Kefir and Kombucha


NES Member
Jan 7, 2009
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I don't know if this belongs in the Survival or OT forum, but does anyone brew either?

I was making kombucha by the barrel a while back until I got bored with it. I'm thinking about milk kefir now. Anyone brew it? Have a source for the best grains? Any other tips that you wish you found out beforehand?

Thanks in advance.
I bought some kefir grains here that work. Instructions are in the package -

I bought some kefir grains here that work. Instructions are in the package -

Cool. Thanks. Just ordered from them.
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Mother in law used to make both. Was a little harder in the winter due to the house being colder but was usually made a lot between April and October.
I bought some kefir grains here that work. Instructions are in the package -

Great shipping, packaging, and service from them. Thank you for the recommendation.
Mother in law used to make both. Was a little harder in the winter due to the house being colder but was usually made a lot between April and October.
It's funny you mention that. I've been making it for about a week and the last two days the grains have really exploded in volume. I don't know if that's a factor of them getting acclimated to their new routine or the warmer weather we've been having.
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