer, that he were holding on so that he would not fall on his butt.

These are my final words on this subject.

WHOA!!!!! Too much information there...

Just what sort of "CLASS" was this??? [twisted]
If I can survive Bad Toelz

Hey, I was there once for 30 days and I recall it snowing every day. I think it was Flint Kaserne, but I could have it mixed up with another. Wasn't really crazy about the place,got tired of hearing Barry Sadler every night. [lol]
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