Has " Cadilac " Deval made any changes ?

Dec 28, 2007
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Have there been any changes in MA. gun laws or policies ? I tried doing a search but couldn't find anything .
I've heard that " for all lawful purposes " will no longer be an acceptable reason for wanting a class A permit . I've heard that when my class A expires - 2010 - it will not be approved for renewal .
Deval wanted to limit gun purchases to 1 per month . Whats happening with that ?
Has he done anything besides buy himself a new cadilac ?
I've heard that " for all lawful purposes " will no longer be an acceptable reason for wanting a class A permit . I've heard that when my class A expires - 2010 - it will not be approved for renewal .

That is not true. A while ago the liscensing was changed to eliminate "reason for issuance" or some such thing to "restrictions". so, assuming you live in a green town (see the sticky in this forum), you will be renewed with a liscense that says "Restricitons: none" rather than "all lawful purposes".

It is still up to the CLEO of your town, or his assignee, to decide what you get. If the CLEO has changed in your town, you may have trouble.

Oh yeah, welcome to NES!
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So, assuming you live in a green town (see the sticky in this forum), you will be renewed with a liscense that says "Restricitons: none" rather than "all lawful purposes".

It is still up to the CLEO of your town, or his assignee, to decide what you get.

My LTC-A/ALP came up for renewal under the reign of King Deval the First, and what matt said is exactly correct, at least in my town - and I believe elsewhere as well.
Uhaul patrick hasn't done anything which affects us, YET... part
of this is because he's kinda had some falling out with even our
own corrupt liberal politicians, surprisingly enough. Jarret Barrios
replacement hasn't quite gotten up to speed yet, either. The
clock is likely ticking on the "1 gun a month" BS, though. I have a
bad feeling about it. Only thing that might be able to make
it fail is if GOAL (and perhaps some of us by writing letters) can
demonstrate that there isn't really a link between places that have
"gun a month" legislation and actual gun crimes or even recovered
crime guns. Trace data that shows up periodically shows that
most of the "crime guns" found in MA aren't from here anyways,
so it remains to be seen (like with nearly all other gun laws) what
legitimate purpose a stupid "gun a month" ban would have, other
than further denying citizen's rights to buy/keep/collect as many
arms as they feel the need to. We all know when the criminals
are buying and trading guns on the street that they will not give
a rats ass about gun laws. This fact is so obvious to me that,
logically speaking, gun laws must have an ulterior motive to them-
which is trying to disarm/discourage everyone who isn't in LE or

Uhaul patrick hasn't done anything which affects us, YET... part
of this is because he's kinda had some falling out with even our
own corrupt liberal politicians, surprisingly enough. Jarret Barrios
replacement hasn't quite gotten up to speed yet, either. The
clock is likely ticking on the "1 gun a month" BS, though. I have a
bad feeling about it.

The problem Mike is that logic and facts can never get in the way of feel good liberal legislation. It's all about appearing to do "something" even if the something is completely meaningless.

I think Deval has had too much going on between the first several months of bad PR and the increasingly obvious financial problems to pursue his gun control agenda. It will come though. [angry]

Trace data that shows up periodically shows that
most of the "crime guns" found in MA aren't from here anyways,
so it remains to be seen (like with nearly all other gun laws) what
legitimate purpose a stupid "gun a month" ban would have, other
than further denying citizen's rights to buy/keep/collect as many
arms as they feel the need to.

Where does this trace data come from, if it's not from BATFE?

I think we need more information about all of the differences between the licensing requirements of "one-gun-a-month" states and Massachusetts, to be able to properly formulate a reasoned and logical letter to our elected representatives.
The problem Mike is that logic and facts can never get in the way of feel good liberal legislation. It's all about appearing to do "something" even if the something is completely meaningless.

I realize that- eg, that when dealing with MA liberals (really,
socialists, calling them liberals is almost too nice) that logic and
reason don't really apply. The only end-game stop gap on this
might end up being that it may cost money to implement- and if
the state is in a fiscal crisis, it's going to rest on how badly they
want to do it. Invariably, enforcing the restriction (eg via MIRCS
or whatever) is probably going to cost some money.

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Where does this trace data come from, if it's not from BATFE?

Once in a great while BATFE/DOJ does spew out some non-specific
trace data. EG, they will produce numbers categorized by
state. Usually there is nothing more specific than that,
however. (eg, as is precluded by the whole Tiahrt amendment
thing. )

I realize that- eg, that when dealing with MA liberals (really,
socialists, calling them liberals is almost too nice) that logic and
reason don't really apply.

I knew you knew that! [grin] You're right about liberals. Democrat = Liberal = Socialist. Which is why I don't vote for them. Which is why I plan to move out of this state when I retire.

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