is N.H. becoming to much like Mass survey

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Trashua is getting to be very much like mass because there has been such an influx of former mass residents who moved here and then decide to try and make it more like mass. go figure
Trashua is getting to be very much like mass because there has been such an influx of former mass residents who moved here and then decide to try and make it more like mass. go figure

They move down here into Plymouth County and try to make it like Essex and Middlesex. I can't figure it out, either!
It depends on which parts of southern NH you are talking about. Some of the more urban/populated areas might but they are still part of NH.

We will know more in 2008 after the election. If NH stays Democratic then the state is in trouble.
Very true. This is going to be a key indicator, IMO.
It depends on which parts of southern NH you are talking about. Some of the more urban/populated areas might but they are still part of NH.

We will know more in 2008 after the election. If NH stays Democratic then the state is in trouble.
Jim, I know you cling to NH being a refuge from MA, but face it, buddy, it's becoming massified as we speak. I'm surprised the people up there are allowing it to happen and make no mistake about it, they are allowing it, mainly by apathy. The new ones are running around voting like mad, I think the old-timer NH dwellers have been asleep at the wheel.....

As for Maine, another poster has it right. They have libs up there, but they're homegrown, and can be surprisingly hardline when certain lines are crossed. I know Portland is a lost cause, but most of the rest of the state wants to keep it in Portland, from what I read in the local papers up there.
As for Maine, another poster has it right. They have libs up there, but they're homegrown, and can be surprisingly hardline when certain lines are crossed. I know Portland is a lost cause, but most of the rest of the state wants to keep it in Portland, from what I read in the local papers up there.

I think that's also true for many of the Dem/lib voters in NH too. Let's face it, the Repubs are hardly anything worth voting for now - they are no different than the Dems for the most part (maybe more pro-gun, but that's about it). Most of the Dem voters I've seen up here still own firearms, hunt and pretty much like to leave people the hell alone.

Certainly in Nashua, Brookline and other border towns you have the soccer mom and dads from Mass, but they are in the minority. Most people in NH, both Dem and Lib are people I can live with.

Of course. I think what you are seeing is a general swing of the pendulum to the other side in the country as a whole. People feel betrayed by this administration, and there's only one way to vent that frustraton.
Jim, I know you cling to NH being a refuge from MA, but face it, buddy, it's becoming massified as we speak. I'm surprised the people up there are allowing it to happen and make no mistake about it, they are allowing it, mainly by apathy. The new ones are running around voting like mad, I think the old-timer NH dwellers have been asleep at the wheel.....

As for Maine, another poster has it right. They have libs up there, but they're homegrown, and can be surprisingly hardline when certain lines are crossed. I know Portland is a lost cause, but most of the rest of the state wants to keep it in Portland, from what I read in the local papers up there.
I always love it when people who live "South of Boston" tell me how NH is becoming. Kind of that "miserly loves company thing."

During the last election, the Union Leader ran a survey that showed that, for the most part, MA-immigrants voted more conservatively than the NH-bred average voter. Makes sense, if you think about who is leaving the Socialist Paradise that is MA.

Make no mistake, I'm all for setting up a border fence, but I think the actual detrimental effect of "northern migration" has more to do with sheer numbers, and population density, than it does with the "type" of people coming north.

As far as the recent swing toward Dem legislators, I think that has more to do with protest of the current administration than a shift toward moon-bat philosophy (except in Wilton, which is Moon-Bat Regional Headquarters). The problem with the "protest vote" is who you end up with, i.e. that jackass Hodes and Carol Shea-Pelosi.
If you're talking about the convenience store robbery story, it's not really unusual, although I think it's a stupid policy. Unfortunately, one of the things robbers want is no witnesses around to talk to the police. Which results in dead clerks.
By the time NH becomes anywhere near as bad as MA, anyone
remotely resembling a conservative in MA will have been rounded
up and put on trains..... NH has a long way to go before it even
approaches 1/10th of the BS in MA. At least the government up
there is still somewhat functional.

I always love it when people who live "South of Boston" tell me how NH is becoming. Kind of that "miserly loves company thing."

I'm right there with you on that ... Ma**h***s surrendered their state by their do-nothing, defeatist attitudes, and seem to feel like they've got the right to surrender ours pre-emptively as well. This pattern is pretty typical of theatitude that Massachusetts is somehow the "Boss" of all of the New England states (note how Menino thinks he's the Mayor of New England, not just the cesspool city that he presdies over).

Mass and NH are two TOTALLY different places. Feel free to live in the dungheap you created, but don't think for a moment that we're anything like you.

NH ... At least the government up
there is still somewhat functional.
This is the thing that folks that have become entrenched in Mass don't understand. They're just used to the fact that they're Government pretty much runs rampant with no input from the people whatsoever. Our Governor is up for re-electtion every TWO YEARS for crying out loud. That absolutely is a deterrent to f***ing up. Consider how quickly former Governor Jean Shaheen got kicked to the curb when she brought up the possibility of instituting a sales tax and state income tax. Above that our legislature only works part-time so they have to pick and choose carefully what is really important to get done and focus only on that. There's not a lot of that "Idle Hands" shit going on, where our lawmakers have nothing to do so they sit around concocting more bullshit.
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I'm right there with you on that ... Ma**h***s surrendered their state by their do-nothing, defeatist attitudes, and seem to feel like they've got the right to surrender ours pre-emptively as well.
You know, I said nothing of the kind and really don't appreciate you putting words into my mouth.
This pattern is pretty typical of theatitude that Massachusetts is somehow the "Boss" of all of the New England states
Now you really are full of yourself, aren't you?
Mass and NH are two TOTALLY different places. Feel free to live in the dungheap you created, but don't think for a moment that we're anything like you.
Oh, so morally superior. Now I hope ever liberal moron in this state moves up to NH and ruins it even more for you. Then those few of us down here who can't stand the way the state goes (no matter how we vote) will have lots of company. Dungheap we created? Watch who you're talking to. [sad2]
BigWarden said:
I'm right there with you on that ... Ma**h***s surrendered their state by their do-nothing, defeatist attitudes, and seem to feel like they've got the right to surrender ours pre-emptively as well.
You know, I said nothing of the kind and really don't appreciate you putting words into my mouth. Now you really are full of yourself, aren't you?

Well, you did say this:
reinbeau said:
I know you cling to NH being a refuge from MA, but face it, buddy, it's becoming massified as we speak. I'm surprised the people up there are allowing it to happen and make no mistake about it, they are allowing it, mainly by apathy. The new ones are running around voting like mad, I think the old-timer NH dwellers have been asleep at the wheel.....
That does bespeak of a rather know-it-all attitude from someone who doesn't live or vote here, and it does sort of sound like you're giving up the state for us. Could you enlighten us as to where you came by those insights?
Oh, so morally superior. Now I hope ever liberal moron in this state moves up to NH and ruins it even more for you.

So ... you're planning on moving here then?

Seriously. I don't give a rats-ass what you think about MY State. Get you own house in order first then tell me what's wrong with ours.
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