How much do you Practice? Is it organized or sporadic?

On a more realistic note, seeing your name closer to the top of the results is a much more gratifying experience, than searching and searching.[smile]

This is true!

I need to do more dry fire practice because I can't get out and practice more than once a week max due to work and family obligations. I tell myself that dry firing in the basement will help me, and I know this to be true, but I hardly ever do it because by the time I'm home from work an the kids are in bed I'm nearly ready to go to sleep myself :(
Honestly, I think my shooting improved the most when I was dry firing 4-5 mornings per week for 15-20 minutes. Lately, I've been shooting more live fire but a lot less dry fire. I noticed my reloads feel much slower than they used to. I gotta start getting my butt out of bed earlier. Or staple some targets over my bed. ;)
I dry fire my pistol every other day or so, sneak in rifle dry-fire occasionally, and lately run 3-4 shotgun reloading drills a day (the horror).

Live fire happens, say, once every 1.5 weeks, on average, and can be pistol, rifle, or shotgun (ugh). I've been doing weekly pistol practices with another NESer until recently, which helped a lot.

I can't stand .22, for some reason. I try to like it, but I just don't.
I dry practice 3 - 4 times a week and Live fire about 2. I use Mike Seeklander's Session A and B from his book. 10 repetitions of each drill, and have made audio tapes with timers built in with par times. It is a set 15 or 20 minute session, which includes both, basic draws, reloads and transitions, most of which include moving while doing these drills. I find, the best way to increase your overall time is not to shoot faster, but to draw, reload move and transition faster. I use live fire to practice double taps versus controlled pairs at multiple targets, varying distances and partials, or to set up a stage and break it down by those components.
When I live fire, even if it's practicing a classifier like El Pres, I write down each time, draw, dbl tap, transition, reload. This is for a record of future progress, but also to slow me down and not just blast rounds, as it allows me to analyze each run. I then set a goal for the next, whether it is working on speed or accuracy. That's what I try to do.
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