
Welcome, from another relatively new greeny. You'll find members who are very helpful, opinionated (brandaddicts), part of law enforcement, active in state politics and a wealth of knowledge. There are Giveaways (Karma), a great place for LEGAL deals and market place, you can get legal interpretation of local laws . . . . Everything that people can give to a close knit community. You will also find that people are guarded and a bit wary of people they do not know because of the focus of this group and the atmosphere of hate toward us from all around, even though the vast majority of us (I hate to speak in absolutes) are law abiding, even friendly, people. Apparently there have been some anti-gunners who have infiltrated or monitored the site with bad intentions. Because of this community you will find it very supportive; we are all in for the same reasons, but remember to support in return. Welcome.
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